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Posted in: A Guide to Clans
08-08-2004, 6:05 PM
but coleaders are very important, whos going 2 help u run the clan? people leave clans when the leader becomes inactive (even for a day or 2) coleaders need 2 have knowledge of maps, stategies, and of all the players skills....  [Read More]
Posted in: A Guide to Clans
08-08-2004, 5:32 AM
good post but left a bunch out... 5 most important things for starting clan: 1. Get Loyal/Good Co-Leaders 2. Tryout all members (friends 2) 3. Choose Clan Wars Carefully (dont overstep ur clans boundries) 4. Work on Teamwork during Public Rooms (do...  [Read More]
Posted in: Introduce yourself!
08-12-2004, 12:40 AM
Hey, my name is Hesh. i did drugs once. im on fire, so check me out!...  [Read More]
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