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Page: 6 of 54
Posted in: What do you call your hot water bottle?
02-22-2010, 8:51 PM
wtf is a hot water bottle?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bounty Hunters and Smugglers Ahoy!
04-19-2010, 9:02 PM
Smuggler, Imma be the drug dealer of the universe sucka...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi players... Knight or Consular?
05-04-2010, 10:44 PM
I'd be a Knisular!...  [Read More]
AP, and MW2 for me, though there are several games not on that list that I am also looking forward to, I just forgot to click on Yoda when I voted, so I'll just name some of them now. Not that I'll be getting all these, they're just on my watch list....  [Read More]
Posted in: Is there a good Anime out there?
05-02-2010, 4:08 PM
^^ Psh, Macross pwns Death Note...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bleach Manga Megathread! [Spoilers]
02-25-2010, 11:38 PM
So... it's getting good It's fun seeing Aizen slap bitches around....  [Read More]
Posted in: Can it be loli tiem nao: K-ON! Megathread
04-16-2010, 8:10 PM
I think a new season started :¬:  [Read More]
Posted in: What are you watching/reading now?
06-04-2010, 11:02 PM
^^ Bebop is Jawsome (, DBGT... is quite awful actually XD...  [Read More]
Posted in: What are you watching/reading now?
05-21-2010, 8:10 PM
there wont be a proper Haruhi movie fansub for a while yet, not until the DVD comes out, there's a CAM fansub, but yeah, screw that....  [Read More]
Posted in: What are you watching/reading now?
05-20-2010, 9:42 PM
K-On! is fun and all, just could have been much better if it had moar musics, but K-On! is vastly superior to that Haruhi S2 Endless Eight bull****, that was ****ing awful....  [Read More]
Posted in: What are you watching/reading now?
05-02-2010, 5:32 PM
I think CN still shows episodes of Bebop on Saturday nights/early Sunday mornings. I'm watching Durarara and K-On! 2 right now....  [Read More]
Posted in: What are you watching/reading now?
04-18-2010, 4:15 PM
Samurai 7 is the only other "samurai" anime I can think of off the top of my head, I haven't seen it myself but I hear it's pretty hit or miss....  [Read More]
Posted in: What are you watching/reading now?
04-06-2010, 5:13 PM
re-watching Last Exile :carms:...  [Read More]
Posted in: What are you watching/reading now?
03-04-2010, 12:32 AM
Posted in: What are you watching/reading now?
01-24-2010, 9:38 PM
Bleach manga has been getting gud...  [Read More]
Posted in: What are you watching/reading now?
09-25-2009, 12:41 AM
I'm watching Code Geass, hooray for dead forums...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Vidya Music
04-17-2010, 1:39 AM
yay, revive thread Z1Qo_GhbQt4...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mass Effect 2 [thread contains spoilers]
03-19-2010, 5:21 PM
I don't understand how Thane's glasses are sticking to his head, he has no ears....  [Read More]
Posted in: Mass Effect 2 [thread contains spoilers]
03-13-2010, 11:26 PM
Did you probe Uranus Pavvy?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mass Effect 2 [thread contains spoilers]
03-13-2010, 1:36 AM
Maybe, but ME2 isn't going to have a very large modding scene, considering BioWare didn't release any tool kits or anything....  [Read More]
Posted in: Mass Effect 2 [thread contains spoilers]
03-07-2010, 9:23 PM
Yeh, Mordin has a random propensity for death so if you want him to survive it's best to either have him escort the crew back or keep him with you for the finale....  [Read More]
Posted in: Mass Effect 2 [thread contains spoilers]
03-04-2010, 4:09 PM
So did Tali reveal her face yet?She does, and the best way to describe it is hold your arm out straight and then pinch together the skin at your elbow, now plant 2-4 eyes, maybe a few noses and a mouth on there and you got Tali....  [Read More]
Posted in: Alpha Protocol - Obsidian's new RPG
05-28-2010, 12:28 AM
It will still take me about a week to obtain it. Do not spoil anything. >_>Moar like it will take people about a week to rip and crack it for you :P...  [Read More]
Posted in: Alpha Protocol - Obsidian's new RPG
05-18-2010, 8:49 PM
this is like Burn Notice the game... amirite?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Alpha Protocol - Obsidian's new RPG
03-05-2010, 4:59 PM
I remember when this game was supposed to be out in October 2009, it is now announced for June 2010, so I am expecting to be able to buy it in March 2011....  [Read More]
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