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Windu Chi

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So we have the technology, but the military won't give it to Nasa because...? You are really sh*ting yourself Tyrion if you believe the military is not interested in having a starfleet. The U.S. military have gotten interested in Heim's Quantum Gravi...  [Read More]
Hm. How much of these needed space shuttle modifications are there already realised, or in progress, or planned at all? Do we have effective shield technology at hand? And by effective I think it should at least have been half an our in let's say Mer...  [Read More]
Ah, and the space shuttle is actually a craft capable of leaving the solar system? And I thought it isn't even able to get us to the moon. I just was giving a example, that the hyperdrive engine the engineers of Heim's Quantum Gravity theory proposes...  [Read More]
So, where will you mount the hyperdrive engine? Well, depending on this size of the torus (donut shape) ring, which can range 1-6 meters in radius can be mounted in different sizes of space vehicles(yet to be build spacecraft). I think a torus ring...  [Read More]
What do you want to do with that hyperdrive engine? Obviously, Ray if Heim's Quantum Gravity theory physics is true in our universe, I want to explore the Milky Way. Or as they say in Star Trek, seek out new life and new civilizations and boldly go w...  [Read More]
Who said I'm not interested in interstellar travel? Of course I'm interested in interstellar travel. I'm also interested in solving our terrestrial problems like everyone else here except you. As usual. So, if this hyperdrive engine become a reality...  [Read More]
Okay, this is all just getting silly. Of course it is silly to you. Because discussion is about interstellar travel, this kind of discussion is always silly as you see it. So, it is pointless trying to interest you, so I'm not going to bother trying...  [Read More]
And if we prioritize this Star Wars utopia of yours, generations will die not only without seeing an end to the conditions in developing countries, but because of the conditions therein. Why it got to be a utopia all of a sudden, I see there is no us...  [Read More]
Q.E.D. (edit: from "QFD" to "QED":p) You know Dagobahn if people keep having that kind pessimistic belief, like you do about any kind of breakthrough technology, many coming future generations(as you see it) would die without se...  [Read More]
Unless, of course, the science and technology can be used to hunt down and kill more terrorists.:xp: OT: None of us are going to live to see this, but it's a cool concept to ponder. All the pondering is getting tiresome, it's about time our society...  [Read More]
Money is simply a reality in our world. There's no way around it. Without it we'd all still be each growing our own food and building our own houses and making our own clothing. Nobody would have time to even speculate about space travel... or much o...  [Read More]
More like broke and focused on other societal problems (hard to colonize the stars when engaged in expensive wars overseas.) I was refering to the whole planet not just America. But did we really have the tech to colonize the moon back then? Do we...  [Read More]
Overdue? The internal combustion engine is less than 200 years old. Air flight 100 years. Manned rocketry and space flight less than 50. Reusable space platforms less than 30 (within my lifetime.) Well, I'm not sure what is the complete history conc...  [Read More]
Huh? You're not making much sense... So, you want, what? We should keep using oil until that pitiful resource dry up in 50 years, by that time half the environment will be destroyed You mean like socialism? No I'm talking about StarTrekism. :lol:...  [Read More]
It's not as simple as that. Most of our economy is built on how cheaply gasoline can be procured, produced, and sold with such availability; there's nothing else that really competes with it. Nuclear energy has hazards of its own, more so if things g...  [Read More]
Well, all I can say is that I hope you are right and I am wrong about this,.. but I'd still be cautious about getting my hopes up. We are having problems enough keeping a sustained human presence in close orbit, let alone on the nearest satellites an...  [Read More]
Exactly. What about with global warming, hunger crises, overpopulation, slavery, poverty, warfare, torture, and so on? Is is ethically right to neglect these because we want to see if we can travel faster than light? Gobal Warming should already have...  [Read More]
Personally, I believe you to be far too optimistic in the time window for this, Windu... Well, I perfer being optimistic then say that wonderful technologies like this, hyperdrive is centuries off, that kind of thinking is unacceptable to me. There...  [Read More]
It isn't going to happen any time soon. This war on terror is leading to a new dark age where science and technology will again be heresy. There are religious fundamentalists, on BOTH sides, that want it that way. Yeah, Jon this war on terror really...  [Read More]
All interesting theories... However: I don't believe any of us will live to see any practical use made of them. Every serious discussion I ever heard or read about the possibility of hyperspace travel always comes down to one main thing: We are eas...  [Read More]
A unified field theory by the the late German theoretical physicist, Burkhard Heim in 1957(when his idea became public) where he theorise that our universe at the smallest fundamental scale has quantize structure(similar to Quantum Gravity); a struct...  [Read More]
If they had the chance and the Empire didn't control Kamino, would the Rebels take this oppurtunity and use it?I believe they would, since they was hell-bent on taking back the galaxy from Palpatine's evil....  [Read More]
Posted in: Evolution - and how we know it's right
 Windu Chi
10-28-2006, 12:11 AM
Where there's a will, there's a way....however, I'm terribly and delightfully monogamous so I'll never know. I guess the first explorers of Milky Way galaxy will probably find that will and the way to mate with a blob. I don't know how the hell they...  [Read More]
Posted in: Views on Jedi
 Windu Chi
12-03-2006, 11:29 PM
It has nothing to do with who's son he is. The point I was trying to make about the Jedi was the fact that they behave differently depending on what time of the SW universe we are talking about. Almost all of the Jedi after RotJ have attachments i.e....  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi you would most like to be?
 Windu Chi
12-27-2006, 4:36 PM
I would like to be Mace Windu, he kicks the most ass, no question. :lsduel:...  [Read More]
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