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Posted in: Reskinning question.
08-04-2004, 6:45 AM
Hah, great. Sometimes when you check other reskinnings you wonder what are the other files they have and think they're truly needed to install it or something. :) It all works perfectly, but do you know by chance where can I find the small picture p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Reskinning question.
08-04-2004, 6:14 AM
Thanks A LOT, Mav! They are the same i had found before, but for some reason when i started the KT this time around they were bigger in size :confused: Let me bug you with another question now: How do i install them in game after i've edited them t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Reskinning question.
08-04-2004, 5:32 AM
Well seems ive found them, but their size is by far smaller than the other reskins ive seen so far. Do you people enlarge the image as you see fit or is there anothe way to extract them in a proper size to work with? :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Reskinning question.
08-04-2004, 5:17 AM
I want to make a reskin pack with some PC faces editions. Ive downloaded the Kotor Tool and read the tutorials, but I'm unable to find the PC faces :rolleyes: So far ive found armor and the like, but ugh, opening every file to see if its a face is n...  [Read More]
Posted in: The sex and the Jedi
03-28-2004, 9:04 PM
Thanks everybody! Now everythings clearer ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The sex and the Jedi
03-27-2004, 8:03 PM
Oh, and also, what about force sensitive people?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The sex and the Jedi
03-27-2004, 8:00 PM
Ahem. My apologies and thanks Weiser_Cain. :) Also, things are getting confusing now too... How come George says casual sex is ok as long as the Jedi doesnt get attached? I mean... isnt it WORSE than having sex with someone you love? As JediNyt says...  [Read More]
Posted in: The sex and the Jedi
03-27-2004, 10:46 AM
Ahhh, thanks very much, sabretooth :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The sex and the Jedi
03-26-2004, 5:03 PM
Uhm... I am assuming that any kind of physical attachment is forbidden then. Or is it spiritual attachment forbidden too? What about love for friends/family? How cant you be atached to your friends, for example? Even if Jedis live in celibate, its im...  [Read More]
Posted in: The sex and the Jedi
03-26-2004, 3:59 PM
A friend told me the other day that Jedis werent supposed to have sex "for some reason". I got rather curious, so here you have me... asking if its true that the Jedis cant have sex, and why?? Thx. :)...  [Read More]
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