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Which movie character do you want to see?

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04-16-2003, 6:57 AM
I've checked a lot of the other threads, and no one seems to have asked this yet.

We know that Luke will be making another appearance in JA, but what other characters from the movies would you like to see in the game?

Vote in the poll, and then tell us why you chose that one.

And if you think of others I haven't listed...let me know and I'll add them to the poll. ;)

I vote for Wedge Antilles. He deserves some more air-time, IMHO.
04-16-2003, 7:13 AM
Who us Wedge Antilles, lol!! But hey I'd like to see a cool non-Jedi person in JA, someone with attitude, like Han Solo :) C'mon Mr. Ford, lend us your voice!!
04-16-2003, 7:38 AM
Originally posted by HertogJan
Who us Wedge Antilles, lol!! But hey I'd like to see a cool non-Jedi person in JA, someone with attitude, like Han Solo :) C'mon Mr. Ford, lend us your voice!!

Who was Wedge Antilles? AaaaaaaagggghhhhH!!! Sacrilege. Blasphemy!


*gnashes teeth to splinters in frustration*

Wedge was the X-wing pilot who survived at the end of ANH after the destruction of the Death Star. He went on to fight in and survive every other space battle in the classic trilogy, was responsible for hitting that thing in the centre of the second Death Star, and you even get to see him dancing with Ewoks at the end of ROTJ. ;)

He is one of the unsung heroes of Star Wars, and the character was played by Denis Lawson...who just happens to be Ewan McGregors real-life uncle.

For more information on the character click here (
04-16-2003, 8:17 AM
All of them from the list would be nice to see in JKA. To be honest it would be good to see all characters from film trilogy and books.

:atat: Also It would be nice if we can generate any kind of characters from the films and books, e.g Kyp or Boba, but if I may say so that I wouldn't like Boba Fett to run with Lightsaber.. ;)

Edit Taos - Please don't double post, next time use the button instead of quoting yourself. :cool:
04-16-2003, 8:36 AM
I have to admit i kinda liked lando*dodges incoming projectiles*
Boba fett would be kinda cool, han sole...maaaayyybeee, i just hope they dont thrwo everyone in without having a decent story for them to even be there.

i dont want to see han solo goin "Hi im here for no reason at all, lets shoot some wookieees WEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
04-16-2003, 8:40 AM
Originally posted by StormHammer
Who was Wedge Antilles? AaaaaaaagggghhhhH!!! Sacrilege. Blasphemy!


*gnashes teeth to splinters in frustration*

Wedge was the X-wing pilot who survived at the end of ANH after the destruction of the Death Star. He went on to fight in and survive every other space battle in the classic trilogy, was responsible for hitting that thing in the centre of the second Death Star, and you even get to see him dancing with Ewoks at the end of ROTJ. ;)

He is one of the unsung heroes of Star Wars, and the character was played by Denis Lawson...who just happens to be Ewan McGregors real-life uncle.

For more information on the character click here (

Easy m8 :) Hehe I'knew I would piss SOMEONE off with this, lol!

But c'mon, why whould I like to see HIM in the game?? Yeah he's a good pilot, SO??
04-16-2003, 8:44 AM
I would like to see Chewbacca in the game......I don't know why, because I've never been a big fan, but I think it would be neat to have him in the game (with subtitles of course). :)
04-16-2003, 8:49 AM
I'm a huge Leia fan and I'd love to see her in the game.
04-16-2003, 8:52 AM
Originally posted by GhostLotus
I have to admit i kinda liked lando*dodges incoming projectiles*
Boba fett would be kinda cool, han sole...maaaayyybeee, i just hope they dont thrwo everyone in without having a decent story for them to even be there.

i dont want to see han solo goin "Hi im here for no reason at all, lets shoot some wookieees WEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

I completely agree with you. Without having a good background story would be bad, except in multiplayer mode. I hope, we see lots of characters with good background information. It is not use making characters without that in Sp.
04-16-2003, 8:53 AM
Originally posted by HertogJan
Easy m8 :) Hehe I'knew I would piss SOMEONE off with this, lol!

But c'mon, why whould I like to see HIM in the game?? Yeah he's a good pilot, SO??

I'm not p'd off. :D I'm just winding you up. ;)

And I didn't say you wanted to see him...I just think it would be a nice cameo. :D

Chewbacca would be my second choice.
04-16-2003, 10:39 AM
I think Wedge deserves some airtime too. He has never been mentioned in the movies, the only time they even talk to him is either in or right before a flight.
As to why you would want to see him; he's one of Luke's best friends, he would be pretty easy to fit into a plot, I think.

I also wouldn't mind hearing good ole Harry, and if you had him in there you would have to have Chewie too.
04-16-2003, 1:20 PM
I voted Han, cause IMO he is the best character in Star Wars, and we never got to see him in a game (NES and SNES doen't count) so far. I think it would be nice to cross its path and meet him in a bar fight or something.
04-16-2003, 6:07 PM
Well, it looks like Han has the lead at the moment. I'm inclined to agree that if Han were to make an appearance, Chewbacca shouldn't be too far behind. :D

I doubt they'll be able to convince Harrison Ford to do a voice-over...but you never know.
04-16-2003, 6:25 PM
Well i dont want to disappoint you but i seriously doubt it, the guy has told interviewers to "avoid" anything to do with star wars, plus hes a bigtime actor, most parts in games until now were played by actors which dont have that kinda status:p .
04-16-2003, 6:40 PM
Mon mathma is cool she is like cortona on halo. but here name is gay.
04-16-2003, 7:35 PM
Mon Mothma's been done to death. She's been in so many damn games. X-wing (in the original and all the expansions) has her giving you medals (and WINKING AT YOU NO LESS!!), Dark Forces had her show up, and Jedi Outcast had her calling Kyle again and even had her as a player model for use in game (why you'd use HER god only knows).

If they're going to put a woman from the films in the game, make it Leia. She's a badass if you ask me. Just look at the first movie. Here's Luke, useless farm boy that he is, trying to pick stormtroopers off of the opposite side of the bridge, but he's about as accurate as they are (and we all know what kidn of marksmen stormtroopers make...). Leia grabs the blaster and promptly blows away a stormtrooper! My kind of gal. :)

Still, I voted for Han (big shocker there, I'm sure). He's my favorite character in the films. Plus, if Han's in, you know Chewie's got to be around somewhere.

If I could pick multiples, I'd also throw in Wedge -- the great underappreciated hero of the films. Wedge never gets a medal, Wedge never gets the girl, and while he does get command of Rogue Squadron, it's only after Luke retires from the military to become a Jedi. Luke is a good pilot because he's got the Force on his side. Wedge is just naturally talented. Why he doesn't get more recognition is beyond me. Without Wedge (or Biggs, for that matter), Luke would've been toast on the first Death Star trench run.
04-16-2003, 8:38 PM
:c3po: :r2d

And then maybe leia...
 Iblis Reborn
04-16-2003, 11:47 PM
i think id like to see leia in this one
shouldnt she be a student at the academy or a jedi or something by this time?

someone here must know where shes suppost to be...after reading the threads about whats canon and whats not i know that for a fact :)
04-17-2003, 3:31 AM
it should also be noted that any kind of characters from the films would be good, mainly the well-known actors..han, leia, lando etc.. and why couldn't Wedge be in the game as the leader of Rouge Squadron who just arrived to give some information to Jedi about sith.. :) Finally I have good hopes of generating any kind of characters what we want. :lsduel:
 boba fett c3po
04-17-2003, 7:02 AM
wasn't wedge already in JO?

he is rogue leader isnt he? and didn't kyle contacted rogue leader on galaks ship?
(sorry if im wrong its along time since i played the jk2 single player :p)
04-17-2003, 7:34 AM
yep, you're right, but we couldn't see him. By the way, I intended wedge for an example.

What about Yuuzhan Vong?? or Sith? :guard:
04-17-2003, 9:16 AM
Originally posted by dnalor
What about Yuuzhan Vong?? or Sith? :guard:

The Yuuzhan Vong weren't in the movies. :eyeraise:

And AFAIK all the Sith (from the movies) are dead dodos.

Having said know a way around that would be to come across an old holovid with one of them speaking. That might be cool to see.
 taekwondo joe
04-17-2003, 11:37 AM
i would to run into han, han is the man, he rocks above all others!!!!!!! with harrison doing his voice, i not a girl, but i would still melt
04-17-2003, 1:59 PM
hmm, jedi academy ...

run by luke skywalker ...

i'm thinking his sister would/should/could make a cameo.
04-17-2003, 5:04 PM
Originally posted by adillon
hmm, jedi academy ...

run by luke skywalker ...

i'm thinking his sister would/should/could make a cameo.

Yes, that would sort of make sense. Unless she's off on another diplomatic mission to save the galaxy. I guess it depends on exactly when the game takes place in relation to the timeline of the EU...which they seem to be working around...
04-17-2003, 5:16 PM
I wouldn't mind seeing an ewok or two:)
04-18-2003, 7:37 AM

There you go. :D

Yub Yub

Yeah, it might be nice bumping into a couple of the little teddy bears ewoks. :) As long as they don't do anything annoying...
 taekwondo joe
04-18-2003, 10:17 AM
pics dont work
04-18-2003, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by taekwondo joe
pics dont work

[Han voice] "It's not my fault!" [/Han voice]

It seems there's a problem with the ewok smilies. :(

Oh well...
 Toa Tahu
04-18-2003, 11:12 AM
I also voted for Han,as the time I voted I was in the dark of who Wedge was.But anyway I still stay with Han,he should deserve more time.
04-18-2003, 3:08 PM
See??? Wedge always gets the shaft. Poor Wedge... It sucks just being the hero's wingman, even if you DID save his ass and even if you ARE a kickass pilot in your own right...
04-18-2003, 3:17 PM
I voted for Wedge because of the fact that his superior flying helped destroy the death star, and he was the hero to destroy the 2nd death star, and because of his experience, he'd be the one I'd want on my wing for any co-op missions with an NPC on my team.
04-18-2003, 4:23 PM
Originally posted by Solo4114
See??? Wedge always gets the shaft. Poor Wedge... It sucks just being the hero's wingman, even if you DID save his ass and even if you ARE a kickass pilot in your own right...

Yeah. He didn't even get a medal in ANH. The stingy B*&^%$Јs... :p

Who knows...maybe we'll see two or three characters from the movies. After all, in JO we had three - Luke, Lando and Mon Mothma...
04-18-2003, 6:30 PM
I voted for Wedge. He is the only person who would probably fit in the background of the movies who could also reasonably be in a plot of a game like Jedi Academy. Lando wasn't bad in JK2.

In my view of games forget the movie characters (at least the big ones) unless the plot is somehow related to them. Don't throw them in as a package deal/mix.

Crix Madine (I had no clue who he was until I viewed this thread) was my pick until I saw that he was killed by a Hutt on the databank at

04-18-2003, 6:45 PM
Originally posted by JDKnite188
Crix Madine (I had no clue who he was until I viewed this thread) was my pick until I saw that he was killed by a Hutt on the databank at


Crix is dead?!? :eek: I didn't know that, or I wouldn't have put him in the poll. :cry6:
04-18-2003, 8:30 PM
i wonder if in ja mon mothma will ask u to do a mission, and if u can reject it or take it.
04-18-2003, 9:24 PM
Well, since we've already seen Mon Mothma and Lando in JKII, I'd like Han Solo to make an appearance. He's easily one of the coolest characters in any of the SW films, and it would be great to have his character implemented into the story (with the voice done by Harrison Ford, if possible;)).
04-19-2003, 2:20 AM
I would like to see Crix Madine, Mon Mothma, Admiral Ackbar, Han Solo, Wedge Antilles, Leia Organa Solo, Luke Skywalker, Kyle Katarn, Chewbacca, C-3PO and R2-D2. I would also like to see Bossk, Dengar, IG-88, Zuckuss, some Rodian Bounty Hunters. Too bad Greedo and Boba Fett were killed off in the movies. It would of been nice to see them in some expanded universe video games like Jedi Academy.
04-19-2003, 3:36 AM
Actually Boba Fett survives the Sarlaacc in ROTJ, it said somewhere in the EU, I think I saw it on or something like that.
04-19-2003, 9:09 AM
:vadar: :emperor: hehehe wont happen tho :p
04-19-2003, 12:57 PM
Yea, I wouldn't count on seeing Boba Fett in JA since most people only go by the movies, and in the movies, Fett got digested. and to think a "blind" man caused his death. But I wouldn't mind seeing Han since he did live through the OT.
 Iblis Reborn
04-20-2003, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by Andy867
Yea, I wouldn't count on seeing Boba Fett in JA since most people only go by the movies, and in the movies, Fett got digested. and to think a "blind" man caused his death. But I wouldn't mind seeing Han since he did live through the OT.

i was told that he blasts his way out in the book and that it was just left out of the movie

it could be wrong but i just thought id let ya know
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