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The Hunt for Teraytiro Rodiar

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02-12-2003, 6:07 PM
Jokemaster: You're out now, why did you want to get out?
Contact: I am a messenger for the Bantha Oasis. I got promoted and had to deliver a message to someone. I got curious and read the message, it was directed to Teraytiro and containd information of a new drug. The drug is supposed to have some kind of mind control by creating temporary amnesia. It's been tested on all species except humans. apperently the drug has a weakness. It's supposedly to be countered by either great emotion, even great confusion can work, or by being back where the memories are created. Teraytiro's not working for money anymore. He wants power
*jokemaster repeats this to Katarn*
02-12-2003, 6:15 PM
Katarn07 nods, "Good work."

He sends Zofire a message and explains, "My fears have come true. Teraytiro is out for power; and with the money he has, he can get it and may gain the edge on the NRI's operatives. The New Republic Forces better get here on Coruscant and set up some defensive lines..."

He sends the same thing to Jan along with the rendevous, "Alright. Hey, I've been getting some love letters from a guy in a bar. I'll send them to you. None of us can decode it. I'll have Wra'fo try. Computers are his thing..."

"Alright, Gunny. I'll be there in an hour to meet you. I will try to decode the messages, but I can't promise anything."
02-12-2003, 6:20 PM
Jokemaster: Was anyone following you?
Contact: I've been preparing the betrayal for many months now. Someone must have found something out.
Jokemaster: Don't worry, you're safe now. What else do you know about Teraytiro's
Contact: I've been to his base.
Jokemaster (to katarn) : Gunny, this guy's been to Teraytiro's base
02-12-2003, 6:24 PM
Katarn07 frowns, "Then that ship that attacked us won't be the last. We're in deep Bantha Fodder and there is no easy way out of it. We have to act fast. Once we get to the rendevous, we'll head to the Casino. I'll drop you, Zo, and Kostar off. I'll take your buddy back to NRI HQ. He'll be safer there than in this can... I don't know how much longer we can wait for that guy from the bar to respond..."
 Darth NeoVenom
02-12-2003, 6:28 PM
Zofire replies to Katarn07, "I am not surprised that Teraytiro is out for more power. Are we sure that he is even on this planet. Most likely he already knows that we are on Coruscant."
02-12-2003, 6:29 PM
Jokemaster: He's still here, it's too big of a chance to pass up. Someone may outbid him
02-12-2003, 6:32 PM
Katarn07 says to Jokemaster and Zofire, "He's still here. With the money made from Bantha Oasis, Teraytiro can start his rise to power. If we don't take him out within the week, we may have another full-blown war on our hands."
02-12-2003, 6:35 PM
Jokemaster: Forget a war, we'll have a dictator
02-12-2003, 6:45 PM
"You forget the Rebellion. They started a full scale civil war against the dictarship rule of the Galactic Empire."
02-12-2003, 6:48 PM
Katarn07 gets an incoming transmission.

"I wish to meet with you, alone. You keep that encrypted code safe. Here is another code I'm sending you. It should be rather easy for you to crack. Come back to the bar and go into the back. You'll see a small, black box. Open it and you'll find a place to put the unencrypted code in. It will unlock a door. Feel around the floor for a handle, and lift up. I'll meet you down there"

*end transmission*
02-12-2003, 6:53 PM
Jokemaster: There won't be a rebellion with him controlling the minds of all the galaxy
02-12-2003, 6:57 PM
Katarn07 reads the message from Dante, "Hmmm. Interesting. We're short on time, but this guy seems to know something we don't it may be worth it."

He tells Jokemaster what he plans and then contacts Zofire with the same info, "Hey. Meet Jan at the Rendevous. I won't come. I am meeting that guy from the bar. I'll have a tracker on me that will activate in an hour if I don't come back. Jokemaster and Wra'fo will take the Savrip Striker to you guys and they will continue with the mission."
 Darth NeoVenom
02-12-2003, 7:03 PM
"Alright. We are heading to the Rendevous." Zofire says to Katarn07.
02-12-2003, 7:16 PM
Katarn07 lands the Savrip Striker down in the designated spot specified by Dante.

"Wra'fo, you fly the ship to Zo and Jan. Good luck."
02-12-2003, 7:43 PM
OOC: Gotta get to college...don't wanna keep ya waiting ;) so... let's fast forward.

Kartarn07 goes into the back and finds the black box. The Box appears to have a white T within a circle on the side. On opening it, he sees the insertation point. Once the code registers, a large *click* is heard. Feeling around the floor, he finds the latch, and opens the false floor.

As he heads down the basement stairs, he sees something unexpected...instead of seeing Dante himself, he sees a holographic image of Dante.

"Katarn07, the encrypted code I gave you serves to purposes. First, it marked your ship and gave it a unique identification. The purpose of this is to make sure that the one given the message is the same one standing here right The second purpose holds information concerning Teraytiro's intelligence office. There is an "office" that he calls "The Vault". However, it is not at a location. It's a massive collection of transmissions, always coming and going. You can only get into this "network" by hacking into it using a certain coded transmission. The transmission tricks The Vault into thinking it's just more information...which in turn, gives you access. However, there are security checks you must watch out for.

***Gives the key to unlock the encrypted dada***

What kind of information? His plans, building blueprints, passwords, assassination targets...yes...I said assassinations... you name it, The Vault has it.

I can't tell you how or why I know this, but I do wish to join your group in taking him down. I'm not into that force stuff, most of it is just luck in my opinion, but if you are willing to accept me, please leave a location where I can meet you in the computer next to you. I'm currently en route for some "business". I'll... *looks back behind him*** hold on, I think I'm behind followed."

The image suddenly vanishes.

OOC: if you wish to see how the Vault works, you'll have to catch me online with AIM or Yahoo Messenger. Both are RpTheHotrod
 Darth NeoVenom
02-13-2003, 9:38 AM
Waiting patiently for Katarn07 to contact her, Zofire charges her blaster rifle and disruptor rifle. Kostar charges her blaster rifle aswell.
02-13-2003, 11:09 AM
OOC just fyi, the vault was going to actually be an interactive deal, but I doubt people would take time to use it, so the vault will just be something our characters can get "information" from. Like, "Got into the vault and I found there was some sort of... at...".

So, now we have a source of information.
02-13-2003, 5:32 PM
Katarn07 contacts his party via comlink in a taxi on route to the Savrip Strike, "Sorry for the delay. I got some info that may bust this case open within days. We'll visit the casino in an hour. Our new plan.

"I will find this character that gave me info on something called the Vault. I'll explain later. Wra'fo will come with me as he hacks this network of Teraytiros... You, Jokemaster, and Kostar will go into the casinos and gamble. Meet up with the sabacc dealer at booth # 24. That is Wra'fo's brother. He has the game rigged so you can win constantly. That'll get Teraytiro's attention. Talk to him; see the Modal Nodes... I don't know. Do what you gotta do. Jan will fly cover in the Ravens Claw. You will have the Sable Dove yet. I'm picking up this guy from the bar now. I think he can be trusted. Once you get all the info you can, get outa there and send the info to Jan. She will get it to the NRI HQ for you. I will do the same with all info I get from the Vault. See you after the mission I guess."
02-13-2003, 6:13 PM
"Katarn07, sorry about dissappearing like that. Someone wanted to "check" my cargo. I'm an infiltrator, a spy, whatever you want to call me. I may not be the best kind of guy people want to hang around with, but I get the job done. If you're interested, come pick me up."

Dante gives Katarn07 a location to meet.
 Darth NeoVenom
02-13-2003, 6:25 PM
"Ok." Zofire replies. Zofire tells everyone the plan that Katarn07 mentioned earlier.

A few minutes later...

"Lets head to the casino now. We have no time to waste." Zofire says. After saying that, Zofire takes off her armor and puts her hair in two pig tails. "They haven't seen me like this." Zofire says. Zofire continues to speak, "R9, you stay with the Sable Dove at the casino's hanger."

"That is good. They don't know how I look, so I'm safe as well." Kostar says to Zofire.

After all that is said, the Sable Dove heads towards the casino. Upon arriving there, the outside of the casino is crowding with humans and aliens of all species. Seing that there is still room on the hanger to land, Zofire quickly lands. When the ship touched the crowd, Zofire opened the ship's ramp and the three head towardsthe exit. "R9, take care of the ship. Close the ramp after we leave.See you later R9."

R9 beeps and whistles as the three exit. As soon as they exit the ship, they are greeted by one of the casino's robots.

"Welcome to Grand Casino. 10,000 credits for ships to park please." The robot says extending his right hand out.

Zofire gives the robot 10,000 credits.

The robot responds to Zofire as she hands the credits, "Thank you and enjoy your stay at the Grand Casino."

After that said, the three head to the casino entrance. Zofire quickly contacts Katarn07, "We are at the casino's entrance, where are you at Gunny?"
02-13-2003, 8:13 PM
*goes straight to sabacc table, winning most of the games and betting big. Ends up invited to the High Rollers table by a Bantha Oasis employee. Goes get Zofire.*
Jokemaster: C'mon we've been invited to the high rollers table
 Darth NeoVenom
02-13-2003, 8:30 PM
Zofire and Kostar follows Jokemaster to the table. The casino seems even more crowded than outside. It is fulled with some common people, but majority is fulled with people who are wealthy.

After playing a few games, Zofire wins a few games herself and so does Kostar. Zofire smiles as she wins.
02-13-2003, 9:34 PM
The Savrip Strike is enroute to the position Dante had sent Katarn07 and Wra'fo.

"I'm in!"

Katarn07 wakes up from his nap as he leans forward in his chair to Wra'fo, "What?"

"I got in. I'm in the Vault. At first, they kept rejecting my intricate hacking codes, but once I put in the main protocols of their computer system, in bianary code, of course, I was able to...."

"In Basic Wra'fo. I know nothing about computers."

"I took a sample of their computer's system code, entered it in my message header and was able to send it into the vault. This place is loaded with info. Your ship has plenty of free space in its memory, I hope you don't mind me downloading the whole bunch..."

"Not at all. Can you get in at any time?"

"Well, no. The trick works once I presume. The security on this place is tight, They must use a varitey of access codes, as well as filters to keep out fony messages."

"Could you get in another way? Jan needs to have a look at this."

"Yeah. You can trick the filter easily, but coming up with a prper header for the message to send would take an hour or so."

"Send these messages all to Ravens Claw and Sable Dove. We can have R9 sort them out and bring up any vital info about this drug deal."

Wra'fo nods. A message attracts his attention as he scrolls through the never ending list, "Uhh, Gunny?"


Wra'fo points to the monitor to a message. Assassination: Katarn07.

There are more names below that. Jack Ryan, Zofire Fett, Mon Mothma, Kyle Katarn, Jan Ors. The list contained NRI operatives and Zofire and Jokemaster.

Katarn07 picks up his comlink, "Zo. Jokemaster and you'd better get outta there. Now!"
 Darth NeoVenom
02-13-2003, 9:47 PM
Zofire ,surprised by the sudden contact from Katarn07, takes out her comlink and whispers to Katarn07, "What happen Gunny?"
02-13-2003, 9:52 PM
"Get out of their. To much to explain. Let Kostar stay. Take R9 and Jokemaster to NRI HQ in an air taxi. You'll be thrown in jail, but R9 has enough info in his databank to get you out right away. Hurry up; if you are caught, you're charred Nerf."

In the Casino, Jokemaster and Kostar are at the High Rollers' table with Zofire on the comlink. Katarn07 is done with his message to Zofire and before they can comply to his warning, a Weequay walks up and looks the three over, "You three the lucky winners? I have been winning every hand in sabacc I have gotten today. I can use a break and push my luck against yours. What you say?"
02-13-2003, 10:15 PM
*Jokemaster agrees before Zofire can warn him.*
Jokemaster: OK, what rules?
 Darth NeoVenom
02-13-2003, 10:39 PM
With the new information obtained from Katarn07, Zofire puts her hand on her blaster rifle underneath the table. She quickly interupts their conversation and replies to the Weequay, "No, it's ok. I think we had enough for today."

Kostar agrees and says, "Oh yes, we had enough. Thanks anyways."

Soon after that response, a group of Rodians, Weequays, and Granthe Weequay says while taking out a gun, "Oh, I insist."

Before the Weequay could fully draw his gun, Zofire fires a shot right in the chest of the Weequay. The group of thugs quickly start firing at Zofire, Jokemaster, and Kostar. As soon as the fires were shot, everyone in the casino start to panic and some duck in their places while others try to flee the casino through other exits besides the main entrance. Zofire quickly pushes the table they were sitting at over to keep some cover from the shots of the thugs. Kostar and Jokemaster do the same thing to two other tables. Each having their own coverage from the blaster shots.
02-13-2003, 11:16 PM
Someone runs up behind jokermaster and says

"Quick, follow me...I know a quick way out of here. Either you take your chance with these thugs, or you come with me."
02-14-2003, 8:36 AM
Jokemaster: Let me think
*looks over table and almost gets his head blown off.*
Jokemaster (to Kostar and Zofire) : Follow him, I 'll cover you
 Darth NeoVenom
02-14-2003, 8:59 AM
Cautiously following the guy, Zofire and Kostar take shots at the thug. "Come on Jokemaster." says Zofire.
02-14-2003, 9:11 AM
*jokemaster sees a cargo ship being loaded with packets that look like drugs outside*
Jokemaster: Cover me, I'm going for the drugs
*looks over table, fires two shots and keeps running*
 Darth NeoVenom
02-14-2003, 9:20 AM
Stepping slowly forward, Zofire and Kostar, start shooting the thugs guarding the cargo ship as well as the thugs coming out of the Grand Casino. The thugs guarding the cargo ship gets hit with two or three shots from Zofire and Kostar. Soon after the shots fired by Zofire and Kostar, the thugs take cover inside the Casino.
02-14-2003, 9:38 AM
*goes inside cargo ship and opens one of the parcels, finding the drugs inside, is about to investigate more when he gets a message from his datapad*
Tech: Ryan, we got an update for your blaster, one of the features we didn't tell you about were fingerprint sensors on the blaster. We know who's holding it. We just found out that there's a way to make the blaster only work for you. Put your hand on the screen.
*Jokemaster does so*
Tech: good, your blaster will now shock the holder if it isn't you. You want anything else?
Jokemaster: yeah, let me talk to my contact
* a few seconds later*
Contact: Yeah Ryan?
Jokemaster: how can you destroy the drugs?
Contact: Burning them. anything else?
Jokemaster: Yeah, any way to wear the effects of the drug off?
Contact: Extreme emotions or being reminded a lot. For example, similar circumstances with similar persons can work. Be careful, Teraytiro needs a human to try it on
Jokemaster:anyting else?
*tech interupts jokemaster.*
Tech: Ryan. multiple thugs with Teraytiro coming your way.
*Jokemaster peeks out and sees hundreds of thugs protecting teraytiro and a man who seems to be the owner of the Casino*
Jokemaster: oh crap
*Jokemaster hides in a compartment in the ship and sends a message to Zofire via blaster-cam*
Jokemaster: Zofire, keep an eye on the blaster cam. If I'm captured whatever you do, do not trust me, repeat, do not trust me. I may be infecteed with the drug if I'm captured.
*teraytiro with his thugs board the ship and take off, while ryan continues burning the drugs*
 Darth NeoVenom
02-14-2003, 10:14 AM
As the ship takes off, Teraytiro smells a faint smoke...

In a cold and deep voice, Teraytiro commands his group of thugs, "Go and search where is that smoke coming from. NOW!!!" He then points to about ten thugs, "You all search the upper level." He then points to about ten other thugs, "You all search the lower level." He then points to ten more, "You all search this level."

Teraytiro then says to the group before dispersing, "Who knows when this smell of smoke started. This damn ship is huge. If we don't find this predicament, it is going to spread. AND THEN EVERYTHING IS GOING TO GET RUINED!!!!!! GO AND CHECK!!! IF IT IS SOMEONE, BRING THAT PERSON TO ME!!!"

With that said, the group disperse and go to the different levels. While Jokemaster is burning the drug, he can hear footsteps drawing closer and closer to the room he is located at. The room is filled with crates nearly stacked to the ceiling and three air vents can been seen. One is the far right, another in the far left, and the last one up on the ceiling.

Meanwhile, Zofire and Kostar are still exchanging shots back and forth with the group of thugs in the Grand Casino.
02-14-2003, 10:21 AM
*opens an airvent and hides in a crate*
 Darth NeoVenom
02-14-2003, 10:36 AM
Jokemaster could hear the door open. Two Rodians and a Gran enter the room. One of the Rodian says "Look. The smoke came from here." He then points to the drugs that are burning. They quickly put out the flames and look around. The Gran then says, "Look! An air vent is open. That person must have left this room through there."

The Gran then contacts Teraytiro, "Sir, the person is in the air vents. He trying to escape." He then ends the transmission. They quickly exit the room.

Teraytiro says to one of the Bounty Hunters, "Check the computer and see where these air vents led. Run me a map."

Back on Coruscant, Zofire and Kostar, kills some of the thugs in Grand Casino. Soon after, they see multiple thugs running up towards some of the ships on the casino's hanger. Each ship take off and follow the cargo ship.

Zofire says to Kostar, "They must be heading someone, including that cargo ship."

Zofire quickly takes out a tracking device and throws it hard at one of the ships. She then takes out four thermal detonators and gives two to Kostar. Zofire then says, "On three. One....two.....THREE!!"

Both of them throw two activated thermal detonators into the casino's entrance and a huge openings is made by the blasts. They can see some of Teraytiro's thugs flying out of the casino.

Kostar quickly says, "Lets throw the other two in the exit from which we came from. On three. One....two....THREE!!" They both tose the other two thermal detonators in the exit. The blast rocks the hanger and they could see the two thugs flying out of the exit. One is Goru's brother. Glass,debris, and bodies are shattered throughout the hanger.
02-14-2003, 11:08 AM
*gets out of crate and continues burning the drugs*
02-14-2003, 12:35 PM
After following Jokemaster for sometime, Karsec walks through the door.

"When I said I knew a quick exit, I meant it." *As a group of Rodians enter the room, Karsec pulls out a pistol and aims it at jokemaster*

"This has gone too far, grab him!"
02-14-2003, 4:04 PM
Jan Ors is analyzing the data as the Ravens Claw is on its way to the Grand Casino. Fire and smoke can be seen, and she knows the infiltration has gone wrong, "Gunny. Hurry up, I can use some help!"

She streaks over to the scene glancing at the monitors inside the Claw, "Hmmm. There is enough evidence to call in New Republic Forces... I hope the NRI gets these soon..."


Meanwhile, Katarn07 and Wra'fo, with Dante in their ship, are on the way to the Grand Casino.


At the scene of the casino, as Zofire and Kostar flee to the Sable Dove, Goru's brother Luka, nearly dead, makes his way from the wreckage of the casino. Two of the three cargo ships are airborne, the first being the one Jokemaster is held in.

Luka crawls over to the last ship where a Rodian helps him up, "Luka, we thought you had been killed. You'd best get to the med bay on this cargo ship. It is leaving soon."

"OK. Thanks. Katarn07 and his friends will pay for this. Send the Z-95's out to destroy those ships."

"Which ones?" The Rodian asks seeing the mass confusion in traffic lanes departing.

Luka points to the Ravens Claw that is coming over the casino, the Savrip Strike which is gunning the wreckage with its lower cannon, and the Sable Dove which is just taking off. "Those!!!"


Katarn07 yells to Wra'fo, "I'm gonna make a pass on one of those cargo ships. It is the largest of the three and contains the most drugs, I'm sure. Take out the cargo holds! I am sure the drugs will be destroyed if you can put enough holes into the side of the ship!"

Wra'fo takes aim over the cargo hold of the second ship (the one neither Jokemaster or Luka is in) and squeezes the trigger.
 Darth NeoVenom
02-14-2003, 4:06 PM
As Wra'fo squeezes the trigger, he misses for the ship is too far...

Then out of no where, the ship gets shot at and it explodes. Katarn07 and the others could see the Sable Dove in view.

Two Rodians come through the door and disarms Jokemaster. One of the Rodians speak, "Good Job Karsec." They then hit Jokemaster to to knock him out.

Later on, on Coruscant. Zofire notices that the guy they met to the casino is gone. "Where is he?" Zofire asks Kostar. Kostar then replies, "I don't know, I thought he was behind us all the time."

Zofire then contacts Katarn07 on comlink, "Gunny, Come in Gunny. Jokemaster is aboard one of the cargo ships. Along with Teraytiro and a group of his thugs. I'm not sure where they are heading, but I threw a tracking device on one of the ship Teraytiro thug fled in."
02-14-2003, 4:25 PM
"Good. Have R9 send all his memory banks to the NRI. With any luck, we will get the assistance of the New Republic Army. I will take the last ship. You take the other one that Jokemaster is in. We will trail them and take out their weapons and engines with any luck..."


Jan Ors arrives and begins to finish off the already scuttled ship Zofire had taken out, "Sorry I'm late. How can I help?"

Katarn07 tells her what Zofire did. Jan responds, "Alright, I'll follow you Gunny. Sable Dove is more heavily armed than the two of us together and can handle a ship on its own."
 Darth NeoVenom
02-14-2003, 4:30 PM
"Can I go to NRI headquarters and get my Slave 2?" Zofire asks.
02-14-2003, 4:36 PM
"Yeah. Let me get the Sable Dove then. Drop R9 off for the memory extraction then."

The two ships leave Jan to pursue as they go to NRI HQ. Katarn07 contacts Zofire, "Kostar can fly the Savrip Strike. We'll have 4 ships that way..."

Just as he says this, a squadron of 7 Z-95 Headhunters comes through the skyline and attempts to get in firing range. Katarn07 tells Zofire, "They can't catch us. But once we switch ships, they'll be on us like a Sand Fly is on Sugar..."
 Darth NeoVenom
02-14-2003, 5:09 PM
"Damn it. Good thing they are out of range." Zofire says to Kostar as she sees the Z-95s. Then she contacts Katarn07 and says, "Those ships are out of range and probably won't go near the NRI Headquarter because they would be gunned down by the turrets. They will be waiting for us. We must think up a plan."

With that said, Zofire ends her transmission.
02-14-2003, 5:24 PM
Katarn07 looks to Wra'fo and Dante, "Hmmm. We can't go around. The cargo ships may have jumped to hyperspace by then. It'd be best if we go through them and take out as many as possible as we pass them. We can catch the cargo ships in orbit then and save Jokemaster and help Jan take out the cargo holds..."

Wra'fo nods, "I can delay their jump to hyperspace. If I can hack into the New Republic security patrol ships, I may direct them to attack the cargo ships. It will hold them up just long enough for us to get there."

"Do it."

Katarn07 lands the Savrip Strike, gets into the Sable Dove and says to Kostar, "I'd appreciate your help. Take my other ship, the Savrip Strike. It will be of some use. I have the turrets programed to fire by themselves."

He turns to Zofire, "Well, Slave II is right out there. We'd best hurry this up."

Wra'fo and Katarn07 take over the Sable Dove, Kostar takes the Savrip Strike, and Zofire takes Slave II.

The Headhunters have rearranged themselves into a better attcking position when the NRI and bounty hunters come near them.
 Darth NeoVenom
02-14-2003, 5:38 PM
The Z-95s start firing at the ships of Zofire and the others. Zofire quickly heads up and Kostar quickly heads down. "Disperse everyone!" Zofire says to everyone on comlink.

Zofire quickly aims and locks the Slave 2 blaster cannons and takes out one of the Z-95s.
02-14-2003, 5:48 PM
"Wra'fo?" Katarn07 says to the Rodian in his comlink.

The Rodian complies and takes out a ship as the Sable Dove streaks by the Headhunters. The Z-95's are forced to spin around and gives some distance between Teraytiro's forces and the three ships heading out of Coruscan'ts atmosphere.

"Yeah!" The Rodian screams. He positions the turret and fires on another one, forcing it to crash into the side of a skyscraper."

"Hey, Wra'fo. Wait a bit! To many civies!"

The three ships make it out of the atmosphere and reach the cargo ships being attacked by Jan in the Ravens Claw and the security patrol droid starfighters.

"Do your best, now Wra'fo."

Wra'fo fires the cannons, but the Z-95s split up and attack the vulnerable spots of the Savrip Strike, Sable Dove, and Slave II.
02-14-2003, 5:58 PM
Dante says, "I'm familiar with these ship's configurations. When I was with, I'm going to use an old trick of mine. Each of the Z-95 ships use a single frequency that keeps the ships running. I'm going to use a signal to disrupt that frequency. It may not power them down totally, but it will shut down a few of their systems for about 10 seconds, including weapons systems. You are going to have one shot at this, make it count!"

*Dante sends the frequency disruptor*
 Darth NeoVenom
02-14-2003, 6:04 PM
The Slave II shields absorbs some of the shots, so does the Savrip Strike, and the Sable Dove. Kostar does some barrel rolls to avoid some of the laser shots. Meanwhile. Zofire goes up and down and side to side to avoid the laser shots.

Some after, Zofire, Katarn07, Kostar, Dante, and Wra'fo see one of the cargo ships go into hyperdrive. The ships chasing them suddenly stops, Dante's theory worked.
02-14-2003, 6:08 PM

She didn't respond. She jumped in pursuit of the first cargo ship. The other one, which Jokemaster was in, was adrift with its engines damaged from the patrol droid fighters.

Katarn07 looks to Dante. "Good work. Wra'fo? Do your work!"

The Rodian begins to fire at one, but a stray blast from the patroling droid starfighters hammers into the Sable Dove. The ship rocks back and forth, blowing the chance for Wra'fo to take a bunch of enemies out.

Kostar and Zofire, however, are in the prone position to take the rest out.
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