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Mrear 2!

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 Scar Da Kookee
04-27-2003, 6:17 PM
Vertmor: "I don't know, we might as well find leads..."

*Vertmor leads the group through the gates. The rectangular objects' glow gets a little brighter, this attacts some of the attention of a few gaurds.*
04-28-2003, 6:22 AM
*K'Warra points to the green rectangle* Stop moving. What is that?
 Scar Da Kookee
04-28-2003, 9:06 PM
Guard 3: "The objects there create a barrier only the undead cannot pass, harming them like if it were fire, it glows like that only when a vampire approches it. Now who's the fool who thinks he can pass through these gates?"

Vertmor: 'If there were vampire's in this city, it seems like they have no choice but to remain low, becuase its obvious that they can't leave, but the real question, how do I get in and find them?'

Guard 3: "Well!? Speak have you!!"
04-29-2003, 12:43 AM
K'Warra: We are clearly demon hunters, not vampires. Obviously the demon you are searching for is already within these gates themselves.
 Scar Da Kookee
04-29-2003, 12:48 AM
Vertmor: *whispering softly to K'Warra* "It seems that I can't get through that barrier... Most likey it seems it automatically activates when a vampire is in close proxmity..."
04-29-2003, 3:35 PM
*Itrok steps forward*

Itrok: I am Itrok Starkiller. I can vouch that these do will commit no evil acts whilst here. We search for another vampire. I also hunt... well, I guess you probably know by my being here...

Guard4: The...Oh gods..Darkstar?

*Itrok nods*
 Scar Da Kookee
04-29-2003, 7:35 PM
Guard 1: "Appologises, but the barrier will not shutdown, even by my superior's athority."
04-29-2003, 9:03 PM
K'Warra: *snappishly* Well find a way, or I'll demolish it.

((edit: For the curious: K'Warra! ^_^))
04-30-2003, 7:52 AM
Drago: Alternativly we could kill this Vampire and just walk through the gates.
04-30-2003, 3:43 PM
Itrok: How about Jiyle and K'Warra go through and the rest of us stay here with Vertmor?
04-30-2003, 6:27 PM
Drago: You want to catch a Vampire, you need me. I go in as well. Besides, its only Vertmor that can't pass.
 Scar Da Kookee
04-30-2003, 8:00 PM
Guard 1: "Well I wouldn't guarentee if any vampire let out here will still be when who ever exits Ustenhiem..."

Vertmor: "Very well..."

*Vertmor grunts and reverts back to his normal form... Guards from all around become startled*

Vertmor: "May I remind you, I'm a difficult opponent to face..."
05-01-2003, 3:17 AM
K'Warra: The vampire is the only one of you whom I need with me. And he is coming in, one way or another...
05-04-2003, 7:35 PM
Drago: You can destroy the gate, kill the gaurds, kill the vampire and take the corpse in or you could leave the Vampire here.
 Scar Da Kookee
05-05-2003, 12:42 AM
Vertmor: "How aobut I tear your lib off and beat you into a senseless pulp? I'll remain here for now." *telepathically to K'warra* <I'm sure if there was still vampire in this city, they'd have a way in and out of it other then this gate, becuase I don't think these foolish gaurd have any knowledge is to turn it off...>
05-05-2003, 5:52 PM
Drago: Just try and rip a limb off, Batman!
05-06-2003, 5:10 AM
K'Warra: Don't act deficient, vampire. If I didn't need you to find Kvana I wouldn't have brought you here in the first place, and for all the good you would do me out here you might as well be dead...but I am finished with this annoying little chat.

*K'Warra lifts his hand above his head. Swirling streaks of light are drawn seemingly from the fabric of the air towards it. A sizzling ball of energy forms in the air*

Girl: Wait!

K'Warra: What?

Girl: We don't want their village overrun by vampires, do we?

K'Warra: Let it be, I don't care. What's important is---

Girl: We can find another way.

K'Warra: Really. *sarcastically* Well what do you suggest, Princess?
 Scar Da Kookee
05-06-2003, 8:44 AM
Vertmor: "Deficient? Hmph, I suppose there is also a reason why those mortals are following you then?"
05-06-2003, 3:26 PM
*Itrok yawns*

Itrok: Oh hurry up and decide, will you. This Vampire conspiracy is serious to some of us.
05-06-2003, 7:09 PM
Drago: I have an Idea, lets walk 30 paces that way and climb over the wall. Or we could just kill the Vampire, and all the other Vampires. Then we could start on the trolls.
05-07-2003, 1:11 AM
K'Warra: You're all deficient, but it's more blindingly obvious with the rest of you tagalongs.

Girl: But why can't we just fly over the wall?

K'Warra: I doubt they'd be fooled by such a simple ruse. Especially given their paranoia about---

Girl: Can't hurt to try.

K'Warra: Fine. *to Vertmor* Can you fly or must I carry you?
 Scar Da Kookee
05-07-2003, 8:22 AM
Vertmor: "I can jump... But I'm sure those guards aren't liking our plans anyway...."

*The number of guards had increased during the few short moments, unseen.*

Vertmor: *sigh* "Let's get this over with..."
05-11-2003, 5:11 AM
*K'Warra gathers a ball of light in his hand and throws it at the ground. The immense flash of light blinds everyone nearby*

K'Warra: Now. *He grabs the arms of the girl, and Vertmor, and leaps on top of the wall, then over* So much for subtlety.
 Scar Da Kookee
05-11-2003, 9:21 AM
Vertmor: "Agreed. Although I wasn't quite prepared for it."
05-11-2003, 11:23 AM
*Drage lets out a sigh.*

Drago: Right, I'm going to go in their and kill both Vampires, anyone else game?
05-11-2003, 12:47 PM
Itrok: I...cannot. They yet have a part to play in this...and they might lead us to a greater evil...


*In a room full of vampires, Taarnt suddenly appears*

Taarnt: Make me one of you.
05-12-2003, 1:12 PM
*K'Warra lands in an empy alley*

K'Warra: Now, where might I find a vampire in a place like this?
 Scar Da Kookee
05-17-2003, 2:42 PM
Vertmor: "I haven't been in this city before. However I've had heard of a Vampiric Pub called 'The Admiral's Arms'. We should try there..." ((Thank you Anna Rice :p))



*Vorador and Uma talk, back in the tower.*

Vorador: "You didn't get them to fight. I'm very dissappointed in you..."

Uma: "So. Why should I care, I'm not threatend by you anymore."

Vorador: "You're so sure about this?" *Raises the Reaver.*

Uma: "We both know you aren't really holding that. You're only a ghost. The rest of your body has been that blade. I still don't know why you must continue portraing your presence, when it doesn't matter anymore."

Vorador: "And what, allow some whelp to use me for thier purposes? Bah! I'd rather keep denying my current exsistence, then be a tool for someone's blood lust!"
05-17-2003, 4:39 PM
K'Warra: Wait. First you weren't sure where vampires would be here, and then suddenly you know about a vampire bar?
 Scar Da Kookee
05-17-2003, 4:48 PM
Vertmor: "There's stories, rumors, that go around. I'm not sure, I never gave a stright answer now did I? If there is such a place, I'm sure we can find it..."
05-17-2003, 5:35 PM
K'Warra: *impatiently* Fine. Let's go.
05-18-2003, 1:47 PM
Itrok: Whatever.

Jiyle: Nasty tricksy planars...
05-18-2003, 6:50 PM
((LOL @ Deac :D

Scar: Why do you keep stalling everything :p after all, it's your city so I can't move action along very easily))

*Time skip*

*K'Warra and Vertmor arrive at the vampire bar*

K'Warra: Is this the place?
 Scar Da Kookee
05-18-2003, 8:26 PM
Vertmor: "I believe so."

*They walk in. Vertmor goes up to the Bartender.*

((Vertmor: *to Bartender* "I'll have Bloody Mary."

Bartender: "Alrighty."

*The Bartender throws a mualed and bloody Nun from behind the Bar.*))

Vertmor: *to Bartender* "We are looking for Kvana Clare."

Vampiric Bartender: "You must not be from around here. He's right over there..." *Points to a dark corner.*

((There Is that speedy enough for ya ^_~))
05-18-2003, 11:24 PM
*K'Warra walks over to the corner. A pale vampire looks up at him. The face he wore was human...but looked alien. K'Warra stared, trying to figure out what...*

Vampire: Greetings, K'Warra K'laar. I've been expecting you.

*K'Warra finally realized. The vampire in front of him was a human-elf hybrid. The vampire, seemingly sensing his thoughts, smiled*

Vampire: Three parts human, one part elf. All parts vampire, currently.

K'Warra: Kvana it the second?

Kvana: So the story goes. *He smiles and picks up his drink, sipping from it* Well? Don't you have a proposal for me?

K'Warra: So you know.

Kvana: Only that you were looking for me. Considering your association with my predecessors, I expected you wanted me to do something for you.

K'Warra: Yes, I do.

Kvana: Indeed...*looks at Vertmor* I see our elevated master hasn't suceeded in killing you yet. My congratulations.
 Scar Da Kookee
05-19-2003, 12:18 AM
Vertmor: *Nods his head* "It's been a long time hasn't it? Last time I remember we meeting on any occasion, it was before you recieved your title. Uma is still furious..." *smiles.* "She'll have to be delt it sometime in the near future."
05-19-2003, 7:53 AM
Kvana: *smiles* I'm sure she will be. *to K'Warra* What do you want, and what do you have for me?

K'Warra: Tell me what you want, and I'll get it for you.

Kvana: What if I told you I wanted your girl?

*The girl sends him a death glare. Kvana smiles*

K'Warra: If I gave you the girl, it would defeat the purpose of my being here. Besides, it isn't within my power.

Kvana: Yes, I can see that now. *sips drink again* I think your friends are getting impatient. Why don't you invite them in?

K'Warra: I---what?

*K'Warra looks behind him, following Kvana's pointed finger. Itrok, Jiyle, Drago, and the startled demon hunters materialize out of thin air, all sans weapons*

K'Warra: *sputtering* I... What did you do that for?

Kvana: I didn't. They walked into one of my traps. Rather convenient timing, if I do say so myself. *to the others* What brings you here today?
 Scar Da Kookee
05-19-2003, 8:32 AM
*The room falls silent as vampires glare at the materialising humans.*
05-19-2003, 4:46 PM
*Jiyle draws his rifle, and Itrok, Starkiller*

Jiyle: This looks like greater evil, eh?

Right, vamps! This is how it goes! Try anything and I shoot

*Vampires laugh*

The bullets are loaded with HOLY WATER!

*Laughter dies*

Itrok: I am the Starkiller. You will find my blood most poisonous, and my blade most deadly. It's a Holy Avenger.
 Scar Da Kookee
05-19-2003, 7:47 PM
Vertmor: "And then what? Get one shot off with that rifle, killing one vampire, while another impales you fron behind with a sword. And also you child, attacking maybe at the most three or maybe four if your lucky enough, you just might kill the first few. But what both of you fail to relise that the odds are agenst you, you're just too sure about your abilites." *telepathically to Kvana* <"See what I had to go through while getting here. I wish I had time to prove them wrong, but it'll be their own undoing, not mine.">
05-19-2003, 8:05 PM
Drago: I've had about enough of you!

*Walks up to Vertmor and headbutts him. Vertmor crumples.*

Drago: I am Dralson..... Hell, everyone knows who I am. You try anything you die.
 Scar Da Kookee
05-19-2003, 9:02 PM
((Don't control my character BD
I think there needs to be a call for the need of phsyics of these vampires VS humans, even the trained ones.))

*Vertmor only crumples in a small bit of disgust int he human's ignorence. He simpley turns 90 degrees to his right.*

Vertmor: "Do you know anythign about vampires? You're lucky I don't slaughter you right now. I wonder If I could manage to do it slow enough so that the other two mortals can even 'see' it."

*Before an answer can be made, Drago is sent flying to the other side of the room. Not hit, but merely thrown.*

Vertmor: "I'm about twenty generations older then most of the vampires here in this room, other then Kvana, of course."

*A few vampires finally begin to relise who's in the bar, then they draw their swords towards Vertmor.*
05-19-2003, 10:17 PM
((OOS: Didn't I say "sans weapons"...I kinda meant everyone had lost their weapons. Ah well ;p

Scar, if Drago can't knock down Vertmor, why can Vertmor knock down Drago?))

Kvana: *smiling* There's no need for violence. *To the bar at large* Ignore them. They're with me. They will not harm you. *The vampires inching towards Vertmor feel invisible hands at their throats* Go about your business.
 Scar Da Kookee
05-19-2003, 11:03 PM
((Two reasons, Vertmor is far more capable of killing Dargo then Dargo to wound Vertmor. Second, Vertmor is a friken vampire! You just don't head butt a vampire!

Other then that, I never stated that Vertmor harmed Dargo, just 'threw' him. It's BD's decision if Dargo lands on his feet, or gets harmed... ^_~))
05-21-2003, 3:47 PM
[Scar: Think about it. Itrok has a very holy avatar. Now try and imagine a vampire trying to feed off him. It would be like holy water. Vampires aren't immortal, they just don't age.]
05-21-2003, 6:01 PM
((Scar, woops arse coming your way.))

*No one even sees Drago land, the next thing they know Vertmor is spalled on the floor, pinned with the tip of Dago's sword at his throat.*

Drago: Do not presume me a mortal. The only reason you live is because I do not wish to spend eternity fighting another of my kind. *Gestures to K'warra.*
05-21-2003, 11:14 PM
((OOS: For crying out loud, BD, Scar, PLEASE stop pretending the other person is as weak as an ant for the purpose of making your post sound impressive. It is oh so very annoying.

BD: You said Drago wasn't faster than a speeding bullet.

Scar: "Vertmor is a friken vampire" means about as much in this context as "There are marshmallow pies raining down from the sky." :p))

Kvana: *looking amused at Vertmor and Drago* Oh, do continue, your posturing is providing quite an amusing spectacle for everyone.

K'Warra: *annoyed* Can we get down to business?

Kvana: Why in such a hurry? *He mockingly offers K'Warra a drink. K'Warra looks at the blood in disgust and pushes it away* Why don't you tell me what you want, first?

*K'Warra points to the girl, who pretends not to notice* Her. I need you to, ah, well, to...

*Kvana looks at the girl, then looks back* Need me to what?

K'Warra: You have all the powers of your predecessor. I need you to create her a heir, another of her bloodline.

*Kvana looks at the girl, sizing her up with his vampiric and magic senses* Why? She isn't infertile.

K'Warra: It doesn't matter.

Kvana: What, then, is she afraid to sleep with another of her species? How surprisingly petty...especially for a person of your caliber, K'Warra. You journeyed this far simply to hire my powers to create a pointless immaculate pregnancy? Why?

K'Warra: That is not your affair. What is your affair is the offer I've made you. Take it or leave it.

*Kvana smiles* Well. Now that you mention it, something does come to mind that you could get for me, K'Warra...or rather, for a friend of mine. The device known as the Cauldron of Life.
 Scar Da Kookee
05-22-2003, 12:22 AM
Vertmor: "Sadly, I shouldn't have let my guard down." *hits the blade of dargo's sword away from his throat.* "Do it again, and you will be killed."
05-22-2003, 3:45 PM
*Itrok leaps toward Kvana and K'Warra, Starkiller very close to their hearts, gleaming with holy power*

Itrok: Evil shalt never claim that artifact. I have prevented you from taking it before, and will do so again. I am the Starkiller. For point of blackness, there is me.

*Jiyle looks at him with reverence, and steps forward*

Jiyle: As will I, the descendant of Starfor d'Etoilemort, called Starkiller.
05-22-2003, 6:54 PM
((OSS: Okay fine, your right Redwing.


That was the point of my last post. I just thought the head butt would be funny, Vertmor could have gotten straight back up agian.))

Drago: I won't do it again, I was just bored.

*Pulls out a bottle of wisky and begins drinking.*
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