I've made a labria model which is that devil guy in ep 4 a new hope in the cantina. He's only in the film for about 3 seconds though :) but i used cartoon pics of him. What do you think i do need help with the uv mapping is there any decent sites on how to unwrap in 3ds max 4. Its my first model ever!!! so could you tell me what looks good and what looks bad and any advice. ThanksLabria Model Pic (
3dsmax4 is another language to me.. I just wanted to say that the model looks really nice, it's an interesting and useful addition to jk2 models =)
Anyone know how you get the model into jk2 ? And is there anything you need to do to the model so it will go into jk2 is there any tutorials?
hmm yes i know how, and there are a few steps you need to do before it becomes a player model...i guess i could give a few pointers if you need help.
Well are they difficult and is there any where which will tell me what to do etc?
First you should read Spacemonkey's tutorial, it will answer a lot of questions (you can find it in raven's 2nd toolpack).
(look for JK2 editing tools 2.0)