I try to extract these files and it says:
Use Path: yes Overlay Files: no
Extracting demo_music.pk3
bad CRC e4d5b6f7 (should be 55a16b5b)
Extracting credits.txt
Extracting gamestart.cfg
Extracting autoexec.cfg
Extracting demo_video.pk3
bad CRC f7659187 (should be 53a61a0d)
Extracting contacts.txt
Extracting disclaimer.txt
Extracting license.txt
Extracting game-readme.txt
Extracting video-readme.txt
Extracting music-readme.txt
Extracting screenshot.jpg
What is wrong??
i dont know what is wrong but i think that the best possibility for fixing it would be to re-download the demo ZIP and try it again. maybe from a different source.