Dark Forces was the first FPS I ever played, and playing this brought back a lot of memories. It's very well done :)
Here's some comparison shots I took comparing Dark Forces to the mod:
That's pretty neat :)
It's like someone waved a magic wand and Dark Forces and made it look a million times better :p
if only it were that easy, eh One?
Just to make the comparison more "fair" here's a screenshot (
http://homepage.mac.com/anewmanagn/.Pictures/macdf.gif) from the Macintosh version of DF, which renders at 640x400. For a Mac user, the mod only looks 999,996 times better than the original. :D
Looks better than the DOS one to me...
That HUD isn't all pixly...
damn nice, a lot smoother than DOS. but im still not getting a mac :D
MagicAL, Could you post a few more mac DF pictures?
I added a few more screenshots to the website and cleaned up the HTML a little (I kind of suck at websites :p)
Once again, you can easily see the difference. The mod is coming along very nicely I can't wait for the rest of the game :)