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The Official Complete Collection of AOTC:TC Work

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01-28-2003, 10:20 PM
inbredyokel I need to talk to you about designing the site ok.
01-29-2003, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Aru-Wen
Is there ever a time when the website is up? ;)

All kidding aside, the work you guys are doing looks great. This TC will finally give me a reason to play the SP version of JO.

There is a 100% the MP incarnation of AotC will be released before SP. I'm not anti-SP, but there's a lot of things that won't be possible until the SP SDK is released, which might not be for quite a while.

The MP will be strong, though, I think it will definitely be worth your time to play. Actually, I'd like to see your Hogwarts map have support for AotC MP :)
01-29-2003, 4:06 PM
Will there be separate versions of the Kamino and Dex's Diner maps for MP deathmatch and duel? Would yu be able to dowload them without DLing the whole mod?
01-30-2003, 2:42 PM
Originally posted by mort!!!
Will there be separate versions of the Kamino and Dex's Diner maps for MP deathmatch and duel? Would yu be able to dowload them without DLing the whole mod?

i dont think im the right person to answer this, but i dont think so.

Maybe if the demand is huge and everyone wants a seperate maprealese we could consider it...
01-30-2003, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by wudan
The MP will be strong, though, I think it will definitely be worth your time to play. Actually, I'd like to see your Hogwarts map have support for AotC MP :)

I'm not quite sure what (or more accurately, how) I would make Hogwarts have support for AotC... details?
01-31-2003, 10:46 AM
Umm...... hmmm.... just add objectives ?

I think we'll have our own form of FFA, but I don't know.

Our site relaunched today, so click the sig.

The gray links are hard to see on a gray image, so :(
01-31-2003, 6:47 PM
Oh, you mean Saga objectives? I'll have to look up how to do that.

The site looks very slick, by the way. :D
02-01-2003, 10:39 AM
Ah the power of PhP. The site looks very good - I can't find a link to the forums on the frontpage? Anakin?

Oh well :(
02-01-2003, 2:24 PM
Originally posted by wudan
Umm...... hmmm.... just add objectives ?

I think we'll have our own form of FFA, but I don't know.

Our site relaunched today, so click the sig.

The gray links are hard to see on a gray image, so :(

Yeah, hopefully the concept of changing background and text colors will be deciphered soon. My hands are kind of tied if everything has to match gray text on a blue background :rolleyes:

Originally posted by DarkLord60
inbredyokel I need to talk to you about designing the site ok.

Sure, just send me a PM here or on the new aotctc forums.
02-01-2003, 3:10 PM
Ok the site has been sorted out

The forums can be located here....
02-03-2003, 11:28 AM
umm if the site is done, where are all the link? eg Screenshots , Forum, Contact.

And i think the background should be all black
02-03-2003, 4:11 PM
Metallica. Interesting choice of groups to use for the early alpha version of the trailer. :) Can't wait to see this new map that is going to be released.
 Bob Gnarly
02-03-2003, 4:21 PM
the trailer you have sucks, its all screenies from ep2 the MOVIE and only 3 screenshots from the game, im sorry but you should make one with all game shots because it looks like the movie trailer like that...
02-03-2003, 4:34 PM
thats why its called an ALPHA, witch basicly meens first version and it was only a test for omicron to make a trailer. We will make a proper trailer. Patience.
02-03-2003, 7:18 PM
The concept of the trailer was ok, but why post it? People will only get upset (just like Boss did). My only beef with it was the music - nothing screams "tacky" like Star Wars techno music. A better selection next time is recommended, ok guys? :p
02-04-2003, 3:37 AM
As buck said it was an Alpha, it was posted to show the staff what we wanted, but we decided to keep it up so that people can view something.

The map as long as I can get the finished textures will be sorted by the end of the week.
The other item that we talked about will also be released at the end of the week.

Oh Andy, when you going to post all the news on the site, Artifex has emailed you about you know what and im waiting on you :)

02-04-2003, 4:04 PM
Everybody already knows, Anakin. Geez.

I just want to know, where's Jaii?

When do I get a samplin' of our new addition?

Gameplay is one spicy meatball, but what about the other things ... like textures / models / weapon models. We can always use more of those.
 Bob Gnarly
02-04-2003, 5:17 PM
well they might be making an expansion pack for JK2 so
02-05-2003, 3:07 PM
No, you need to read more carefully. A SEQUEL is planned next year. The news on said expansion, but you should really read the quote and listen to the conference call.
02-05-2003, 5:59 PM
No kidding
02-05-2003, 6:23 PM
I had actually originally posted the news about the sequel, by ChrisC3PO stepped in and added some stuff in, which he changed to be an expansion.

Also Anakin, I haven't received any emails from Artifex yet, are you sure he sent it to the right email address. Because the only emails I've been getting in my inbox is spam and emails asking if I want larger breasts. LOL. so, ask him to send it again with a subject topic addressed to me.
 Bob Gnarly
02-05-2003, 6:23 PM
Originally posted by wudan
No, you need to read more carefully. A SEQUEL is planned next year. The news on said expansion, but you should really read the quote and listen to the conference call.
hey dont get all defensive i was just saying anyways good job on the mod hope to play it SOON
02-07-2003, 5:45 AM
Yes, the trailer IS an Alpha.
AND, it's not techno, its heavy metal, Imperial March Rage Remix from Force Commander.
Not observant enough! ;)
And there will be a better version once I have all the in-game stuff put together and i've been working it out with the rest of the team.
If you have any other ideas for the songs to use in it then I'm all ears.

PS: I can do mixes, so i can do a few songs together.
02-08-2003, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by Boss
hey dont get all defensive i was just saying anyways good job on the mod hope to play it SOON

Sorry. A lot of us on the AOTC:tc team are pretty darn edgy these days.

We hunger for a release, but we have nothing to show.

I think we may need to find more talent soon, but I'm not ready to move for a vote of no confidence in chancellor anakin quite yet ;)
02-08-2003, 3:55 PM
Saddly, I think the JK2 Modder Talent Well is tapped out. I haven't seen any good recruits for any mod in months.

Too many people are starting up one man modder teams instead of joining the larger Mod teams. That's not nessicarily a bad thing, but it seems to me that all the new mods a just simple enhancements of the older mods.
02-09-2003, 5:08 PM
Well, even when AotC is released, or as soon as the coding part is done, I'd like to get involved in another large projekt.
02-09-2003, 6:37 PM
That's going to be a while. :D
02-10-2003, 4:33 AM
I know everyones frustration, but with the site being rebuilt everyone having to re-register ect ect its hard to get everyone back in. As we also have a Massisve announcment to make we cant really do much intil it is made on

The map situation is an odd one, until the staff get back together, which most of them have now, we cant progress with the maps much further. The maps are being worked on and the map that I was planning on release is just haveing a little tweaking, there are a few errors on it that my PC doesnt see but is seen on others machines.
03-24-2003, 7:06 AM
Re-doing all the links with new images in game to be included in the next post.

Im bumping this up so that the staff can edit thier posts with the new locations of the files on the site.

05-02-2003, 6:35 AM
 Bob Gnarly
05-02-2003, 8:06 AM
arent you guys gonna change the layout of the health and stuff?
05-02-2003, 7:18 PM
I cant show you all of the secrets on the TC :)

I will see if I can get some screens up of that next.

05-30-2003, 7:11 PM
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