I have heard about RPG's but I for 1 have no idea of how to play them so could some1 set up some sort of help thread ( p.s is this rpg the same sortof thing that you can rule books for)
yeah, you imagine a characters adventures and tell us about them...
if you can find Redwing, send him a PM, he's the one who has a dirctory of all the RP boards here except for this one
can u actually buy books about rpging cause ive seen some which look similler but not sure if its the same
I got a freaking library of rpg books at home....:)
I'm not anything official, I just use my sig as an RP directory...since I post alot theoretically it should snag more people to post in the RP forums ;) :D
I dun have any books tho...me no expert on TBT RPGing ^^;