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Jedi Apprentices: Kessel Captives (Game)

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07-19-2002, 6:33 AM
The unsheilded fighter is knocked to the right hitting the sheilded one, destroying both.

Looking around and checking his sensors Rhett gives the all clear signal and the squadron lands on the extremely dusty planet.

As they jump out of the fighters they see the Fighter Wreckage only a little to the right of the course they have to take.

So do you want to check it out? There might be some useful stuff there.
 Wraith 5
07-19-2002, 6:41 AM

I think we should check out the fighter, we need to see who these people are, and if they were able to send off a message before they crashed...

ooc: Does anyone have telepathy skill? It would be useful to send the master a message about what happenes, OK i looked and i have the skill, so whatever we want to do i can try to send him a message.

Oh and dash, it is better if you just leave the hint of the fighter being there and letting the party think of going over to see it themselfs, otherwise them may go over there just because you brought it up ;)
 Tie Guy
07-19-2002, 6:47 AM
Dyn Westl

"If we are going to check out the fighter then we need to check it out quickly. We still have to meet up with Master Jrulen and that clone army isn't going to wait for us either. And lets not forget that we can't avoid detection forever. The more time we watse the less of a chance we have to do this quickly and quietly."
 Boba Rhett
07-19-2002, 8:07 AM
"Well then what are we standing around here for?"

Rhett begins jogging toward the crashed fighters with his saber in hand
07-19-2002, 11:40 AM
Chiso Sebatyne

"This one thinks there could be something useful in that wreckage. It might be worth the time it takes to check it out."

ooc: seeing as our GM overtly hinted that we do so. :D

Jogs off after Rhett to make a closer inspection of the wreckage.
 Wraith 5
07-19-2002, 9:58 PM
*devdel starts off toward the reckage as well...
He also tries to send the felling of possable troble to the master, as well as a felling of hope and pactines.*
 Tie Guy
07-19-2002, 10:21 PM
Dyn Westl

I shrugg and start off towards the wreckage with the others.
07-20-2002, 2:22 AM
Jec Sporkwind
*Flies over to the wreck but instead of searching it flies cover and looks for any aproching craft or sesor readings of them*

I also have telepathy
07-20-2002, 5:09 AM
*Rey lands his fighter close to the wreckage and begins walking towards it, wishing he had a speeder bike*
07-20-2002, 5:43 AM
As Jec flies by he sees nothing but keeps circling just in case.

Devdel finds a Datapad, and 1000 credits the pilot must have dropped.

Rey finds a pair of macrobinoculars and a field kit.

All of the sudden from under the fighter a stun bolt hits Chiso in the back. Although unharmed he falls to the ground, and before he can get back on his feet a Twi'lek steps on his back.

"Why hello gentlemen."
 Wraith 5
07-20-2002, 6:13 AM

*I try to slip the datapad into a pocket or hide it someplace...

At the same time i send "danger" to Jec, hopeing he can do something or try getting a message to the master.*
 Tie Guy
07-20-2002, 6:14 AM
I ignite my saber and whip it out in a defensive stance in response to the attack, haoping the mystic blade might cause a little more cooperation.

"Bad move." I say, waving my silver blade in the air. "Now, tell us who you are and why you are working for slavers. Oh, and you won't need that weapon anymore either." I reach out with the force and attempt to move the blaster from here hand and into mine.

How come rey and devdel get stuff and i come up empty handed? Anyways, why would she use a stun bolt? She isn't a friendly, right? Or is she, sorta?

Forget it Wraith. :D
07-20-2002, 7:06 AM
Tie, you didn't get anything because your search check failed...mostly cuz you don't HAVE search, but besides that the RNG doesn't like you for some reason.

O and Wraith wants me to tell you guys that you CAN'T deflect stun least the ring type. IS there any other type?

O and btw Tie, I think HE's just smarter than the average thug and knows better than to shoot an unknown target who has brought an unknown number of friends with he/she with a normal shot.
 Tie Guy
07-20-2002, 7:14 AM
Whatever, its fine. More than whining i was wondering what determined those sorts of things. I know now that it is search. I do have +4 though, or does that only matter if you actually put skill points on it? whatever. Oh, and i'm not trying to deflect anything, just cause a little intimidation. Its like pointing a blaster at someone. BTW, most stun bolts are just low powered bolts i think. Some guns have a different beam though, i guess.
07-20-2002, 7:27 AM
*sticks to standard RPG OOS form*

((TG, don't you remember ANH? That's where you see a common stunbolt ;)))

*Rey tucks the field kit into his belt and scans the area with the macrobinoculars. He doesn't notice the scuffle between Dyn and the Twi'lek yet*
 Tie Guy
07-20-2002, 7:30 AM
Redwing, i know, but in many books and the essential guide is says that "stun" is simply a power setting.
07-20-2002, 7:34 AM
((Yeah, but it never says the stun bolt looks the same as a normal blaster bolt.))
07-20-2002, 7:35 AM
The weapon flies out of the Twi'lek's hand and Dyn catches it in mid-air. Totally caught off guard he just raises his hands and says.

"OK you win!"
07-20-2002, 7:48 AM
*Rey startles from looking through the macrobinoculars at the Twi'lekk's yell*

Dyn! Who's he?
 Tie Guy
07-20-2002, 7:51 AM
What reason would it have to change?

"Yeah, good call. Now answer me and we might be merciful."

*turns to Rey*

"Some thug. Think we should take him with us? He might be useful."
07-20-2002, 7:55 AM
I use the force to throw off the stun numbness, and jump back up to my feet.

"This is not one we should trust." I say with a snarl.
07-20-2002, 7:57 AM
"Uh, sure, but uh what were the questions again?" the Twi'lek says nervously.

Sensing his Padawans' danger Master Jrulen pulls out his commlink (fogot about these didn't you!?).

"Everything OK, guys?"
07-20-2002, 8:00 AM
((Because it was only ever shown that way in the movies.))

Rey: *jabs a finger in the Twi'lekk's direction* You can start with telling us who you are and what you're doing here.
07-20-2002, 8:06 AM
"My name is Soenae Del'ono." *points to insignia on sleeve* "I'm a pilot for Offworld. I've been working at this mine for a few months now, and know a good deal about the layout. If you dare trust me I think I may be of some help to you."
07-20-2002, 8:12 AM
"'Offworld'? 'Trust me'? Sorry, but I don't see how those two go together?"
07-20-2002, 8:21 AM
"I must say I would probably say the same thing in your place. Well notice that I DID only use a stun bolt...and it didn't hurt you at all. Does that count for anything?"
 Tie Guy
07-20-2002, 8:46 AM
Dyn Westl

I take out my comlink. "Master, we have encountered a mercenary pilot who says he could be of some use to us. Should we bring him with us?"
07-20-2002, 9:22 AM
"Well I suppose that's your choice, but from what I can tell I sense no danger or deceit among you, but my powers are limited, even as a master, from this range." *Shenn says into him commlink while looking around."
 Tie Guy
07-20-2002, 9:28 AM
Dyn Westl

Thanks alot, Master? :rolleyes:

"Okay then, i say that we take him with us, but only if he cooperates and tells us where the guards and security sensors are."
07-20-2002, 9:31 AM

But I'm still not trusting him." *sideways glance in Del'ono's direction*"I've had experience with these 'Off-Worlder's. They killed my second Master."
 Tie Guy
07-20-2002, 9:34 AM
"Well i don't trust him either, but we might be able to use him. It could save us alot of time and trouble." I say, starting to grinn as i raise my voice so Del'ono can hear clearly. "And if he doesn't, we can just get rid of him."
07-20-2002, 9:37 AM
"Sounds good to far I've managed to stay undetected. I've learned that a Jedi Master in Jedi Robes sticks out like a sore thumb at an Offworld mine..."
 Tie Guy
07-20-2002, 9:42 AM
"Ok, Master. We are proceeding to the rendezvous point now."

I change the channel on my comlink to Jec's. "Jec, we're heading to rendezvous with Master, you can land now."

"Everyone, let's go. I'll keep an eye on our guest."
07-20-2002, 11:13 AM
Jec Sporkwind
*after a quick landing Jec jumps out of the fighter and runs toward the group*

"Who's the bum?"
*gets explained the story*
"What were you doing over here in the middle of nowhere? We landed a ways from the mines."
07-20-2002, 8:39 PM
"Remember the first fighter you guys shot down? I was the pilot---(man I thought you guys would have figured that out by now)---I ejected and came back to here to see if I could salvage any parts. Then you guys came along. I think you know the rest."
07-20-2002, 10:31 PM
Chiso Sebatyne

"I still don't like the idea of trusting this person. But it would be quite unwise for someone like him to be stabbing someones like us in the back."

"Are we ready to head to the rendezvous? If so we need to get going before someone gets suspicious."

((Can someone check her to make sure she isn't giving us away in some way?))
07-21-2002, 3:58 AM
"We did know. We were just testing you. To see if you were lying to us!" *stabs finger at Del'ono* "You can't hide things from Jedi. Ever. You remember that!"

((edit: Bug here...Artoo's above post is meant to be read after mine.

And why is everyone assuming the Twi'lekk is female?))
 Tie Guy
07-21-2002, 10:45 PM
Dyn Westl

"Yes, everyone, we are moving out now. Master should be waiting for us by now." I take out my datapard and pull up the map. "The rendezvous point is.....this way," I point in a direction, "let's go." I point to Del'ono. "You go first" I push him forward and head off behind him.

((Del'ono is a male))
 Wraith 5
07-22-2002, 9:42 AM
*Devdel, takes position at the back of the group, as far away from plilot as he can get, and pulls out the datapad he found in the reckage and turns it on, checking the information on it.*
07-22-2002, 11:32 AM
Jec Sporkwind
*Walks beside Dyn without lightsaber drawn but alert*
07-22-2002, 11:35 PM
Chiso Sebatyne

I walk behind Del'ono, constantly alert for a change in the surroundings, watching Del'ono especially close.

((Did someone check Del'ono?))
07-23-2002, 4:05 AM
*Rey walks behind Del'ono next to Chiso, keeping one eye on the mercenary's back while looking through the field kit he'd found*

((I assume Dyn did))
 Tie Guy
07-23-2002, 12:28 PM
((I never did, though i took his blaster. He could have something else, what skill would you use to check him? I don't have search or anything.))
07-24-2002, 5:29 PM
Search WOULD be the correct skill to use so I reccomend you guys check your PCs for it...

I ought to be home in about 5 days, or if my Sister gets her new computer before then. Until either one of those happens-I'm loving life and won't miss you!:p ;)

Chow for now!
07-30-2002, 6:16 PM
*checks PC*

((ummmmmm, i seem not to have included it, oh well, :o))

I continue to walk behind Del'Ono constantly alert.
08-01-2002, 9:04 AM
*thinks to himself*
OKay Dash. You can't hide! I've seen you on MSN IM! SO update the RPG or else I' SOMETHING SO TERRIBLE I CAN'T EVEN SPEAK OF IT!

Thats only because you can't think of anything right now ;) -Wraith 5
08-01-2002, 8:06 PM
Jec suddenly trips over an unseen object and the apprentices hear muffled laughter from their commlinks.

The apprentices slowly walk through the arid desert, and by the time they reach the rondevous point they are almost so exhausted that the force can't even help.

But the look they get from their master changes that quickly.

I sense a disturbance in the force...something's wrong here. You! says Shenn pointing at the Twilek What's the safest way to the main building?

There are two secret alleyways through the town that lead past the guard stations and lead to a rear entrance to the main building. The first one starts just over thier. The Twi'lek points at what looks like a drain pipe.

Master Shenn nods and leads the way to the alley./

Anything about this alley I should know? Shenn asks.

Well actually, yes. The Twi'lek answers. There are rumored traps along the alleys, unfortunately only the higher ranking officials know the exact locations of them, and exactly what they are.
 Tie Guy
08-01-2002, 9:04 PM
"Well if there are traps then how's that the safest route? Oh well, i guess we can't turn back now. If we can find them then i may be able to disable some of them. What kind of traps are we talking about? And what about sensors?"

((I've got +8 disable device, don't know everyone's skills, someone else may have better.))
08-01-2002, 9:24 PM
TG, I'm afraid Disable Device is more like for taking apart a grenade, or a Timing Device. To put it simply, it'll be fairly useless in this case.
08-01-2002, 9:36 PM
Jec Sporkwind
"Should we send those of us who are the best scouts to check the passages before we advance?" (Me)
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