I was playing TPM this morning at the Encounter in the desert level. I threw a thermal detonator at the people in Mos Espa, just behind me, I didn't kill the probe droids and went fight Darth Maul. But then, I stopped fighting him and I jumped on the rock, push the block and got to the ship.
Darth Maul was there, as usually, but he suddenly jumped in the rock and he got stuck! He wasn't moving or anything! Even if I was hitting him he wouldn't lose energy! The cutscene arrived just after that.
Run away from Darth Maul back to Mois Eisley (where he won't follow you) several times, and eventually he will get stuck running in place.
At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
LOL! By the way, do you know the trick to kill Darth Maul before he kills Qui-Gon? I saw the post but I don't know how. Thanks.
**bumps topic up for Tom's evaluation**
At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.