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Otah Gunga's awesome now!!!

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03-05-2001, 10:39 PM
I tried otah gunga with the gamepad, and it only took me 5 tries on that tricky jumping part!!!!!!! EASY!!!! it took a trillion times with using the keyboard.
03-05-2001, 10:56 PM
Good God, that puzzle is the bane of our existence. Quite simply, I think a MAJOR reason why TPM got hammered in the reviews was because of that one puzzle. I've had 2 reviewers admit to me that they shelved the game and wrote the review at that point because they couldn't get past that puzzle.
And, let's face it, we all know that the game gets a lot more fun at the Gardens of Theed level and beyond: Swamp and Otoh Gunga were just not as much fun as the other levels.

Disclaimer: No, it wasn't the ONLY reason why TPM's reviews weren't that great. LOTS and LOTS of little things went wrong; the camera angle was universally reviled, characters just weren't that good-looking. But I do feel that the puzzle didn't help. I could tell which reviewers didn't finish the game though
03-05-2001, 11:50 PM
hehe. I almost cried trying to get past that using a keyboard, but just before i lost all hope, i got past it, it wasn't too hard with a gamepad, just turn jump, turn jump, turn jump. easy.

Otah Gunga seemed very small once I beat it with a gamepad.
03-06-2001, 12:23 AM
Actually, I've finished the game so many times now, I can make the "once" tricky jumps at the Final Battle in one attempt. I know it by heart. Yeah, maybe the game is not perfect, but it's the fun that count. It's one of the most exciting game I ever played. The first time I showed it to my friends they were like: "Wow! That's incredible, you can reflect laser bolts!"

Sometimes, games that gets high review, they are just not fun. Complex but not fun. TPM was fun. And the proof is that, if I'm not mistaken, TPM was a top-seller.

Gamespot gave it a 4.3 out a 10. That's a shame. It should have got 7, at least. Same thing for Indy Infernal. They gave it a 6.3. I just hate Gamespot sometimes.
03-06-2001, 12:47 AM
awesome! I just figured out with the automatic fire switch does with the weapon button!!! i can reflect ALL laser fire!!! it constantly make the saber swing, like rapidly pressing the fire button, except it does it when you move too!
03-06-2001, 3:21 AM
I have no gamepad...the key to me easily getting jumps in Otoh Gunga is "slowmo".
Now if there only was a way to EASILY do the Final Battle jumps...

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
 Jedi SuperBuen
03-06-2001, 1:59 PM
The jumps in TPM were hard, but so hard as to stop playing!? I don't think so.

Who ever reviewers couldn't pass that are WIMPS...

It's tough but I mean you just try again, it's not like you had to start the whole level over... Just run around the "block" and try again.

As for the final level, well it's tough, but if it wasn't then everyone would have been whinning that the game was too easy.

Zanzibar: You guys made an awesome game and it's entertained me more than I though it would. It was definately worth what I paid. And even though it has some bugs, it's an awesome game and it let me play one of my all time favorite movies!

You can do it your own way
Just as long as it's done just how I say...
03-06-2001, 2:44 PM
What Jedi Superbuen said. TPM IS FUN! By the way, Gamespot RARELY gives a good review to LucasArts games. They gave 7.8 to Starfighter. They gave 8.4 to X-wing Alliance. Man, they should've get 9 and 10.

TPM ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuules!
 Jedi SuperBuen
03-07-2001, 3:14 PM
You know I take what reviews say, wether they are good or bad. I see it for myself. I look at screen shots, I d/l the demo, I buy the game. If I like the game, that's all that matters!


You can do it your own way
Just as long as it's done just how I say...
03-08-2001, 4:29 AM

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-18-2001, 5:35 PM
**bumps topic up for Tom's evaluation**

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-21-2001, 3:15 PM
if you don't stop doing that i'll have to hurt you.
03-22-2001, 2:14 AM

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
 Jedi SuperBuen
03-22-2001, 1:14 PM
*sticks Lightsaber in Redwing's leg*

No more bumping. Tom can set the view mode to see the last 30 days' posts.

Ash to ash,
Dust to dust,
Fade to black,
But the memory remains...
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