I know how to ban IP's while playing, and when I do a g_banips I get the IP's showing up in the list.
However whenever the server gets restarted, or the gametype changes, the game seems to lose the banned IP's. I was under the impression that doing an "addip xxx" would add that IP to the 'banned' list in my server.cfg file? Or do I also have to add it there manually?
So, basically question is, am I doing something wrong?
Yes, if you want the bans to stick after a server restart, you need to put them in your config. Some admins like to make a separate file called banned.cfg and execute that from the server.cfg.
i still don't understand what ip banning can do besides with the static ones. its utterly useless! why did lucas arts decide not to include a cd key or something. half-life had that and even a won id! but what can jk2 admins do? lurking around and do the security gorilla??
ok jk2 and especialy the duel scene has a very low percentage of lamerz due to its leetnes, hehe.
My /addips get put into jk2mpserver.cfg and are always active.
My problem is I have too many and if I don't clear some out I can crash the server by making the g_banips (or whatever) variable too long (> 256).
I would like a way to permanently add IPs without crashing my server if it gets too long. In fact an easier way to manage banned IPs would be greatly appreciated...
Once all the issues are worked out with the new server versions, my bot can ban by name and ip and doesn't have a limit. Of course, if you want to ban an ip range, the existing function is easier to use.
Thanks for the responses guys. One more question...
If I add the IP's manually into a bannded.cfg file, I assume I would still use the
seta g_banIPs "" // List of IP's to be banned
seta g_filterBan "1" // Enable Ban by Ip
functions, they'd just be in a banned.cfg file which I call from my server.cfg file.
My question, how do I seperate IP's in the quotes?
g_banIPs "192.x.x.x 192.x.x.x" or do I need to use commas or semicolon's?
Thanks again!
The ip's should be separated with a space. Additionally, there should be a space at the very end like so:
seta g_banIPs "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx "
Remember that to ban an ip range you use zeros for the "range" part. For example:
seta g_banIPs "xxx.xxx.xxx.0 "
..will ban xxx.xxx.xxx.1 through xxx.xxx.xxx.255. Just be careful with range bans since, if set wide enough, you'll exclude a decent number of other players. Especially if it's a more popular isp.