asfdjkasdcasfsdafafsdahjfgasdfvchkgveyuedcfbawefce niweafhsdafnisdafasdfsadfatassioasdfascasrehksdnvo ergbgccccconfsgbsb!
The Imperial Symphony goes triple platinum!
gehialmplaimperialmarchopadsnlswhatthehellareyouta lkingabouthieopqadekamomlflmalfkghisthissomekindof hiddenmesssagehirrlsagghgaeoristhispiglatin???? azkdkakakathishasnothingtodawithstarwarshflkfzaplo p!!!
I am your father.
Hayden Christensen in 'Star Wars Episode 2: The Rise of the Empire?'
hfajklh fjka fhejkhfejkahfuklafdnhjklafhadjklfheuaklfhnjksdhfeu ailfhundjkfhueailhfdj;akfhajkshfueklahfueghfugjukh ajkcnjakdbjfheuiawueiooooofnjhfjhfjkaljdjalfhdjla
Iknoweveryoneismakingfunofyodabutitwashisfirstpost andhewasprobablytestingoutsomething.
Hayden Christensen in 'Star Wars Episode 2: The Rise of the Empire?'
no it didn't...;dsajfl;adjf;lasj, ok, i'm done
Yoda I know I speak for all of us wen I say that we didn't mean to offend you if we did, we were just having some fun, also If you have any questions ask em.
Your local Sith Lord. Darth Chaos.
And now you will die.
<TR><td bgcolor=#00000 valign=top><font color="000000">.</font color><td bgcolor=#00000><font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="red" size="2"> Quit spamming.
Darth Chaos is right, I tought Yoda was wanting to start a fun little topic.
I am your father.
I was I was just seeing how much of a sense of humor you all had!
By the way is any one looking for a slave?