As far as I recall, this board was created in order to let people ask questions, make comments, help each other out ;)
Anyway, I replied to a similar question less than a month ago, here:
Just scroll almost to the bottom. Ah, what the heck, I'll just paste it here:
"That is REALLY hard to do, sorry. To make an explanation of why, the following is a bit technical:
The reason is that dialogue lines are stored inside the scripts, which are placed inside the resource bundles of the game along with costumes, background art, everything.
If the length of a translated dialogue line differs as much as a single letter from the original version, every command that comes after it in the script will have a different offset (position) than before. Which means that if there's a jump earlier in the script, it'll jump to a wrong offset and the game will (most likely) crash.
Also, all the resources following the script you patch will have their position changed too. Which means that the directory (atlantis.000) will point to wrong positions too. Which, in turn, means that the engine won't be able to find anything in the resource file.
It IS possible to do a utility to take care of all this, but I don't think anyone has done it yet. It's something I might consider adding to the SCUMMBag family sometime (see the Questions thread on the SCUMM Hacking forum).
- Serge"
- Serge