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Jedi Runner updated

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05-10-2002, 3:38 PM

I have been working hard with our beta testers and Jedi Runner is working well, below is a list of recent changes.

' -- MAY 09 beta 8
' -- Removed business rule where map wizard required all selected maps
' -- to be configured before allowing map cycle to be saved.
' -- Fixed bug with map scanner not picking up all maps in the JK2 patch (v1.03)
' -- Added g_dismember cvar (Thx MatrixCPA
' -- Added g_jediVmerc cvar (Thx SimMacDaddy/MatrixCPA

' -- MAY 08 beta 7
' -- Modified the way an advanced map cycle is created, now sub configs are created and
' -- executed in the map cycle.

' -- MAY 08 beta 6
' -- Modified Weapon flags, this apparently now works with the latest patch release of Jedi Knight2
' -- Thanks to Raven and
' -- Note: To enable Saber only check everything but Saber.

Those of you that already have Jedi Runner installed you should only need the updated exec Download Jedi Runner beta8 update from FilePlanet (

All others must get the full install

Download Jedi Runner from FilePlanet (

Thanks and Enjoy!

Kind Regards,
Providing free windows installations and server utilities to the game community since 1999
ICQ 71420728

Team member Threewave MOD team for Quake 3
Team member True Combat MOD team for Quake 3

"Frag the weak, hurdle the dead..."
05-10-2002, 9:23 PM
It's working great! But I have one problem/question.

When I disable one or two force powers... the opening screen where people join always says "No Force Powers"... yet you can go in and use force powers except the disabled ones. I looked all over where to change that mesage on the screen but can't find it.

Also... my server shows up with the No Force Powers Icon in the in-game browser....

What do I need to enable/disable to stop this from happening?
05-10-2002, 10:55 PM

I think thats a bug with Jedi, I am not aware of any cvar that allows setting a message in regards to a force being disabled.

05-11-2002, 3:46 AM
Yes it is a bug in the game. Since I believe Raven doesn't fully support this feature and it's not been tested fully.
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