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Favorite Special Unit

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08-24-2001, 1:51 PM
Personally I think the wookie beserker is going 2 be awesome

:chewie: :chewie: :chewie: :chewie: :chewie: :chewie: :chewie:

go 2 mr.fixit online, a link on the galactic battleground official site 2 see all the special units.
08-24-2001, 2:06 PM
what are u talking about droiddekas all the way baby

(destroyer droids)

kos9_ty on the zone zm me
08-24-2001, 2:25 PM
Beserker, Dark Troopers and Faamba Shield Generators, man. :cool:
08-24-2001, 2:38 PM
Dark Troopers and Droideka's, man :cool:
 Tie Guy
08-24-2001, 2:49 PM
Beserker, "when wookies get mad, run"
08-24-2001, 6:41 PM
Yeah, u saw what happened when Chewie got mad at Lando!
Almost ripped his head off!:evil6:
08-24-2001, 7:02 PM
I'm gonna have to agree with yal, the Wookie Berserker is the Bomb!
08-24-2001, 7:33 PM
...but a bomb that will be blown away by a droideka nonetheless.
I'm for the droideka's; they are rumoured to have the most awesome animation of the game !
08-24-2001, 7:45 PM
cause i mean even obiwan said he and qui gon were no match for droiddecas:deathii: the federation might be the biggest surprise as a good civ well maybe not the biggest i think the naboo might just have the stuff but we will see:amidala: :emperor: :emperor:

ps when the wookies are looking for the arms on my droiddekas ill be blowing there f****** heads off
08-24-2001, 8:06 PM
Every unique is cool :D
 Darth Maul Jr.
08-24-2001, 8:54 PM
I'm willing to bet Snowspeeders will be the most effective special units since everybody and their brother is gonna want to build AT-AT's!
 Tie Guy
08-24-2001, 9:05 PM
Yeah, the speeders do seem really good, and they will be even better if you are playing against mech players.

BTW, i'm not gonna want ATATs at first, and i can assure you that my brother won't either. :D
 Darth Maul Jr.
08-24-2001, 10:09 PM
yeah but at whatever point you and your brother pick AT-ATs my above statement will be correct...also, lets not overlook Famba shield generators. It looks like they will work a lot like arbiters did in Starcraft. I for one found arbiters extremely usefull for defense with Reavers and attacking with carriers... Every time i played with Protoss i always had a sigh of relief when i was finally able to build arbiters...I made sure i had arbiters before i had dark templar or dark sure the shield generator will work in much the same way and will thus be a very, very important unit for Gungans!:D
 Admiral Odin
08-25-2001, 1:00 AM
I would say rebel speeder.
 Lord JayVizIon
08-25-2001, 1:03 AM
Originally posted by Darth Maul Jr.
yeah but at whatever point you and your brother pick AT-ATs my above statement will be correct...also, lets not overlook Famba shield generators. It looks like they will work a lot like arbiters did in Starcraft. I for one found arbiters extremely usefull for defense with Reavers and attacking with carriers... Every time i played with Protoss i always had a sigh of relief when i was finally able to build arbiters...I made sure i had arbiters before i had dark templar or dark sure the shield generator will work in much the same way and will thus be a very, very important unit for Gungans!:D

i agree with you totally. faamba generators could be the dark horse in this game, but i gotta stick to my homeboys, the wookies and their berserkers....
08-25-2001, 8:19 AM
i think the wookie beserker is going to be like the viking berserker and couldn't get much out of those. i'll stick with the faamba and destroyers.
08-25-2001, 10:20 AM
u r right darth maul Jr.
The Faamba walking shield generator may prove the most useful and deadly.:cool:
 Sir Michael
08-25-2001, 12:08 PM
Im with the destroyers and the berserks.

And obi did not say they were out mached qui gon sed it was a standoff.
08-25-2001, 12:09 PM

 Tie Guy
08-25-2001, 12:16 PM
i'm sure you do ferg, too bad you won't :D

Anyways, i don't think that the Beserkers will be the same as the viking Beserkers. The viking ones were good at attacking buildings, if you hadn't noticed. The wookiee beserkers are gonna be great melee units for attacking troops, and maybe mechs. See the difference?
08-25-2001, 12:21 PM
I want Gen. Veer's At-At:D
or Han&Chewie in Mellinium Falcon:D
08-25-2001, 1:36 PM
The NABOO ROYAL KNIGHTS could actually be awesome in battle so don't count them out either!:mad:
 xwing guy
08-25-2001, 5:12 PM
I heard that the royal night was some kind of mounted melee unit I think.
08-25-2001, 6:11 PM
It's not mounted, but your half right ;). It's supposed to be great against jedi...
 Darth Maul Jr.
08-25-2001, 8:45 PM
I agree with you about the berserkers...they died so fast in combat just like the other units that i never got to see the benefit of that regeneration. I'd rather have a unit with powerful attack or lots of armor.
 Admiral Odin
08-25-2001, 9:27 PM
I really have to wait. My favorite unit will depend on how the games plays.
08-25-2001, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by Darth_Rommel
It's not mounted, but your half right ;). It's supposed to be great against jedi...

How do you know it's not mounted they don't have screens of it yet.:confused:
 Tie Guy
08-25-2001, 11:28 PM
yeah, aren't knights usually mounted? It would be cool if tehy were really fast and mounted, and have powerful melee.
08-25-2001, 11:32 PM
I think there is a screenshot:,11105,470395-35,00.html)

The orange soldiers (I believe) are Naboo Royal Knights (or however they're called) or maybe the Mounted ones.. or maybe none of them.. well, we'll have to wait
 Destroyer Droid
08-26-2001, 3:28 AM
Destroyer Droids because they have mini shield generators like in Episode 1 vs the Jedi.
 Tie Guy
08-26-2001, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by Compa_Mighty
I think there is a screenshot:,11105,470395-35,00.html)

The orange soldiers (I believe) are Naboo Royal Knights (or however they're called) or maybe the Mounted ones.. or maybe none of them.. well, we'll have to wait

No, the troopers are just regular troops and missle troops, and the mounted units look just like regular mounted units. Remember, those shots came out a while ago, before Mr. Fixit went to test. And he said that the knight wasn't finished yet, so i doubt that is them.
 xwing guy
08-26-2001, 3:34 PM
If knights are usually mounted what about jedi knights?:D You don't see them go around riding horses do you?
08-26-2001, 4:37 PM
Famba Shiled Generators and Rebel Snowspeeder.

also, what exactly can the snowspeeder do? can it take down at-ats with its tow cables? is it a really fast scout? :) or both of those and more?
08-26-2001, 4:39 PM
it's an anti mech unit.

how do you get an avatar
 Tie Guy
08-26-2001, 4:49 PM
go to the "user cp" button on the top of the browser, then go to the "edit options" menu on that page. Then go to the "change avatar" button near the bottom of the page and pick or upload one.

And yes, the snowspeeder is an all-around mech killer, not just for the ATAT. I also presume it will be fairly fast.
08-26-2001, 4:52 PM
Originally posted by god
it's an anti mech unit.

how do you get an avatar

on the main forumsite-screen, click on 'cp profile', then on 'edit options'. At the bottom of the screen you'll be able to upload your own avatar or use one from a list..

And if you want a cool one go to my site (click on the banner)
08-26-2001, 4:58 PM
I think the Destroyer Droids seem the coolest...but the Faamba Sheilds are probably going to be the most useful.
08-26-2001, 5:01 PM

Luke hero is going to be very powerful...and so will Vader.
:luke: :saberb:<--Who's the most powerful?-->:saberr: :vadar:
08-26-2001, 5:04 PM
cool, Snowspeeder sounds good for getting rid of those nasty trade federation peeps :)
08-26-2001, 5:06 PM
Snowspeeder sounds good for getting blasted out of the sky by the TIE Defenders(that I want but I am constantly denied:( )
08-26-2001, 5:10 PM
While TIE Defenders do rule, I think they're going to have enough TIE variations in there(Fighter, Bomber, Interceptor?). Snowspeeders will probably waste mech's but other then that I don't think they'd be that great. The Faamba's on the other hand strenghten all troops within its radius so thats why I think it's probably the most useful of the special units.
 Tie Guy
08-26-2001, 5:57 PM
I really don't know how much i would use the Fambaa. It seems good and all, but i think i'd rather have a weapon with a strong attack for my Special Unit, not one with a strong defense.
08-26-2001, 6:09 PM
I don't know how much I'd se the Faamba either....the Gungans aren't one of my fav's ;)

Well, if you ask me, a strong diverse army will beat an army of 1 unit usually......even if the one units really powerful. The Faamba seems to be the most benificial to the most units.
08-26-2001, 9:39 PM
The Faamba sheild generator. Its the best defense because it moves, better than the other sheild generators. The besat defense is a good offense.
 xwing guy
08-26-2001, 9:55 PM
Thats only if you have other troops with the fambaa.
 Tie Guy
08-26-2001, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by Booya2020
The Faamba sheild generator. Its the best defense because it moves, better than the other sheild generators. The besat defense is a good offense.

Don't you mean "the best offense is a good defense" ? The way you had it, you wouldn't like the fambaa, coz it doesn't have any offense.
08-26-2001, 10:46 PM
hmmm, i was hoping for something different for rebs :( when i heard it was Snowspeeder i was a bit dissapointed.. i was hoping for i dunno... a B-wing... or maybe a bothan spy?
08-26-2001, 11:22 PM
Bothan spy......that would be a good unit for an xpack. If they made the xpack to coincide w/the EU. I'd imagine it being similar to the spies in RA2.

Yeah, I thought the Snowspeeder was a little anti-climactic too.
 Admiral Odin
08-27-2001, 1:09 PM
I think the snowspeeder fits perfectlyl with the rebels. (you can't play a true hoth mission with out it. I think that is why they put it in, they wanted to give fans a chance to play Hoth.
 Tie Guy
08-27-2001, 2:50 PM
i was wondering why it wasn't part of their normal air-units. I was hoping for an infiltrator, or something like that.
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