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Beta Version Server Launcher Util

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04-20-2002, 1:24 AM
I wrote this little util to setup some of the options for launching the dedicated server. Its for Win only and pretty basic for now. If I get good feedback and no one else makes a killer launcher I may add more functions and options.

You can get it from here..

04-20-2002, 5:48 PM
Added Map Rotation Support, Just posted new file.

Anyone try this? Any comments besides it needs to do more?

04-20-2002, 9:37 PM
Added Force Level and Saber Only options and posted up the new program.

Currently the program supports:

Server Name
Game Type
Beginning Map
Max Players
Time Limit
Frag Limit
Capture LImit
Inactivity Kick
Force Power Level
Lan or Web Game
Saber Only
Allow Vote
Game Password
Console Pwd (rcon)
Custom Map Rotation
Run last setup

This is version 1.10 and will probably be the last one for a while as it does all that I need it to do..

04-21-2002, 4:26 AM
as far as suggestions go.. I would say a way to disable specific weapons and force powers would be ideal. I'd be very interested in using such a tool with those features. Thanks and great job.
04-21-2002, 4:51 AM
Thanks man..

Ive read some threads about how it gets crazy on disablin some of the weapons or powers so Im gonna leave em open for now.. but that and a few other options are still on the plate.

Apparently I created a few bugs when I added the last set of features and didnt realize it.. so I just now squashed em and upped it.. same version, hopefully less crash ;)

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