Termand Rwos (gargoyle, saber fighter, mercenary)
"Cody Green"[no real name] (mutant human, too complicated to explain
Trael Cean'R (human, admiral of a huge fleet, not allied with any government but favors Rebel side, tries to keep peace, the original Redwing)
Game characters:
Ace Azzameen (X-Wing Alliance)
Luke Skywalker & Wedge Antilles (Rogue Squadron)
Obi-Wan Kenobi & Qui-Gon Jin (The Phantom Menace)
Bullseye Navior (Racer)
Neva Kee (Racer)
Captain Panaka (The Phantom Menace)
I have a limited number of games so please excuse omissions...
There's a TON more original characters but I only just started RPGing recently so I only have the mentioned ones plus Aaron Celchu as a stand-in pilot for Trael (at RS.net).
At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.