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Rogue Squadron PC gamers needed!!!

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03-13-2001, 5:03 PM
Go to get the utility called the passcode finder (forgot what the real name is though and start looking for new codes, and report them over at!) (!) There's no time to waste! GET TO WORK!
03-15-2001, 5:30 AM
You have already defected to the Empire, so what are you doing recruiting new Gold Squadron members?

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-15-2001, 4:31 PM
i never defected. I was an agent, but now that our emperor and vader are dead, i've given up my moff duties and have defected to the new republic, and am now in command of an AT-AT and am a general.
03-20-2001, 6:12 AM
So much for this topic.

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-20-2001, 2:35 PM
hey, why don't we just start a topic on how topics get changed so fast!!!!!!!!! i'm about 100% ticked off at reading stuff that says 'this forum is dying', 'the topic is changed', etc. it's just annoying!!!!!
 Jedi SuperBuen
03-20-2001, 10:04 PM
Yeah who cares, as long as people are posting...

Ash to ash,
Dust to dust,
Fade to black,
But the memory remains...
03-21-2001, 6:06 AM

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-21-2001, 6:31 PM
Yo-yoing topics is a way of life. Get over it people.
 Jedi SuperBuen
03-21-2001, 10:24 PM
Yeah I dunno all of a sudden what the big deal is of staying on topic... I mean as long as people post who give's a Hutt's ass! (no offense Pedro

Ash to ash,
Dust to dust,
Fade to black,
But the memory remains...
 Boba Rhett
03-21-2001, 10:52 PM
Sing it sista!!


I calculated the odds that this would work versus the odds that I was doing something incredibly stupid...and I went ahead anyway.
 Jedi SuperBuen
03-22-2001, 1:08 PM
R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it meeeeeeeeeans to me! YAH!

Ash to ash,
Dust to dust,
Fade to black,
But the memory remains...
03-23-2001, 3:12 AM
Still can't change the fact, Rogue Squadron Sucks compared to the X-Wing Series.
03-23-2001, 6:55 AM
Please please PLEASE go post that at so I can watch everybody kill you.

And the only XW game on a par with RS is X-wing Alliance (and perhaps TIE fighter).

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-23-2001, 4:29 PM
It's a console (child's) game translated to the PC. It's an aracade game, no a Simulator.
03-23-2001, 6:19 PM
At least it's fun though! pc version seems less arcadey because you get to use the joystick.
03-23-2001, 6:22 PM
and it's fun to see how fast you can beat it.
 Jedi SuperBuen
03-23-2001, 9:46 PM
So following your rational paul, all console games are for kids... Am I right to assume this?

Ash to ash,
Dust to dust,
Fade to black,
But the memory remains...
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