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 Boba Rhett
03-24-2001, 12:35 AM
*hugs everyone*
I love everyone!

Here oni, I made you some sugar cookies.

Let's have another group hug!!

Anyone here now a good sing along?


I calculated the odds that this would work versus the odds that I was doing something incredibly stupid...and I went ahead anyway.
 Uutont Fжr Uulion
03-24-2001, 4:38 PM
We can always sing the song that goes with the main theme song


Ooh Wah Fah Pah
 Darth Cindy
03-24-2001, 4:44 PM
*having just walked in starts singing along*

May the force be with me
 Uutont Fжr Uulion
03-24-2001, 4:46 PM
Hey, welcome Darth Cindy.
I'm Uutont Fжr Uulion
I've been here for about a week most of the others have been here for longer so if you have any questions talk to them.

Ooh Wah Fah Pah
 Darth Cindy
03-24-2001, 4:47 PM
Thanks I will

May the force be with me
 Uutont Fжr Uulion
03-24-2001, 4:48 PM
Any time

Ooh Wah Fah Pah
 Boba Rhett
03-24-2001, 7:26 PM
*Starts singing too*

There, now isn't this better than all the wars?

Hey, everybody!! I made cake!! Come and get a slice!! Then we can all go swimming and play tennis!!

/EDIT/ Hey Cindy. What's up? Take off your coat and stay awhile. Have some cake!! /EDIT/


I calculated the odds that this would work versus the odds that I was doing something incredibly stupid...and I went ahead anyway.

[This message has been edited by Boba Rhett (edited March 24, 2001).]
03-26-2001, 6:58 AM
Wazzup Cindy?

Isn't it nice to have someone like Boba Rhett here to greet everyone? At, where such a person is lacking, we have a custom of turning topics from new people into fights over silly things (ie Is the A-wing or the X-wing better? for five pages )

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
 Jedi SuperBuen
03-26-2001, 3:06 PM
*eats a piece of cake*

Welcome Cindy.

(is it me or whenever we see a female name we all jump up and welcome 'em? I don't remember getting much of anything when I started posting... Shoulda nicknamed myself Darth Angelina or something

Ash to ash,
Dust to dust,
Fade to black,
But the memory remains...
03-26-2001, 3:55 PM
I don't want to be nice. I don't have to be nice.


Star Wars is not about peace. It was back in 1977, 1980, 1983 and through most of the Expanded Universe about a CIVIL WAR and the mopping up operation afterwards. Now it again is a War, this time a war for survival. It's an inherent contrast. The peace with which a Jedi must act from, but the warrior aspect of their life that they must embrace to serve others.
 Boba Rhett
03-26-2001, 5:47 PM
*Hands Paul some cake*

WOOHOO!! I'm in th mood for a partaay!! WHO'S WIT ME!?!

*Goes to buy 10 bags of Doritoes, 50 2 liters pops and plenty o' cake. Also readies the Indoor and outdoor pools and puts the net up on the tennis court*

Come on everybody lets party!!! Everyones invited to my place!!


I calculated the odds that this would work versus the odds that I was doing something incredibly stupid...and I went ahead anyway.
 Uutont Fжr Uulion
03-26-2001, 7:28 PM
*grabs a peice of cake*
*puts the best of Star Wars CD on and starts dancing*

Ooh Wah Fah Pah
 Darth Cindy
03-26-2001, 7:53 PM
*joins in the dancing*
Ooooh Party!

May the force be with me
 yoda the hutt
03-26-2001, 8:06 PM

Ive got a real gun and a real bomb and not even chocolite fudge twist with caramel will stop me from detonating this super unstable moleculizer......... is that double fudge swirle...
 Darth Cindy
03-26-2001, 8:07 PM
*walks up and smacks Yoda the Hutt very hard*
You should be ashamed of your self
*smacks him really hard again*

May the force be with me
 Darth Cindy
03-26-2001, 8:12 PM
*Stuff Yoda the Hutt(bob the relentless who stupidly forgot his pass code and E-mail address and didn't even bother asking his parents or "friends") full of double fudge ripple*
bob you are welcome to the party as long as you can behave
here's some "Doritos"

May the force be with me
 Uutont Fжr Uulion
03-26-2001, 8:18 PM
I'll be watching you bob
*Gives bob a big bear hug*

Ooh Wah Fah Pah
 Pedro The Hutt
03-26-2001, 8:49 PM
*Steps in rather late, but still joins the party, and greets the newbies*Arg, had modem problems. Stupid things.

I am your father.
 Boba Rhett
03-26-2001, 9:09 PM
*gives Bob a Huge double fudge swirly cake with ice cream on top*
Why isn't anyone swimming in the pools?! Here,*hands out some raquets* go play some tennis if your not swimming!! Or you guys can come join me in the hot tub. Better hurry up, it's filling up fast!!

Isn't summer at my house the greatest?!

WOOHOO!! time to patayyy!!! Crank the music!!


I calculated the odds that this would work versus the odds that I was doing something incredibly stupid...and I went ahead anyway.
 Uutont Fжr Uulion
03-26-2001, 10:22 PM
*grabs a tennis raquet and dives into pool*
Anybody for a game of water tennis

Ooh Wah Fah Pah
 Boba Rhett
03-26-2001, 11:02 PM
Oh!! OH!! I WILL!!! *jumps out of the huttub grabs a raquet and goes head first down the slide into the outdoor pool* Come on everybody!! Don't be shy!!


I calculated the odds that this would work versus the odds that I was doing something incredibly stupid...and I went ahead anyway.
03-27-2001, 1:26 AM


*twitch twitch*



Master of Demons, Defender of Underworlds
03-27-2001, 3:24 AM
You people and your pathetic attempts to exault existence is making me vomit...
 Boba Rhett
03-27-2001, 4:06 AM
I think I speak for all of us when I say, QUIT BEING A HORSES @$$ AND JOIN THE PARTAYYY!!! *goes back to playing tennis*

And how are we exalting existance? Were just having a party?


I calculated the odds that this would work versus the odds that I was doing something incredibly stupid...and I went ahead anyway.

[This message has been edited by Boba Rhett (edited March 27, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Boba Rhett (edited March 27, 2001).]
03-27-2001, 3:57 PM
Throwing a party celebrates life. There's a war going on in the Star Wars Universe, and I for one am not going to rest till I see the Yuuzhan Vong driven from the Star Wars Galaxy. *Slaps another powerpack in his blaster and Ignites his lightsaber* Who the hell is with me?????
03-27-2001, 5:00 PM
/Darth_Lando steps back in from the parallel universe and grabs some cake.

and asks if Darth_Cindy is a relative of mine.
 Boba Rhett
03-27-2001, 5:56 PM
*sigh* Very well. Lets go end this war so we can have ourselves a totally ***** *n partay!!

Follow Paul everone!! He knows the way!! Make sure to grab a gun out of my closet first!!


I calculated the odds that this would work versus the odds that I was doing something incredibly stupid...and I went ahead anyway.
 Pedro The Hutt
03-27-2001, 7:09 PM
I GET THE ROCKET LAUNCHER! *Runs like hell towards Rhett's closet* Hmmm... Who's driving, most of us are a) too drunk to drive from the party or b) too young to drive.

I am your father.
 Boba Rhett
03-27-2001, 8:12 PM
BAH! We can drive drunk. Everyone grab a Ferrari. You know, the ones I ordered last week.


I calculated the odds that this would work versus the odds that I was doing something incredibly stupid...and I went ahead anyway.
03-28-2001, 3:43 AM
Remeber that division of AT-ATs i used on your go-kart? Well they still work.
 Boba Rhett
03-28-2001, 3:47 AM
You heard the man. Everyone load up and grab an atat and lets go stomp some Yuuzhan Vong ARSE!!
03-28-2001, 1:58 PM
*invites Yuuzhan Vong to the party*

Y'ever stop to think how many wars could be avoided just by doing stuff like this?

C'mon guys, have some cake!

*uses amphistaff to cut cake*

"The Beasts know much that we do not." -Ancient Jedi proverb
 Pedro The Hutt
03-28-2001, 5:23 PM
Yeah, PEACE MAN! It's far out man.

I am your father.
 Uutont Fжr Uulion
03-28-2001, 8:53 PM
*he is just about to get in a ferrari when he decided to forget it and grab another tennis raquet and climbed back into the pool*

Ooh Wah Fah Pah

[This message has been edited by Uutont Fжr Uulion (edited March 28, 2001).]
03-29-2001, 2:48 AM
/me fills pool with jell-o

Hehe, that should make it more interesting... I have always whondered if you can swin in jell-o...

Master of Demons, Defender of Underworlds
 Boba Rhett
03-29-2001, 3:42 AM
Man, I can't wait till it gets warm enough around here so I can actually swim. And to make it worse, we have to paint them with paint that requires 3 weeks drying time.

As for being able to swim in jello.... I really miss my dog...


I calculated the odds that this would work versus the odds that I was doing something incredibly stupid...and I went ahead anyway.
 Uutont Fжr Uulion
03-29-2001, 7:27 PM
could you please repeat that in russian or greek, because english really isn't working for you

Ooh Wah Fah Pah
03-31-2001, 2:33 AM
so your saying dog's can't swim in jell-o?

Master of Demons, Defender of Underworlds
03-31-2001, 2:33 AM
so your saying dog's can't swim in jell-o?

Master of Demons, Defender of Underworlds
03-31-2001, 2:37 AM
So your saying dogs can't swin in jell-o?

Master of Demons, Defender of Underworlds
04-01-2001, 3:22 AM
Except that they smashed the cake with their amphistaff and then smashed beastmaster's skull.

 Jedi SuperBuen
04-01-2001, 3:23 AM
*Jedi SuperBuen enters the room*

Sorry for being late guys!
*looks at paul and Rhett*

Well are we partying or kicking some @$$? Either way is kewl with me!

Ash to ash,
Dust to dust,
Fade to black,
But the memory remains...
 Jedi SuperBuen
04-01-2001, 3:24 AM
*Jedi SuperBuen enters the room*

Sorry for being late guys!
*looks at paul and Rhett*

Well are we partying or kicking some @$$? Either way is kewl with me!

Ash to ash,
Dust to dust,
Fade to black,
But the memory remains...
 Jedi SuperBuen
04-01-2001, 3:24 AM
*Jedi SuperBuen enters the room*

Sorry for being late guys!
*looks at paul and Rhett*

Well are we partying or kicking some @$$? Either way is kewl with me!

Ash to ash,
Dust to dust,
Fade to black,
But the memory remains...
 Jedi SuperBuen
04-01-2001, 3:26 AM
*Jedi SuperBuen enters the room*

Sorry for being late guys!
*looks at paul and Rhett*

Well are we partying or kicking some @$$? Either way is kewl with me!

Ash to ash,
Dust to dust,
Fade to black,
But the memory remains...
 Jedi SuperBuen
04-01-2001, 3:27 AM
*Jedi SuperBuen enters the room*

Sorry for being late guys!
*looks at paul and Rhett*

Well are we partying or kicking some @$$? Either way is kewl with me!

Ash to ash,
Dust to dust,
Fade to black,
But the memory remains...
 Uutont Fжr Uulion
04-02-2001, 8:18 PM
although it is not a bad way to go down

Ooh Wah Fah Pah
Kneblowac Mi Kims Lyska
04-05-2001, 2:50 AM
I've been away the past few days fighting my own private war with my boss about my research project. The other reason is that even though i have Netscape 6.01 recently installed, the stupid boards weren't loading.

Well i'm back to eliminate kindness and the Vong.
 Uutont Fжr Uulion
04-05-2001, 8:36 PM
does everybody have to repeat things thousands of times

Ooh Wah Fah Pah
Kneblowac Mi Kims Lyska
from Uutont Fжr Uulion the Cookie Maker, Jedi Knight
 Pedro The Hutt
04-05-2001, 8:44 PM
sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes...

I am your father.
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