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Post your desktop!

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08-18-2001, 12:23 PM
I haven't seen any threads with this topic yet. So I figures I might as well get it started! Here's mine. (click here to see the real size 1152x864) (


For those that will ask, I use WindowsME and those icons are custom, they are not part of the WindowsME package.
 Tie Guy
08-18-2001, 12:34 PM
08-18-2001, 12:37 PM
Gee, Jackal I guess your proud of your country ;)
Here is mine....
08-18-2001, 12:40 PM
I never get wallpapers off the internet. I allways make my own. Mainly because I cannot find wallpapers that I really like.
And I also like simple designs. I have like 5 dif versions of that wallpaper. Black, one with a beaver in a canoe (sounds wierd but its cool) and etc.
08-18-2001, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by TheJackal
I never get wallpapers off the internet. I allways make my own. Mainly because I cannot find wallpapers that I really like.
Yeah I usually have just a black BG, but fergie showed me the Sith code and it just looks so darn cool! :D
08-18-2001, 12:48 PM
08-18-2001, 12:51 PM
Chris, you were right! It's much nicer. Where did you get that?:eek:

update: FOUND IT! :p
08-18-2001, 12:56 PM
Nice pic ChrisC3po!
So it looks like Jackal has icq...hmmmm...;)
08-18-2001, 12:57 PM
:o uh oh.

It's a lie! :)
 Tie Guy
08-18-2001, 1:00 PM
I always get one from they have a bunch of good ones. I would like to know how to make one like mine on my own, but i can't even come close. :D

Anyways, here's the one that i had on my laptop
08-18-2001, 1:06 PM
Tie, do you like the color brown? It seems thats what you make your browser color on all your computers.. :)
And EWWW! You have AOL! :D
 Tie Guy
08-18-2001, 1:11 PM
Yes, the browinsh color is much easier on your eyes i think, and it just looks better than plain white or black, IMO.

Anyways, i have cable (roadrunner) it is mainly my sister who uses AIM.
08-18-2001, 1:15 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
Yes, the browinsh color is much easier on your eyes i think, and it just looks better than plain white or black, IMO.

Anyways, i have cable (roadrunner) it is mainly my sister who uses AIM.
Well I usually switch my browers color according to what my Background is. I try and keep with a theme :)
ICQ is much better! I mean look, you can talk to Chrisc3po or Jackal or even YD! They all have ICQ :D
 Tie Guy
08-18-2001, 1:20 PM
I should probably know this but.....ICQ?

Anyway, i switched the one on my laptop top often, what else was i gonna do during school?
08-18-2001, 1:23 PM
WHAT'S ICQ?!?!?! I have no clue what it is. Don't laugh. I'm just kind of naive unless someone beats it into my head (unless its Star Wars of course).

BTW TIE, where did you get that awesome A-wing pics? :D
 Tie Guy
08-18-2001, 1:25 PM
I got it at They have like 14 pages of pics like that. You have to sign up i think, but it is free.
 Sherack Nhar
08-18-2001, 1:27 PM
Here's mine:

However, it's bound to change soon, as I switch my desktop background almost every week...
08-18-2001, 1:28 PM
You don't need to sign up there to take their pics.
ICQ is an instant messager. :)
 Young David
08-18-2001, 1:39 PM
Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

However, it's bound to change soon, as I switch my desktop background almost every week...

Every weak? I change it every 4 hours .. I use webshots. Currently I have (looks) the R2-D2 desktop from But I could easily change it to (presses some buttons on keyboard) Battle of Yavin wallpaper ... also from ... or (buttons again) lego X-wing from or (buttons) Calvin and Hobbes ... I could go on for a while ... cause I have 104 wallpapers circulating
 Cillo Kwi'ley
08-18-2001, 1:46 PM
I like things kept simple and it shows on my desktop...

c:\mes documents\vincent\dt.bmp
08-18-2001, 1:49 PM
Originally posted by Cillo Kwi'ley
I like things kept simple and it shows on my desktop...

Yup, thats about as simple as a desktop gets! ;)
08-18-2001, 2:17 PM
How to show us your desktop:

-Press the print screen button near the backspace button.
-That stores a picture of your screen into the clipboard (just like copy and past but instead of text, it's an image)
-open up a imaging program (ex: MsPain, Adobe Photoshop, PhotoPaint, etc)
-press paste (if nothing happens, you may have to create a new image with the size of your current resolution)
-save it to your hard drive

To post it on this thread:
-at the bottom of the reply form, there is a section called "Attack file" Click browse (choose your file)
and then click "submit reply"

You might get a message saying the image is too big. In that case, you need to get a site to upload your image. There are numerous places for that. ex:, (or something like that. Just make a search for "free image hosting" on
08-18-2001, 2:23 PM
Simple? I'll say! That is one SIMPLE red X! White background, red X in middle. That's simple alright!

BTW How do you fit all your icons on that tiny thing? :D
 Tie Guy
08-18-2001, 2:32 PM
#24 works very well, they let you leech, but they also only let you have 1 pic.
 Boba Rhett
08-18-2001, 2:37 PM
Thought it was going to be Star Wars related didn't ya?
08-18-2001, 2:42 PM
Your mean Rhett! Posting attachments when you know the rest of us can't :(
 Boba Rhett
08-18-2001, 2:55 PM
Don't worry, I'll only use it when I'm to tired/lazy to bother with uploading something myself. :D
08-18-2001, 4:00 PM
Comon! There's got to be more! I wonder what Gary and the rest of LEC have as a wallpaper.
 Tie Guy
08-18-2001, 4:15 PM
Probably nothing really cool or inventive. My dad is a programmer and he just has a plain grey backgtound.
 Boba Rhett
08-18-2001, 5:34 PM
That seems to be a common trait among programmers. I wonder why. :confused:

Well, there's that and that there also highly amused by tropical fish screensavers. :D
08-18-2001, 6:38 PM
Jackal, it says under my thing that I "may not post attachments." Is it honorary for one million post, or is it a mod thing or what?

BTW I don't know html so anything that requires that is not available for me to use.
 Tie Guy
08-18-2001, 6:43 PM
He can post attachments coz he is a mod, us lowlifes can't :D

We can still get free webspace. It is really easy, just go here and sign up, then folllow the directions
08-18-2001, 8:05 PM
Oh. I didn't know you guys couldn't add an attachment file. Come to think of it, it does make sence that you "low lifes" can't upload anything to the server or some will upload allmost anything and waste the space.
08-18-2001, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by TheJackal
Oh. I didn't know you guys couldn't add an attachment file. Come to think of it, it does make sence that you "low lifes" can't upload anything to the server or some will upload allmost anything and waste the space.
I think we need to add horns to your avatar, Jackal!
08-18-2001, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by Kvan

I think we need to add horns to your avatar, Jackal!

It scares me enough right now:D
 Sherack Nhar
08-19-2001, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by Boba Rhett
That seems to be a common trait among programmers. I wonder why. :confused:

Well, there's that and that there also highly amused by tropical fish screensavers. :D ROFLMAO!! My friend Cillo changed his tropical fish background to the plain blue one he posted... and he programs in his free time :D
 Cillo Kwi'ley
08-19-2001, 10:59 AM
OK I'm sorry about my lack of a brain... I linked to my hard drive...:eek: Anyway here it is :
08-19-2001, 11:33 AM
Hehehe...Cillo, did you try to show as little as your desktop, as possible? :D
 Tie Guy
08-19-2001, 12:41 PM
Very creative Chillo, really :D

Why don't you have many icons either? :confused:
 Cillo Kwi'ley
08-19-2001, 12:49 PM
Hehehe...Cillo, did you try to show as little as your desktop, as possible?

Could you please reformulate this ? I really don't understand whan you mean...:(

Very creative Chillo, really

Why don't you have many icons either?

As I said, I like simplicity and if I have more icons, this means less free RAM... I have 128 Mb RAM and 256 soon but that does not matter, the less RAM used, the less bugs in RA2...

Seriously it's just that I'm crazy, it's an obsession I have, ask Sherack... I use 4 Gb of my 20 Gb hard drive and I don't keep any MP3 file because it wastes my hard drive space.
 Tie Guy
08-19-2001, 12:51 PM
OCD? j/k

Anyways, do you play RA2 alot, that is my favorite rts game to date.
 Sherack Nhar
08-19-2001, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Cillo Kwi'ley

As I said, I like simplicity and if I have more icons, this means less free RAM... I have 128 Mb RAM and 256 soon but that does not matter, the less RAM used, the less bugs in RA2...

Seriously it's just that I'm crazy, it's an obsession I have, ask Sherack... I use 4 Gb of my 20 Gb hard drive and I don't keep any MP3 file because it wastes my hard drive space. It's true! It's damn true!! He even deleted small text files of about 3k to save space!! Hell, just today, he told me that he disabled the "login automatically" option of this board so that the cookie won't waste his space :eek:

His little brother's favourite hobby is to waste space with useless demos, so that enrages him :D
 Tie Guy
08-19-2001, 1:07 PM
Yep, your definately OCD :D My friend is too, he can't stand for anything to be out of order or not in it's place on his computer.
 Cillo Kwi'ley
08-19-2001, 1:09 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
OCD? j/k

Anyways, do you play RA2 alot, that is my favorite rts game to date.

I played a LOT but now I've played so much that I play only like 2 games a day. BTW If you wanna play with me my WOL account is ckwiley.

But what's OCD ? Could it be something like Obsessive Compusive Disease ? I'm sorry I only had about 7 years to learn english in a french speaking environment so I don't know this kinda thing.

Hell, just today, he told me that he disabled the "login automatically" option of this board so that the cookie won't waste his space

I was joking about the space cookies use but I DO delete them... because... oh no... could it be ?... AAAHHHHHHH !!
 Tie Guy
08-19-2001, 1:16 PM
OCD- Obessive Compulsion Disorder.

I was really just joking. My friend says that i have ADD (attention deficet disorder) so i tell him he has OCD. :D
 Boba Rhett
08-19-2001, 3:38 PM
Actually it's Obsessive compulsive disorder. ;)

And Cillo, that's a little......extreme, to say the least. :D
 Cillo Kwi'ley
08-19-2001, 5:11 PM
I wouldn't want to appear worse than I really am.

I get rid of my cookies because if I wait too much I'm gonna end up with 1000 of them. I don't use much of my hard drive space because I already had an almost full hard drive and it slows down the computer dramatically. I don't keep any useless files like MP3s for the same reason. I just want to feel that my computer is clean and in order.
 Sherack Nhar
08-19-2001, 5:40 PM
Originally posted by Cillo Kwi'ley
I wouldn't want to appear worse than I really am. But you are that bad :D

You can have a clean computer without having to delete "useless" files (MP3s are NOT useless :) ), just create additional directories to store them.

Aww, why do I keep on telling him that... he'll never listen ;)
 Tie Guy
08-19-2001, 6:12 PM
You could compress your hard drive if you are really that worried about it, or have you already done that?
 Cillo Kwi'ley
08-19-2001, 6:43 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
You could compress your hard drive if you are really that worried about it, or have you already done that?

I would decrease the performance !

I know it's not one more Gb on 20 that's gonna make a diffrence... Sherack's ONCE AGAIN exaggerating, he's well-known for that.

I'm just in the line of thought that anything useless should not be kept.

Anyway we talked about this enough. This thread was originally meant to post your desktop so I'll let the others post theirs... unless we already destroyed this thread... I'm sorry TheJackal...

I know this isn't related to the rest of my post, neither to this forum but Tie Guy, you said that RA2 was your favorite RTS. Are you interested in playing against Master Cillo ? Everyone on WOL are either rushers or newbies... I need an opponent of quality !
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