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Post your desktop!

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 Tie Guy
08-19-2001, 7:47 PM
I said it was my favorite rts, i didn't say i was good. :D

I'm no newbie, but i'm not an expert either, you'd probably crush me. Plus, i'm a bit of a rusher. :D

Anyways, do you play the soviets or the allies?
 Cillo Kwi'ley
08-19-2001, 7:59 PM
Damn rusher...

I played the allies at the beginning because I took them in RA1 but everybody in WOL takes them so I decided to play the soviets to be sure there would always be at least one soviet player in the game. But I realized how much better were the allies for my way of playing so I went back to the allies. Now I play both, depending on the map, the opponents, my ally, etc...

Now THAT was off topic !
 Master Yoda
08-19-2001, 8:01 PM
how do u take a pic of your desktop??
 Boba Rhett
08-19-2001, 8:14 PM
Press the "Print Screen" button that's located around the top right side of your keyboard and then open up a paint program and paste it into it. Then you can save it and upload it.
 Tie Guy
08-19-2001, 8:22 PM
uh....actually you can't upload it. You'll have to post it on the internet and then link to it. I suggest going to it is really easy.
 Boba Rhett
08-19-2001, 8:27 PM
I never said he could upload it here. :p
 Tie Guy
08-19-2001, 8:45 PM
I said i'm a bit of a rusher. What i normally do though, it set up a wall of GIs (i play the allies) in the chole points to halt enemy attacks while i try to destroy the opponents harvesters that wander awway with tanks and/or harriers. Then, when their resources are low, i send in my GIs and my tanks for bakup to crush the enemy. Also, i don't really like superweapons i think they take a lot of the strategy out of it. (although they add a little too) Do you use them?

EDIT: ok i just saw this and changed my desktop so i had to post it here. (and to get us back on topic)
08-20-2001, 8:11 AM
I really like that wallpaper. I've seen it before at but that has been down for over 2 months I think.
 Sherack Nhar
08-20-2001, 10:12 AM
Wow, kick ass wallpaper Tie Guy!

Since when do ISDs fly into the atmosphere?? :D
 Boba Rhett
08-20-2001, 10:41 AM
That's frickin awesome!! Think you could send that to me, Tie? :D
 Cillo Kwi'ley
08-20-2001, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
Also, i don't really like superweapons i think they take a lot of the strategy out of it. (although they add a little too) Do you use them?
They're too strong... especially the nuke and weather storm. Threr should be an option to play only with the chronosphere and the iron curtain (In the mod RA2 Aftermath you can have this). A friend once told me that a FFA with superweapons was great because there was such a tension, everyone having a superweapon ready, if he fires it, he puts the targeted player out of the game for a good amount of time but everyone else is gonna launch their superweapons on him. I tried it but I was too fast, nobody even had the time to build a superweapon but me. Guess who won...

It was boring because it was either too easy (for me) or too hard (for the others). Of course you can attack the other's base but I also had a great defense so it was, like they say in Mortal Kombat, a flawless victory.
 Tie Guy
08-20-2001, 2:47 PM
#62 They have a ton, you can find one that you like in one of the 14 or so galleries. Also they have fantasy and other Sci-Fi categories if you like that stuff.

Oh, and maybe it's a VSD, they can go in the atmosphere.
 Sherack Nhar
08-31-2001, 8:32 PM
I'm reviving the thread for two reasons:
1) I want to see more desktops from you guys!
2)I just created a kickass background that I'm very proud of, and I want to show it to my friends here!

So here it is:

Now everybody knows how much I worship SEGA, and the Sonic series in particular!
By the way, the quote in the logo says
"I'll never look back, I've got no regrets
'Cause time doesn't wait for me
I choose to go my own way"

If you like it, I could make it available to download in a zipped file. The original sizze is 1280x1024, but I can resize it to other resolutions (I'll try to keep the text readable).

Next up is a Knuckles background :D
 Tie Guy
08-31-2001, 8:49 PM
Wow, did you make that yourself, it looks great.
and i'm glad that you consider the people here friends. ;)

Anyways, for the sake of this thread i revived one of my all-time favorite desktops from years past.
08-31-2001, 8:57 PM
The Powerful Fergie Fleet...(in the center is the "Darthfergie" my SSD:D )
08-31-2001, 9:25 PM
This reminds me. It would be about time for me to make myself a new wallpaper. Hum. I'll need a theme though.
 Tie Guy
08-31-2001, 9:40 PM
Hey, Ferg, did you make that, or did you just decide that it was very similar to the "Fergie Fleet" ;)

Jackal, you should go with the badger and canoe thing, i've always wondered what that would look like :D
08-31-2001, 9:44 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
Hey, Ferg, did you make that, or did you just decide that it was very similar to the "Fergie Fleet" ;)

No the Galactic Press made it when the fleet was lauched on 5647892:D
 Tie Guy
08-31-2001, 9:53 PM
Ok, i'll just ask you straight forward coz you obviously can't take a hint. ;)

Who is J Crombach? Is he you?
08-31-2001, 9:54 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
Ok, i'll just ask you straight forward coz you obviously can't take a hint. ;)

Who is J Crombach? Is he you?

Not even close:D
09-01-2001, 12:31 PM
Hopefully this is my desktop...

(P.S.-Kind of caught me in the act of being on the internet...look at the start bar:) )
09-02-2001, 2:46 PM
Okay. It's not the beaver in a canoe. But it's pretty cool in my opinion. Simple and abstract. Tell me what you think. (I have a feeling this one wont stay for long though)

 Sherack Nhar
09-02-2001, 7:12 PM
You're not very kind to the 56k ers, TheJackal! Kidding :D

It's very stylish, and I like the choice of colors. My only complain would be that it's a little bit too white in the lower part, but of course it's entirely subjective.
09-03-2001, 1:56 PM
I was just experimenting. Hehe and sorry 56k modem users. Yes I have a huge resolution. But that is what after all graphic designer use :p
09-03-2001, 3:37 PM
Okay! This wallpaper will stay for a long time! It just finished it. I started around 3pm. Now it is 4:30pm. :eek: I think I need some time off the PC :D

Since it is quite big go here:
 Tie Guy
09-03-2001, 9:16 PM
Originally posted by TheJackal
Okay! This wallpaper will stay for a long time! It just finished it. I started around 3pm. Now it is 4:30pm. :eek: I think I need some time off the PC :D

Since it is quite big go here:

Geez, you made that whole thing in an gour and a half. It takes me forever to draw a simple x-wing wireframe.

Anyways, thats pretty cool
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