Thanks =]]]]]]]
The only problem with the level is getting good R_speeds (LAG)
How to make a room as big and complex as the main one and stop fps from dropping really low when you open hanger door ?
Raven says JK2 can support this better
but if its to laggy i may make the level into a kick ass multiplayer =]]]]
Hey D'akt Sangwar i was reading that ATAT forum
i was wondering if TEMS wants to see a map that i made for EF where the atat fires
dont know how it would work in jk2 but it fires towards a set point.
even got the guns to move when it fires =]]]]]
i used the model of the atat on site
I found carbing the inside out a pain so to make it walkinable =] i made a transporter on the door that took you to the inside =]
then a tv monitor showed you the view from the cockpit
so i can imagine how hard it is for Tems to make the atat walkinable
Ive half made a hoth map with three of these atats and i can just imagine them firing all at once :D :D :D :D