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Stuck on Kejim & Questions

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03-29-2002, 2:26 AM
I'm in Nejim trying to find my way to the next area and don't know where to go! I found the first secret area (took an elevator down), and got a message from Jan that the base is divided into three sections.

Can see two areas with guards at guard stations, but the doors are locked!

Q: How do you use the "supply keys", and which containers are the "openable" ones?

I'm playing in 800X600 resolution with all the bells & whistles turned to high or max, and when there are more than 3-4 troopers on-screen at once I get a pretty big hit with framerate/slowdown. My system is a Compaq 1.2 GHz, with 512MB RAM, and a 32MB ATI Radeon 7000 video card. Any reason for this, or should I just "turn down" the detail on some of the graphics?

Thanks for any and all help. Much appreciated!

03-29-2002, 3:20 AM
First: read the manual!!! :)

Now, supply keys. All you have to do is go up to a supply crate and use it (read the manual to see what the use key is and what the default binding is... you must have already used it by this point, though). Security keys are the same way.

The two other areas of the map (green and red) are locke duntil you unlock them. You must not have found the red generator room with the map of the station in it. Hint: go back to the area you were in (before the large open cylindrical chasm with catwalks) and go... down.

As far as performance, make sure you have the latest drivers for your card. And, since your video card only has 32MB of RAM, you cannot play with VERY HIGH texture detail, turn it down to HIGH (might work) or MEDIUM (recommended)
03-29-2002, 3:47 AM
Okay, when I go "down" from the front entrance to the building, I find this strange egg-shaped machine that doesn't do anything.

When I go "down" from an elevator in the blue sector, I find the "secret" area, but no generator room or anything else.

Where is this darn generator room?! Please help the hopelessly lost and pathetic! :)

03-29-2002, 4:06 AM
Originally posted by Fett64
Okay, when I go "down" from the front entrance to the building, I find this strange egg-shaped machine that doesn't do anything.

When I go "down" from an elevator in the blue sector, I find the "secret" area, but no generator room or anything else.

Where is this darn generator room?! Please help the hopelessly lost and pathetic! :)


It's not JUST a secret area. Keep exploring.
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