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Stuck at the end of yavin

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03-28-2002, 6:20 PM
ARRG! im stuck right before your supposed to go to the jedi academy at the end of the at-st level .. i beat the jedi guy in this dark cave and then i get a mission update notice ... Can't seem to find my way to the academy ?
03-28-2002, 6:32 PM
Hmm, I have no idea where you are... can you describe your surroundings and the very last thing you did... or post a screenshot?
03-28-2002, 6:54 PM
ok its right after the yavin swamp level ... you take an atst out for a spin then u get to the end and jump up the side of the cliff and fight a one of those jedi reborn [ or whatever their called] in a dark cave that seems to go nowhere and thats where i am... can't find the end of the level . From what i gather from the forum its the end of the second last level ..
03-28-2002, 7:01 PM
hey in that dark cave theres a hole you fall in and thats it.Its all the way like in the corner.Use your light ampifiers.
03-28-2002, 7:53 PM
hehe thanks never thought of jumping in a pit .... Well i have now officially finished the game !!
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