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Stuck.... Cant beat Dasaan's Apprentice....

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03-28-2002, 4:56 PM
Anyone here have any tips on how to beat Dasaan's apprentice? I've eaten her lightsaber about 20 times in a row now....

Maybe the dark side is stronger...
03-28-2002, 5:11 PM
Try using force push to get her off balance... I ate her saber about 10 times before I got that... also, try to make her throw here lightsaber... force push will usually knock it out of reach.
03-28-2002, 5:29 PM
Force speed also helps... plus, run away when you're hurt, heal up and save every now and then.
03-28-2002, 6:33 PM
i thought this was pretty funny... but try to make her throw her lightsaber off the chasm...
she couldn't retrive her saber... so i proceded to beat the snot out of her....
03-28-2002, 9:57 PM
I tried following the advice of people on this thread, but by the time I realize her saber's sailing at my head, I'm too busy dodging to fling her out of reach..

.. but I stumbled onto an even better approach. If she leaps anywhere near an edge, I use the Push to fling her outward. Seems she just goes further and further out/up, so by the time I've shoved her 3-5 times, her impact on landing on the platform was rather painful, and eventually fatal to her.
03-28-2002, 11:08 PM
I asked her if she smelled what the Rock was cookin'. Than I commenced to layeth the smack down on her polygonnaly sweet ass with force speed and just side cuts and diagonal uppercuts, and beat her in like 20 seconds.
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