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Star Wars Trivia ( the real thing)

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 Com Raven
05-08-2002, 10:01 AM
"Because they think they brains are so big."

-Boss Nass

sounds crazy, but got nothing better up my sleeves...
05-08-2002, 11:09 AM
"Because they think their brains are so big". Personally, I think they were just pissed because people can actually understand the naboo when they talk. stupid gungans.
 Jan Gaarni
05-08-2002, 12:21 PM
Pretty much for the same reason Europeans don't like Americans apperantly. :D j/k
But if anyone here go to the Exodus Forums you know what I mean. ;)

"They think their brain so big!"

- Boss Nass!
 Wraith 8
05-08-2002, 12:54 PM
well the answer was:
-Mesa no like de Naboo. They thinke they brain so big-

the points so far:
Jan Gaarni: 51 points
MikeC: 44 points
Com Raven: 40 points
Darth Evad: 34 points
Rogue 15: 21 points
Mister E: 6 points
Darth Simpson: 6 point
Gaalgoth: 2 points
Wraith 8: 2 points

31st Question:
What camp were Queen Amidala taken to when they were captured by the Trade federation?
 Jan Gaarni
05-08-2002, 1:04 PM
Camp 4.
 Darth Evad
05-08-2002, 1:14 PM
Camp 4 (I think).
 Com Raven
05-08-2002, 1:34 PM
should be camp 4...
05-08-2002, 2:09 PM
I'd have to say camp 4.
05-08-2002, 11:20 PM
 Wraith 8
05-10-2002, 6:07 AM
the answer offcourse was: Camp 4.

and Gavor... i think Camp doh doesnt excist :D :D ;)

the points so far:
Jan Gaarni: 55 points
MikeC: 44 points
Com Raven: 42 points
Darth Evad: 37 points
Rogue 15: 21 points
Mister E: 6 points
Darth Simpson: 6 point
Gaalgoth: 3 points
Wraith 8: 2 points

32nd. Question:
According to the movie: how many AT-AT's get destroyed?
 Boba Rhett
05-10-2002, 6:29 AM
 Com Raven
05-10-2002, 8:20 AM
I also think 3..

1 with the harpoon, one gets a speeder in the face, and the one Luke gets...
 Darth Evad
05-10-2002, 8:30 AM
 Jan Gaarni
05-10-2002, 12:41 PM
One by Wedge and Janson using the harpoon to trip it and laser cannons to blow it up.
One by Luke using an explosive charge.
05-10-2002, 12:44 PM
I was just sitting here trying to count them up and figure how y'all got to 3. I think it's 2 like Jan said. There was 1 with the tow cable and one with Luke's lightsaber.
05-10-2002, 2:10 PM
I only remember seeing two... cable wire and the classic "lightsaber/explosives bowel treatment"
 Darth Evad
05-10-2002, 2:27 PM
You guys might be right. I might be thinking of the A-wing flying into the bridge of the Star Destroyer.!t. That's the last time I just copy what the previous guy posted. ;)
05-10-2002, 2:48 PM
There were no A-wings on Hoth. :p
05-10-2002, 3:07 PM
And.. well, curse my bad sight, but I missed the star destroyers assaulting among the ATs. ;)
 Darth Evad
05-10-2002, 3:34 PM
No no. Heh...
I just pictured the guy flying into the bridge when Com Raven mentioned a speeder flying into an AT AT's head. But now that I think about it, the picture that I got in my head was when the crippled A-wing flew into the bridge of the Star Destroyer in RotJ.
05-10-2002, 6:19 PM
Arvel Crynyd. And that was no ordinary Star Destroyer he kamikazed into, it was the Executor dammit! :D
 Com Raven
05-10-2002, 9:31 PM
no no no, there's a snowspeeder crashing into an at-at, at least in the novel...
 Jan Gaarni
05-11-2002, 2:19 PM
Perhaps, Raven, but not in the movies. :)

The novels is based on the movies, it is not the script. ;)
05-11-2002, 3:09 PM
Hehe, yup, read the question: "according to the movies" :rolleyes:
 Crazy_dog no.3
05-11-2002, 3:27 PM
Maybe there were A-Wings crashing into ATATs. They were fully developed by then.
 Com Raven
05-11-2002, 4:23 PM
damn, just go watch that movie...
 Jan Gaarni
05-11-2002, 4:37 PM
Me or Mr. Dog?
05-11-2002, 11:22 PM
yeah....there were no a-wings on hoth. They may have been fully developed, but those were definitely snowspeeders. They have similar shapes and colors...i guess....but they weren't a-wings.
 Com Raven
05-12-2002, 11:21 AM
no a-wings...

but a snowspeeder saying hello to an at-at's head...
 Darth Evad
05-12-2002, 1:17 PM
I just got the wrong image in my head, that's all.
The image of the A-wing flying into the bridge of the Executor. For some reason my wiring got screwed up when Com Raven mentioned a snow speeder hitting an ATAT in the head.
There was no A-wing on Hoth.
 Jan Gaarni
05-12-2002, 2:09 PM
*puts ESB Original Trilogy into VCR*
*puts ESB Second Edition Trilogy into VCR*
I assure you, Raven, there are no snowspeeders crashing into an AT-AT's head, causing it to be destroyed.
Infact there are no such collision whatsoever. :)

Unless U have a third revision of the OT that i haven't heard of yet. ;)

And ESB is the only movie that AT-AT walkers get destroyed.
 Com Raven
05-13-2002, 12:14 PM
just go read that book !!!
05-13-2002, 1:38 PM
He didn't ask what the book says.
According to the movie
05-13-2002, 1:55 PM
hahaha....I know OT refers to original trilogy, but OT also stands for Old Testament......that's funny.
 Com Raven
05-13-2002, 3:48 PM
Oh yeah, just flame me all !!! :)
05-13-2002, 8:54 PM
Careful what you wish for. ;)
05-14-2002, 12:39 AM
2 I belive, one thts gets gutted one thts gets tripped then vaped as in crashes down kneeling.

little late thoguh
 Wraith 8
05-14-2002, 12:15 PM
geez... im out of this forum for a couple of days :D.. illpost as soon as the forums let me :D
05-14-2002, 12:35 PM
YAAAY! I wanna be a trivia-dude! too :D (oh, by the way, I make no sense whatsoever this day)

And there were 2 destroyed AT-AT's
 Wraith 8
05-16-2002, 8:49 AM
ok... finnaly i have returned. but i think ill start a new trivia. cause of all the new guys here.

the points will be taken off the people here.. and adde in a different way... :D
 Jan Gaarni
05-16-2002, 12:18 PM
Ach, just make a new Trivia thread and decleare me the winner already. :D

Seriously, you've gone over your 20 question Trivia by 12 questions. Just start over. :)
 Wraith 8
05-17-2002, 7:32 AM
serious?? i can deduct your points in the other thread if you want :D i mean it... you will be the winner ok... ill make yo a cup that sais that your are the winner of the star wars trivia for these past months :D
 Jan Gaarni
05-17-2002, 10:24 AM
Eeerr, in that case, no that won't be necessary. :eek:

Hehe, I didn't see you had made a new thread allready before I posted that. :D
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