This quote is from the new Rally Time news update:
Jedi Knight II will allow for extensive editing and mods
So Aristotle, did you receive some inside info revealing that modding will be allowed? I hope so, because I've been trying to learn Radiant as much as I can and it would be nice to know that time didn't go to waste.
If it is editable JK2 would be one of the most memorable games from LEC. Then I soppose a JK2Radiant should be made soon.
is there anyway to confirm this?
Man, there is no doubt that 1 or 2 months tops, there will be an editor for JK2, and I'll be on top of it as soon as its out.:atat: :atat:
There already is a JK2 editor, it's called JORadiant, it's being used to make the levels for JK2.
Would it be worthwile to learn GtkRadiant?
Or more importantly, would it be worth it to create maps (perhaps untextured) using GtkRadiant? I mean, is it easy to convert them to Jedi Knight II?
IF it isn't I'll just wait till JOradiant is out, but if converting can be done without having to redo much, I could already start now...
Slowbie... I don't want to say too much... but I will say that your time has not been wasted. More light will be shed on that aspect soon enough.
*suddenly feels huge weight lifted off shoulder's*
Ahh, much better. :)
We are already in the process of making textured maps. As long as you are using custom textures you can easily compile the maps for JK2 afterwards.