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Nominations and's how it works !

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10-25-2001, 5:52 PM
okay, people..we're down to the nitty gritty of VOTING !

So far, I have received the following nominations:

tie guy
Young David
Luke Skywalker
Boba Rhett
Gamma 732
Kobi Duran
xwing guy
Tirion Nexsis
ICP Ringmaster

It's possible that you at some point announced that you wanted to run, but you don't see your name on this list... if so, pm me and all will be worked out. Don't worry; every voting-ballot that will be put up on this site will have the same countdown; no matter when it's posted. So you all have equal chances.

How does voting work ?

Every nominee gets his own voting thread. It's a vote-only poll. ALL posts that are added to these threads outside of the voting itself, will be deleted. Every mod will know this. Keep this in mind, as we try to keep voting as clean and fair as possible.
To vote, simply click on either 'yes' or 'no' in that person's thread.

Important: you can vote on ALL nominees. It's highly advisable to do so. After all, each candidate deserves to be voted upon. It's a little effort that will make a lot of people happy.

At the end of the countdown (one week to make sure the majority of forummers gets a chance to vote), we look at which 14 nominees got the highest 'yes'-count. The 'no' votes are put in because it can basically rule out any spammers or 'inappropriate' folks. This is direct control of the people that use these boards, so if you weren't really.. proper on these forums before, you might see the result in your 'no' votes ! On the other hand, the opposite is true for the 'yes' votes.

The 14 nominees with the highest 'yes' counts will proceed to the second and final voting round.
That's basically it. Over the coming week you can expect to read up on a lot more Senate-related material. But for now, happy voting !
 Luke Skywalker
10-25-2001, 6:49 PM
Ok, so out of the 14 who move on, how many will actaully make it to the senate? and, are the votes in the 'no' section deducted from your 'yes' count?
10-25-2001, 6:50 PM
First question: we go with 7 first.
Second question: no. The no-votes are a way for forummers to have their say on people who misbehaved on the boards.
10-25-2001, 8:45 PM
we allowed to vote for ourselves?
 Luke Skywalker
10-25-2001, 9:32 PM
Yes, you can vote for yourself but do you think its ethical, basically its up to you.
10-25-2001, 9:45 PM
great job setting it up, I didn't think u would set it up like this leon
10-25-2001, 9:50 PM
Although some people could vote more than once by taking advantage of the fact he gets banned a lot.... Taking away the purity of the process
 Luke Skywalker
10-25-2001, 9:54 PM
VOTE LUKE! Why have 6 people voted no for me? PM me I want to know who and why, I dont recalll having 6 grudges....
10-25-2001, 9:56 PM
Although some people voted more than once by taking advantage of the fact he gets banned a lot....

well maybe they shouldn't ban me all I have voted twice for is Delphi's so its not that important
10-25-2001, 10:16 PM
THE SUSPENCE IS KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
10-26-2001, 1:12 AM
Originally posted by Luke Skywalker
VOTE LUKE! Why have 6 people voted no for me? PM me I want to know who and why, I dont recalll having 6 grudges....

*looks at his voting booth stats* Yikes... I used to think I was somewhat popular here ;) 9 votes against! :eek:

Like Luke, I wouldn't mind knowing who, and why... if you feel comfortable doing so :)

EDIT: Viper, your throwing everything off :rolleyes: it's only fair to vote once...
10-26-2001, 7:47 AM
9 against? Dang, Im only on 6. You run someones pet over once or something?
 Young David
10-26-2001, 8:20 AM
Wow ... there are currently 14 peeps who have more, or equal 'yes' votes than 'no' votes ... and I'm number 8 in the ranking (Tirion is no 1.) Can't we do who has the less 'no' votes? I'd be number 2 then :D

hmmm ... another week huh ... We'll see what changes until then.

Vote for me, vote YD !!!
10-26-2001, 11:04 AM
I probably won't make it. I only got 8 votes.
10-26-2001, 11:15 AM
more chance than my 6:)
10-26-2001, 11:19 AM
There should be a vote limit, like 45 or 50. That way they can vote for someone else, and I think I will lose. Just a thought though, BUT I WANT TO WIN!!!!
 Boba Rhett
10-26-2001, 5:14 PM
We're having the following things happen.

1. People come in and vote yes for one person and no to everyone else. Because they didn't read how they should go about voting.

2. Were having people vote only for one person then leave. Because they didn't read how they should go about voting.

3. Were having people reregister and vote multiple times. Because they're...... not nice.

If any of the nominees are having clan members, friends, etc... come and vote for them please make sure that they read how the voting should be done before they vote.
10-26-2001, 5:18 PM
Originally posted by Boba Rhett
3. Were having people reregister and vote multiple times. Because they're...... not nice.

That sucks, especially when they vote NO! ;) I have two accounts (I was REALLY afraid of being banned back then, so I made a back up :)), but I've only voted with one! Follow my good example! :)
10-26-2001, 5:29 PM
I have 18 for me and 7 against...:) (#2 again was #1)
10-26-2001, 6:40 PM
10-26-2001, 9:32 PM
Hey rommel, in your sig, it says vote for you or else. I choose or else!!!!!
10-27-2001, 4:39 AM
9 people voted no for me. Did Viper vote no under multipale accounts, or do 9 people hate me?

PM me to tell me why u hate me.
 Boba Rhett
10-27-2001, 5:11 AM
There are several possibilities.

1. There's been foul play.

2. People haven't been reading how to vote. "They vote yes for one person and no for all the others"

3. You, I and many others here have many people who dislike us. :eek:
 Lord Tirion
10-27-2001, 12:43 PM
I was talking to some people and it seemed they thought you could only vote for one and vote no for the rest. I don't think anybody who voted no "hates" the nominee with exception of a few and I think you know who I mean =P

The No votes are obsolete anyway, you dont need them. I just look at the Yes votes. Almost 900 people are registered to these forums.. well, I should say 800 (100 are former Viper names). I think it is sad that almost 80% of the forumers didnt even bother to vote.
10-27-2001, 3:39 PM
Hey Leon what is the exact day the nominations end???
10-27-2001, 4:11 PM
Originally posted by WC_heavyarms
Hey rommel, in your sig, it says vote for you or else. I choose or else!!!!!

Why? *sniff* What did I ever do to you?!? :sweat:
10-27-2001, 4:19 PM
It's okay Rommel...he doesn't know what he is saying forgive that insolent fool
 Luke Skywalker
10-27-2001, 8:23 PM
Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*
I was talking to some people and it seemed they thought you could only vote for one and vote no for the rest. I don't think anybody who voted no "hates" the nominee with exception of a few and I think you know who I mean =P

The No votes are obsolete anyway, you dont need them. I just look at the Yes votes. Almost 900 people are registered to these forums.. well, I should say 800 (100 are former Viper names). I think it is sad that almost 80% of the forumers didnt even bother to vote.

Theres 650 registered people subtract 50 for viper you have 600 then take away 300 in active forummers and you get 300 then subtract 50 for the people who have never posted. you have around 250 active forummers. ;)
10-28-2001, 12:16 AM
WHERE DID MY BALLOT GO!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?:confused:
Did someone delete it???

Also where did YD's ballot go???:confused:

10-28-2001, 12:19 AM
what kind of steak? :)

try page 2, might have dropped over
10-28-2001, 12:22 AM

it is on the other page:mad:

That means people won't look that far and I loose potential votes:mad:

BTW, the steak is Well Done....:D
10-28-2001, 12:32 AM
Im at the top. Im not doing as well. Give the little guys a chance :)
 Lord Fergie
10-28-2001, 12:34 AM
I voted yes on you...:D

BTW, cool did you extract the pic from the game???
10-28-2001, 5:46 AM
Thanks :)

And I didnt extract it, I'm far too simple for something that requires thought :)

The battlegrounds UK site has all the tech tress, I just took it from there
 Young David
10-28-2001, 9:56 AM
Originally posted by darthfergie
WHERE DID MY BALLOT GO!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?:confused:
Did someone delete it???

Also where did YD's ballot go???:confused:


I have pm'ed Leon about this already ... in dutch :) I want back on page one again.
 Die rebel scum!
10-28-2001, 1:28 PM
Did Viper vote no under multipale accounts, or do 9 people hate me?

I find that funny since I voted yes on u in multiple accounts
 Delphi's Clone
10-28-2001, 3:54 PM
17 yes 18 no

come on people i need a few more Yes'

plz no more no :ball:
10-29-2001, 5:09 AM
A quick update on the voting-process:

- we are taking into account that some are voting with multiple accounts

- bribes are taken into account as well

- As of right now, no more nominations are accepted

- Expect a 'half-time' results-summary up tonight..

10-29-2001, 6:35 AM
Insolence? *jumps in Heavyarms* I'm coming after you!!! LOL
I voted for myself.
10-29-2001, 2:15 PM
- bribes are taken into account as well
thats pretty sad what would u get out of it. and the fact that people are that obsessed with this senate thing
 Tie Guy
10-29-2001, 3:14 PM
What i'm more concerned about is why people haven't voted for more people.

Tirion has some 40 votes, and Boba has around 28 and i have 23 (18-5). Everyone should vote yes or no for everyone. There is no middle ground, i wonder why people haven't voted on all of the threads. People may just come in a vote for the first couple people they see, and that is a much bigger problem than Viper coming and voting 5 "no's" for anyone.
10-29-2001, 3:19 PM
It's not exactly a problem.. it's just a lack of pr from the people who want the votes...

Polticians go out and persuade people... i think it's quite fair that the same happens here. If they are not who they claim to be, the public will notice.
I'll edit the voting-guidelines a bit to make this more clear and post updates now and then on it in off-topic. alright ?
10-29-2001, 3:22 PM
There...Iv'e voted for everyone.
10-29-2001, 6:18 PM
We should have had a simple voting system... Vote yes for one person, and that is it. This is now getting confusing, and I WANT A RECOUNT!!!!
10-30-2001, 3:24 AM
there's going to be no recounts. just a look at eventual multiple account-using with the winners.

There will be a second round of voting after this to narrow down to the final number of 7 Senators.

like i have explained twice before: the no-votes only come into play when there's a problem of some sort. Simply look at the amount of yes-votes.
10-30-2001, 4:18 AM
Half-way through the first round of voting for the Senate, here's a brief overview of the scores so far.. First up is a list by # of 'yes' votes.. These lists were compiled at about 9:30 AM (GMT+1)

1) Tirion *Nexsis* 25 yes, 13 no
2) darthfergie 24 yes, 8 no
3) Kvan 22 yes, 6 no
4) Eets'chula 21 yes, 5 no
5) Boba Rhett 20 yes, 11 no
6) Tie Guy 20 yes, 5 no
7) Delphi_WS 20 yes, 19 no
8) Darth_Rommel 19 yes, 12 no
9) Young David 16 yes, 7 no
10) Luke Skywalker 14 yes, 9 no
11) Clefo 11 yes, 9 no
12) Jedi_Masta 11 yes, 12 no
13) Reaperfett 10 yes, 12 no
14) Thrawn 9 yes, 0 no
15) WC_Heavyarms 9 yes, 12 no
16) xwing guy 9 yes, 11 no
17) crazy_dog 9 yes, 12 no
18) Darktrooper 8 yes, 17 no
19) Gamma 732 8 yes, 8 no
20) Lordquigonnjinn 4 yes, 14 no
21) ICP Ringmaster 3 yes, 19 no
22) Kobi Duran 2 yes, 11 no
23) Maul403 1 yes, 4 no

..and here's how that list would look if we did it in reverse: by # of 'no' votes (the so-called 'non-sympathy-list'). The lower you are on this list, the more sympathy you have from fellow-forummers basically..

1) ICP Ringmaster 3 yes, 19 no
2) Delphi_WS 20 yes, 19 no
3) Darktrooper 8 yes, 17 no
4) Lordquigonnjinn 4 yes, 14 no
5) Tirion *Nexsis* 25 yes, 13 no
6) WC_Heavyarms 9 yes, 12 no
7) crazy_dog 9 yes, 12 no
8) Reaperfett 10 yes, 12 no
9) Jedi_Masta 11 yes, 12 no
10) Darth_Rommel 19 yes, 12 no
11) Kobi Duran 2 yes, 11 no
12) xwing guy 9 yes, 11 no
13) Boba Rhett 20 yes, 11 no
14) Clefo 11 yes, 9 no
15) Luke Skywalker 14 yes, 9 no
16) Gamma 732 8 yes, 8 no
17) darthfergie 24 yes, 8 no
18) Young David 16 yes, 7 no
19) Kvan 22 yes, 6 no
20) Tie Guy 20 yes, 5 no
21) Eets'chula 21 yes, 5 no
22) Maul403 1 yes, 4 no
23) Thrawn 9 yes, 0 no

Now keep in mind that we'll do another round of voting ! From this list, only 14 proceed to the other round, and mods will come into play (the basic rules will be explained as we go). Before the discussion starts on this: the mods WON'T have an exclusive vote on who gets in and who doesn't, but their judgment does weigh heavy.

Some have complained about probable tampering with the votes. Look at it soberly, folks: 25 votes can easily be collected if you're in a clan. And the difference between the top and the bottom is about a dozen votes.. that's it. There's no reason whatsoever to start screaming 'fraud' with these amounts.

Happy voting: this round closes november 2nd...
10-30-2001, 3:09 PM
Wooooowwwww, baby, I'm not doing good. ::eek:

Oh yeah, and as for how I voted, I voted no for all the people I dislike, and I didn't vote for all the guys I like because I want them in the senate but I don't exactly want to lose either.

*Prepares for critisism of his political startergies*:lsduel: :mob: ( me fighting all the flamers :D )
 Young David
10-30-2001, 3:30 PM
All those who are populair are hated by others ...

That's why presidents are killed, that's why senators get 'no'votes.

But ofcourse ... you should have more 'yes'votes than 'no' votes
10-30-2001, 3:35 PM
More yes than no? *goes pale* Oh my... (put name of your god here)
10-30-2001, 5:32 PM
Well I'm happy the multiaccount voting is being considered...Thanks Leon you have solved my problem...:)
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