Isn't the new server's name currently Dozer Jr?
I thought it was called Max.
I heard that its called James, but prefers being called Jim.
Ok, I asked Spaff and he thinks that it is max
Pah! I think they should name it Dominique.
You know, I once had a barber named...
Ah, nevermind.
Or you could call it S.T.A.N. (Server Tailored for Adventure Networks)
not that mixnmojo is a gate to hell ofcourse... but I......
they.......and my....... aaaaahhhh
what the heck i'll shut up
Max Max Max
(me! me! me!)
</strange inside joke>
Yes the new server's name is Max because nobody could agree on a name... except we agreed on Max.
DJG wanted to name it Kleenex because it blows but dont tell anyone that.
I wasnt consulted..
i was proly asleep.
i woulda named it.. erm.. errr...
well it would have been really really witty you can bet on that !
I of course wanted to name it Ballblazer. :monkey1:
Hey Max.
li-lil-lil-lil-lil-lil-lil-ll bu-ud-ud-ud-ud-d-d-d-d-y
"Let's Drink Beer and Shoot Things" = Some of Conroy Bumpas's finest work.
Also: Hee DJG is Brak. Tee hee hee hee hee hee hee.
Heh, now whenever Dan posts, I'll here Andy's Brak voice in my head while I read. Try it!
DJG quote: "I admit nothing"
Brak-ized translation: "Aye admiit nothaaayang, (ever'body)"
Also note that my, Jake, and Spaff's avatars make us appear increadibly untrustworthy :D. Ph33r.
He's just a hyperkinetic... oh, you know the rest. plz.
Also I have talked to Dan on the phone ever so briefly. He wouldn't tell me his middle name but he didn't sound like Brak.
... which would have been really weird. heh.
speaking of which, met, why have you got manny as your av?
Yeah, he must have changed at least three or four times. Anyway, I really like this one.
actually, it's not manny, it's dom - i was trying to make a subtle joke about the sam/max incid.......oh never mind
I did call Max Sam. That's unusual. :(
Note that it was 2:37 am and I was groggy waiting to call Jake. :monkey2:
groggy eh? that sounds like pirate-esqu drinking game challenge to me!
i'm expert at those :barf:
*girl version of guybrush-barry-white-voice*
Baby, you can play drinking games with me anytime.
Or something.
Lemonhead is my favorite character in CMI. I had to say that.
:monkey2: :monkey2: :monkey2: :monkey2:
My second fav. character is Lemon Head next to Blondebeard. He's so damn funny.
1)Stan "Wwelcome back to 'mutual of Stan!"
2)Lemonhead "...and, WHOOSH, the whole place becomes 'trendy'..."
3)Chicken "SQUAK"
wow...oh people really love, i even got mildly hit on - i've never been so happy *sniff* excuse me...i have something in my eye do love me right?
Yeah, I tend to have that effect on people.
funnily enough, me too, when ever i try to talk to people they always seem to break down into uncontrollable sobbing fits - funny that