Uh. Even though Gadon is in a gang, seeing him go dark side seems just wrong. Honestly, his gang looks more like an armed humanitary group. Just like the UN Blue Hats...
Well, still. If he was a playable character he'd still have to have DS transistions. Whether he was a saint in K1 or not. Making him a selectable head in TSL has nothing to do with the first game.
EDIT: Ok, while Im on it..I was hoping someone could help me out with a script.
What I need to do, and I've already told myself it isn't possible, is to have Tienn's dialog resume after closing down his store. But only if you bought a certain item from him.
So what happens is, you open his store, buy a saber part, and then when you close the store, he starts talking to you again..therefore firing a script that adds a journal quest entry.
Or it dosen't even need to make him talk, just fire a script to add the journal entry, but only if you bought the part...
Here's where I left off...and I've tried dozens of things
int StartingConditional ()
string sTag = GetScriptStringParameter();
if ( GetIsObjectValid( GetItemPossessedBy( GetFirstPC(), "quilpart02"))) return TRUE;
AddJournalQuestEntry(quil_saber, 10);
return FALSE;
Im clueless, too complicated for me. You probably can't fire an action from a conditional, i know, but if I can get the dialog to continue, then fire the entry from there. whaddya think?
And one more update:
I remodeled the Exile's single bladed
It looks pretty good in game actually..still uses the chrome1 texture.
so on and so forth...