So this card can basically be +1, +2, -1 and -2? If this is the case, I've already seen this card. And I never had any pazaak mod nor did I have your mod. How come I may then have had this card?
Ok, I'm stuck at the part that I'm trying to crash into some base, and I have to place nodes A-E F-J, I did talk with a twi'lek already, but I find all the info very very confusing, so I'm in a dead end... can anyone shine me a light, please?
But overall, I love it! Always good to extend gameplay on a game like this!
Im so suprised ive never found out about this!
Might be because it's been removed in almost every sense from the forums here. All that's left is this WIP thread.
Unfortunately the modification contained other individuals copyrighted intellectual property such as music by Hans Zimmer among other musicians. Which is against the forum rules here. -- j7