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new robe new model

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07-12-2010, 7:26 PM
i know that there is an alternate robe model in kotor 1 that is not used in the game and i want to try something with it but i cant find - what is the name?
 Canaan Sadow
07-12-2010, 7:31 PM
Are you talking about NPC Revan? haha. If so then it's an NPC, so basically the only way to get that is through a disguise. :/ If that's not the one you're talking about... could you maybe be a little more specific as to the robe model you're searching for... maybe describe it a bit?
07-12-2010, 7:42 PM
07-12-2010, 7:45 PM
Are you talking about NPC Revan? haha. If so then it's an NPC, so basically the only way to get that is through a disguise. :/ If that's not the one you're talking about... could you maybe be a little more specific as to the robe model you're searching for... maybe describe it a bit?

You do realise there are like a million Revan mods out there which allow you to play as Revan... Including this (;115747) one.

the robe model used to make this mod;86155)

Downloading the mod, and checking which model is used would be the best way of finding out what the model 90SK used was...
07-12-2010, 7:50 PM
the model has been renamed to replace the ones used in game - which is something i dont want to do
07-12-2010, 8:01 PM
the model has been renamed to replace the ones used in game - which is something i dont want to do

You downloaded and checked this ( mod to see if the modder hasn't renamed the model?
07-12-2010, 10:08 PM
the council style robes are not the same model
im still looking i will probably find it soon i have gone through so many models
i noticed when i downloaded 90SK's mod that the flap parts are not animated so they clip
is it possible for me to somehow remove the dark jedi head and hood and use those
07-12-2010, 10:39 PM
I think they are Malak's jedi robes...
07-12-2010, 10:53 PM
no the jedi malak has his own model - his robes will not fit pc - he is very tall like a wookie

another question about robes - darth bandons robes have many mods that allow you to wear but must the one wearing them be in the position they are in when standing - is there a way to change that it looks odd?
07-13-2010, 5:09 AM
the council style robes are not the same model
im still looking i will probably find it soon i have gone through so many models
i noticed when i downloaded 90SK's mod that the flap parts are not animated so they clip
is it possible for me to somehow remove the dark jedi head and hood and use those

I'm pretty sure they are the council model just reskinned, the flap does clip unfortunately, not too much that can be done about it. It is possible to remove heads, although I have yet to see it done for the Dark Jedi model in K1, and I'm unsure why that is.... It maybe a full body model, in which case I'm not entirely sure what the story is with regards if its possible to remove the head.
07-13-2010, 6:36 AM
Aren't those robes, the model used by nemo?
 Kainzorus Prime
07-13-2010, 9:29 AM
You guys suck at searching. No offense intended.

The model OP is looking for is n_jedimemm for males and n_jedimemf for females. Textures are named accordingly.

And all it took was five minute trip to kotor tool and model viewer.
07-13-2010, 9:44 AM
wow thanks thats it alright
fast - 5 minutes
i didnt know where to look in KT so i looked everywhere - i just didnt get that far
again thanks
07-13-2010, 2:11 PM
You guys suck at searching. No offense intended.

The model OP is looking for is n_jedimemm for males and n_jedimemf for females. Textures are named accordingly.

And all it took was five minute trip to kotor tool and model viewer.

Lol, I was gonna say. If DK didn't beat me to the punch, I would have just said so myself.

N_jedicounM and n_jedimemM are two different robes.

I'm pretty sure they are the council model just reskinned, the flap does clip unfortunately, not too much that can be done about it.

If you're talking about the actual council robes (not the ones in 90sk's mod) I have at least solved it for Kotor II (bones). Kotor 1 however, that probably can't be fixed really, unless someone were to gain permission to use Revan's flowing cape mod.

It is possible to remove heads, although I have yet to see it done for the Dark Jedi model in K1, and I'm unsure why that is.... It maybe a full body model, in which case I'm not entirely sure what the story is with regards if its possible to remove the head.

The dark jedi model in k1... you mean the hooded ones? It probably could be beheaded, but the hoods make it a bit complicated. You could probably just flatten the heads into the back of the hood or something.
07-13-2010, 2:52 PM
well i opened the dark jedi model up and i dont think it will work the space that i open after you removve the hood is huge - maybe if you merged models it would work but i cannot do that
07-13-2010, 3:26 PM
well i opened the dark jedi model up and i dont think it will work the space that i open after you removve the hood is huge - maybe if you merged models it would work but i cannot do that

You wouldn't remove the hoods, you would have to work with them.
07-13-2010, 3:30 PM
working with the hoods makes it even more difficult because the head is part of the hood model plus then you couldnt wear head gear
07-13-2010, 3:47 PM
The Dark Jedi head is part of the Hood, yes. But you can edit the face so it takes the shape of only a 'hood'. Then, with the editing of appearance.2da, you could presumably set it up so that that model can have different heads pasted on it.
07-13-2010, 3:55 PM
You guys suck at searching. No offense intended.

Some of us could have been using computers without KotOR tool or KotOR on the system, next time maybe I should not even bother trying to help.
07-13-2010, 4:17 PM
i am horroble at modeling and dont know much about model related stuff would that be hard to do?

also if that is done is there a way to make it so you cannot wear head gear with the robe - some type of script or something
07-13-2010, 8:17 PM
ok so i wanted to make the master robes both dark and light use darth bandon style robes and then retexture the bandon robes for light but just to get an understanding of how i would do it i made a new item - i dont want to disguise the wearer as bandon just have his robes and i dont want to replace the standard model - how do i direct my new item to use his robe model and my texture
07-13-2010, 8:33 PM
ok so i wanted to make the master robes both dark and light use darth bandon style robes and then retexture the bandon robes for light but just to get an understanding of how i would do it i made a new item - i dont want to disguise the wearer as bandon just have his robes and i dont want to replace the standard model - how do i direct my new item to use his robe model and my texture

You will need to edit the appearance.2da (essentially a very large excel spreadsheet) and replace one of the in game models with the model you want. As such you will need to learn about 2da editing...

Click me for Stoffe's guide (

When you edit clothing uti's there are texture variations and the like in the uti, this tells the game which texture variation to use. You will have to decide on one of the appearance slots you want to replace (perhaps heavy armour) as an example, change all the model and texture names to the model you want. The easiest way to learn maybe to download one of the clothing mods out there which changes things in a manner similar to what you want to do, and see what they have changed. Which would mean looking at their appearance.2da file, their uti's and the way they have arranged their textures. To this end you may find my mod; Force Fashion II (;104261) useful, especially the readme in working things out. Hope that helps, as this seems to be a similar theme of question, I'll write an integrated tutorial, gimme around 20 minutes and I'll have one up.
07-13-2010, 9:06 PM
can i edit baseitems.2da and make my own base item
copy the line for jedi robe and add it at the end - then change the default model - rename the base item of course like MyRobe
07-13-2010, 9:59 PM
can i edit baseitems.2da and make my own base item
copy the line for jedi robe and add it at the end - then change the default model - rename the base item of course like MyRobe

In theory you could do, I've never done it that way, that's your decision, I'd do it the following way... I hope you find this ( helpful!
07-13-2010, 10:52 PM
ok now back to the dark jedi model - lets see if i got this right
what i want do is the head to be removed from the dark jedi model (keep the hood) and then i use this model the same way i would to make my darth bandon robes available

then i would change the info in the uti files of all of the jedi robes and then i with the changes to the uti files i could make it so that all jedi class and jedi knight class robes use the edited dark jedi model and all of the jedi master class robes can use the darth bandon / sith apprentice model

is this all possible?

Edit: on a side note - i am trying my baseitems.2da edit idea - i will let you all know how it works out
Edit Again: ok i think i have got it the only thing i need to know is why the jedi robe model ends in a letter s - if someone can figure it out that would be great it was the only thing i couldnt discover by looking at the files but i may have missed something

And yet another edit:
ok so i was looking at the apperance.2da and noticed something - all of the default models in kotor that are wearable by the PC are in apperance.2da by head - i could make one head wear something different then another by changing this - but there is no way to make them wear something new unless...

when making the baseitems.2da file i noticed that every baseitem wearable body piece has a bodyvar letter and those letters correspond to the letters at the top of the columns in apperance.2da
(the "modela" and "texa" would have a baseitem bodyvar of A)
so in theory i could make a new base item in baseitems.2da with a bodyvar of "Z"
then in apperance.2da i would just add two columns (modelz and texz)
my only problem is that the .2da editor in kotor tool will not allow me to add columns it will only allow the addition of rows
07-18-2010, 8:00 AM
If you want to modify .2da files, try tk102's 2DA Read/Write Add-In for Microsoft Excel ( It'll give you the ability to add rows and columns.

Hope this helps.
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