Here are the hidden messages written in Aurebesh on the Class Pages on At the very top of each one is "Welcome to the Holonet"
Trooper: Freedom's Shield; Weapon Analysis; Helmet Analysis; Boom; [something] the Loyal (her foot's in the way); Defend the [something] very big gun.
Smuggler: Galactic Profiteer; Weapon Analysis; Weapon Analysis; A little luck a lot of skill; My life my ship; Wanted: By Rodan the Butcher.
Jedi Knight: Savior of the Galaxy; Weapon Analysis; Holocron Analysis; Fearless; Destined to become the Emperor's nemesis; Sacrifice.
Jedi Consular: Unifier of the Republic; Weapon Analysis; Armor Analysis; Savior of the Jedi; Dark Plague; Intercept and Destroy the Javelin Dreadnought; Shades of Grey; Sacrifice.
Bounty Hunter: Masters of the Great Hunt; Weapon Analysis; Helmet Analysis; Extremely Dangerous.
Sith Warrior: The Harbinger of Doom; Weapon Analysis; Holocron Analysis; Dominating, Fearsome; Relentless; Groomed for Power.
Imperial Agent: The Master of Deception; Weapon Analysis; Droid Analysis; Infiltration; Expose the Conspiracy; Protecting the Shadow Arsenal.
Sith Inquisitor: Aspirant to the Dark Council; Weapon Analysis; Armor Analysis; Error Manipulation; Insidious; The Ritual of Force Walking.
That's the lot :)