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Mission as a Sith

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 Seth Clearwater
12-22-2009, 7:26 PM
Well, I'm taking a break from K2 for right now... I've been playing it so much that I'm a little burned out on it right now, but fear not, I shall get back to my K2 mods. :xp: But I have been thinking about a special mod for a little while... :)

What it is, is it will allow you to train Mission as a Sith (Dark Jedi). And what I've been thinking about is making it required that you do her side quest first, then perhaps have Mission's mother spawn on Korriban just outside the academy, fighting a Jedi. (I know that the latter of the two will happen, I just dunno if I want it to be her mother) And anyway, the Sith that will train Mission as a Dark Jedi will defeat the Jedi she is fighting. And if it is her mom then she will go off about Gryph and Mission's father. :p If not, I haven't decided what turned her yet. xD

Anyway, what will happen is if you turn her into a Sith, then you can redeem her on the "Unknown Planet" if you choose the Lightside, however if you choose the Darkside, then you will not have to kill her. ^-^

Also, her alignment will change to where she's on the Darkside if you train her.
 Mandalore The Shadow
12-22-2009, 7:33 PM
This seems cool and well thought out looking forward to seeing it
 Kainzorus Prime
12-22-2009, 10:41 PM

Adapt it for Mission through some fiddling with heads.2da and appearance.2da and you're set.
 Seth Clearwater
12-22-2009, 10:45 PM

Adapt it for Mission through some fiddling with heads.2da and appearance.2da and you're set.

But I don't want Mission to be Darth Talon. :xp: I just want her to be a Sith Apprentice, one that can use the force. :p
12-22-2009, 11:49 PM
look in appearance.2da, im sure you can find a sith twilek in there for the appearance. For the conversion, you would need to edit the DLG files and a LOT of scripting would be in order
 Seth Clearwater
12-23-2009, 12:01 AM
look in appearance.2da, im sure you can find a sith twilek in there for the appearance. For the conversion, you would need to edit the DLG files and a LOT of scripting would be in order

It would take... like... four scripts and a few different sets of dialogue. :xp: I already know ;)
12-23-2009, 12:57 AM
you sure? I did a personal mod like that and it took quite a few scripts. Unless im doing it wrong :P
 Seth Clearwater
12-23-2009, 1:00 AM
Yeah, but that isn't including a second sidequest for Mission, which I'm not going to do that right now. :P
12-23-2009, 1:33 AM
haha this looks like it should be fun =) best of luck to you haha i'd definitley play it =P
 Darth Darkus
12-25-2009, 2:18 PM
good idea... sith rule, and twilek too! looking forward to this...
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