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Tutorial - Creating Ranked Troopers

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12-22-2009, 12:38 PM
Step 1: In the browser, go to Textures - CloneTextures - CloneTrooperTextures, and export "CloneTrooper"

Step 2: Save as CloneTrooper.bmp (It HAS to be .bmp, unrealed cant save/import anyting else for some reason)

Step 3: Open it up in the image editing software of your choice (Photoshop, gimp, etc), and edit the following places colors. I personally suggest using colorize.


Step 4: After you have finished, go back into UnrealEd and import your texture.

Step 5: Fill in the Name slot with the desired texture name.
 RC #38
12-22-2009, 12:51 PM
More Tutorials, More Modders :xp:
12-22-2009, 1:02 PM
uh i kinda beat you to it but hey a tutorial is a tutorial
12-22-2009, 1:09 PM
I noticed. This was more for altering the specific CloneTrooper.bmp texture. Y'know, show 'em where to add colors and the like.
12-22-2009, 10:02 PM
if you create seperate texture packages they are smaller and its betterso long as the ct pawn edits r kool . excellent work man
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