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Blue Reborn Bastila Skin

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02-12-2009, 10:53 PM
Alright, well this is my first mod so don't get TOO mad at me... *ahem*

Introducing my very first mod! a Bastila reskin!

As you can see, this mod reskins Bastila's default clothing to look sorta like the Blue Reborn from Jedi Outcast.

I would like to give HUGE thanks to gob.demo.master for basically walking me through the whole thing.

edit:here's a better link:

Thank you!

-Lord McGuffin
02-12-2009, 10:57 PM
Upload Process. (the kotorfiles way)
1. Make a zip file with all your files.
2. Add a Readme- has basic install instructions, credits(must have), permissions, description, etc. Put this in the zip.
3. Take some screenshots, do not put these in the zip!
4. Go to
5. If you have a account there(if not make one), go to "The Files" on the side. Hit submit files.
6. Follow steps, read carefully.

Anyway good job.
02-13-2009, 1:50 PM
Here's the link! (428 KB) (

Feedback will be appreciated!
 Rtas Vadum
02-13-2009, 10:17 PM
Hmm, looks pretty good. But i think the dark jedi texture would have been a better choice to make look similar to the Reborn. But still, this is very good.:)
02-15-2009, 3:43 PM
Could anygone provide a photo/screenshot of Blue Reborn from Jedi Outcast.
Never heard of that, so idk what it looks.
But the reskin is nice. But same like me... Practice and practice more...

Sincerly DJScias

P.S. With that practice i don't mean it's bad. But neither can i say it's very good.
But i know mines are to not very good. But practice and practice will help us both :)
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