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K1 Utility Armbands 1.0 (Modder's Resource)

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 Star Admiral
01-28-2009, 12:40 AM
This mod is intended as modder's resource to help modders with testing and placing items correctly ingame. It adds two armbands to the game, the OpenDoor Armband for opening or closing the nearest door within 10 meters of the player, as well as the Orientation Armband for determining the orientation of the player in three different formats, as the whereami cheat in K1 doesn't give the orientation. Read the ReadMe for more detailed information.

K1 Utility Armbands

Version: 1.0

Developer: Star Admiral

Date: 01/27/09

What This Mod Does:
- This mod is intended as a modder’s resource, although they can be of some
use for players.
- Adds two armbands to a metal box in the player’s room on the Endar Spire.
- The OpenDoor Armband allows the player to open or close the closest door
within 10 meters of themselves.
- The Orientation Armband provides the orientation of the player in various
forms in the Feedback section of the player’s journal, as the whereami cheat
in K1 only specifies the module name and vector location of the player.
- The Angle Orientation provides the orientation as an angle in degrees, best
used in scripts for spawning placeables and NPCs.
- The X and Y Orientations provide the orientation in radians as two
numbers, best used when setting the orientation of NPCs within the module
.git file.
- The Bearing Orientation provides the orientation as a bearing as measured
from due north, best used when setting the orientation of placeables and
doors within the module .git file.

Installation Instructions:
This mod uses the TSLPatcher for easy installation. Simply run the
executable to install the mod. It will modify and/or replace any conflicting
files in your Override folder and save the original files inside the backup
folder. Do NOT simply copy the files from the tslpatchdata folder to your
Override folder; the mod will not work.

Uninstallation Instructions:
To uninstall this mod, first go to the tslpatchdata folder and select all the
files inside. Copy and paste the files into your Override folder, overwriting
as needed. Without deselecting the selected files, delete them from your
Override folder. Afterwards, go to the backup folder and copy all the files
except for the dialog.tlk file back into your Override folder. Lastly, copy
the dialog.tlk file back into the main directory of wherever you installed
K1, NOT your Override folder.

Compatibility Issues:
This mod should be compatible with any mod out there, as I don’t think
there are any that add items to the same room or modify Trask’s dialog. If
you want to get the items without cheating, you’ll need to either start a
new game or add the items into your inventory using KSE. Otherwise, use
the item codes in the Cheat section below to cheat them into the game. If
there is a major conflict with another popular mod, contact me and I’ll see
if I can release a patch to make mine compatible.

None that I know of.

Use the giveitem cheat to receive the following items.
- sa_ope_doo (OpenDoor Armband)
- sa_ori_arm (Orientation Armband)

Contact Information:
You can email me at or you can find me hanging
out at the Holowan Labs at various times of the day under the user name
Star Admiral. I’ll do my best to get back to you ASAP.

A million thanks go out to all the people at the Holowan Labs who have
graciously helped me with any modding problems I have had with KOTOR
or TSL. Special thanks go out to DarthParametric, RedHawke, stoffe,
ChAiNz.2da, TriggerGod, and Ferc Kast, without whom I could not have
learned as much as I have in so short a time. For this mod, I must also
thank HK-42 for prompting me to start this mod and for helping me test
the various orientations for accuracy. Thanks again. =)

Terms of Use:
Naturally, you can modify these files for your personal use. You also may
use them in any mod if you would like, but please give me credit. That's all
I ask.



And here are some lovely screenshots. ( ( ( (

And links to download the file.
KOTOR Files: DL Here (;97509)

Hope you find this useful. :)

- Star Admiral
01-28-2009, 12:45 AM
Hehe you released it, I wondered if you would. I'll redownload for the updated Icons and information. Great work Star Admiral.
01-28-2009, 7:58 AM
This is great! Thanks very much for making this, Star Admiral, I know that it will make my life much easier.
 Darth Payne
01-28-2009, 8:41 AM
Nice one SA.
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