I know that I'm completely over my own head by trying to do this, but I am trying to create a new group of party members. They are supposed to be the equivalent of the Handmaiden sisters but for Kotor I. (I intend to get around the no voices by having them only speak through the force).
The idea is to have four handmaidens replace Canderous, T3, Mission, and Zaalbar, with a fifth replacing Bastila once she is kidnapped by Malak. But there is one question that I would like hopefully answered before I even try to begin creating the new npcs.
Is it possible to have a new NPC replace a party member from the party member selection screen, but not remove the old party member from the game entirely?
For example, after being usable on Taris, Canderous, T3, Mission, and Zaalbar all remain on the Ebon Hawk though you can no longer select them into your party once you reach Dantooine. This would also solve the problem of Zaalbar being kidnapped by his fellow Wookiees even though he is no longer a selectable party member anymore.
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this and hopefully responds!
you could just make a script that spawned them in the hawk after they're replaced by your handmaidens, and problem solved
also, the handmaidens didn't use the force, they were just resistant against mind-rubbing and stuff
Thanks for the response. If I did not want to replace the current party members, is there any script out there that can be used to get custom NPCs that are not party members to follow your everywhere you go and fight hostiles with you?
I think it's around here in Holowan somewhere.. you could find the script used for the wounded Onderon soldier on the second time through Taris... might take a while though
try this if it's for K1:
void main(){
object oStop = (OBJECT_SELF); //The tag of the object you want to follow.
SetLocalBoolean( oStop, 15, FALSE );
This is what the Call of Aid mod uses... might wanna test it out
I guess going back to the switching party members idea. I did a search around and I remember someone talking about trying to script it so that you can switch back and forth between the default party member and your custom party member. Did anyone ever release that particular script or make a tutorial so that one could do something similar?
(By the way, about the handmaidens not being force sensitive, I'm thinking a different set of handmaidens that are force sensitive. They couldn't be Atris's, since I can't make them look the same without porting, which I want to make clear to the PMs that it is something that I am NOT even attempting to do.)
I have never heard of that idea myself... might wanna make a few PMs around with the moderators and high-level scripters... seems like an excellent idea.
If I might ask, is your mod already being made? cause this sounds really good
I'm trying to get more background information that I think that I'll be needing before I get started. But yes, now that I'm on winter break, I'm hoping that this'll keep me occupied and I REALLY REALLY hope that there will be an end product at the end of four weeks or so. Unfortunately, since I currently have no experience at adding new npcs or scripting, I think it'll take a lot of time going through trial and error. Any help would always be appreciated.
The general idea is to basically place five lightside handmaidens (using the face of Ice the Taris duelist) in the port side dormitory of the Ebon Hawk and five darkside acolytes in the starboard side dormitory as soon as you become a Jedi on Dantooine. You can recruit from either side depending on what you light/dark transition. The idea is to replace T3, Canderous, Mission, Zaalbar, and Bastila (after the Leviathan).
But I can already foresee problems with furthering the storyline, which is why I want to find a way to keep T3, Canderous, Mission, and Zaalbar on board the Ebon Hawk and be able to switch them in and out as party members. Anybody who would be willing to share how to do something like that, I'd really appreciate it if you do! Thank you!
As for actually releasing this thing as a mod, I guess that would depend on interest, making sure compatibility works, making sure that I didn't steal anything from anyone without permission, and finally, making sure that I can actually do something like this.
The hanmaidens could always be the queen of Onderons.
Padme had handmaidens while a queen of Naboo, so why not her?
Is there such thing as a mod that gives you more party member spaces?
because that would make everthing so easy.
It's probably hard-coded.
ya, no chance of adding party member slots...
If you need help in scripting, I'm here along with everybody else and the scripting tuts.. I would recommend this one (
http://http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=143412) and this one (
http://http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=139381).... those will help in making conversations and helping to make things smoother in the game(the NPCs just disappearing after talking to them wouldn't sit well).
@Darth Payne: Yeah, I was originally thinking something very similar to Padme's handmaidens. Eirtae with a lightsaber, and because its Kotor 1, minus the long robes. We'll see what happens. I generally have the back story and the dialog planned out, it's just coding it into the game.
@Mandalore_The_Great: Thanks for backing me up on this one. I'm going to be really needing it in the next few weeks. Anyone else who can give advice, that'd be great too.
Oof. It'd probably help if I reinstalled the game. Might have to wait until tomorrow to get started.
Okay, I've finished reinstalling the game and reinstalling a few of the most have mods from the past, and I'm beginning to look into adding new NPCs.
I'm toying to with using Ice's (the Taris duelist) face for my five handmaidens, but I can't recognize her character ID amongst the game files. Any help here?
Also, in the past, I have complained about how there would be this black line running down the faces of party members such as Carth, Bastila, and Mission. I don't think I have ever recalled that problem on any of the other NPCs, or on any of the PC portraits, but if I make a new party member with Ice's face or any of the PC portraits, will that black line start appearing on these new party members too?
I think the UTC for Ice is tar_ice021.utc, if i remember right.
Haven't looked for any of her other possible files though.
@Darth Payne: Thanks. I found it.
Okay, I'm trying to do things piecemeal. I've created one brand new NPC. I'm pretty sure I know how to put it on board the Ebon Hawk, but how do I make sure the NPC does not appear until after you've become a Jedi, specifically after you've completed the third trial and gotten the Jedi robes from the Twi'lek Jedi trainer?
Speaking of piecemeal, I still haven't gotten around to trying to make a script that'll allow you to switch back and forth between vanilla party members and custom party members. I'm so lost when it comes to that. Sort of wish PrincessArtemis was still around; it would have really helped if he could explain his recruit Dustil scripts to me as a foundation for this mod.