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Attribute Damage/Multi-Classing

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 Star Admiral
11-20-2008, 4:32 PM
Two questions that have been bugging for a while since I've starting modding. First off, exactly how much attribute damage is done when it hits? The On Hit Properties area doesn't let you specify how much, so I assume that it is stored in some .2da file? Secondly, what is maximum number of classes a character can have? Looking through the nwscript.nss file, it appears that it is three? Can someone confirm? If so, that would be awesome, as I'm currently working on a mod to multi-class all the Jedi in your party into a Prestige class.

Thanks a bunch!

- Star Admiral
11-25-2008, 12:34 AM
Two questions that have been bugging for a while since I've starting modding. First off, exactly how much attribute damage is done when it hits? The On Hit Properties area doesn't let you specify how much, so I assume that it is stored in some .2da file?

Tempted to say poison.2da, but it's been a while. Will check the item file tomorrow and get back to you on that.

Secondly, what is maximum number of classes a character can have? Looking through the nwscript.nss file, it appears that it is three?

That would be two, if I recall correctly.

You'd have to multi-class them into prestige class directly. You can do so in the a_makejedi script.

Not a big fan of the idea of turning bumbling padawans into Prestige Class, but if you really wanna do this, I'd advise to at least put a level restriction to trigger the Jedi training in their dialogue files.

To be honest, I'm surprised the devs didn't put a level restriction in the lvl 8-10 range. Oh well.
 Star Admiral
11-25-2008, 12:09 PM
Good point. I probably only want to make Kreia and Visas into a prestige class. Thanks for the info.

- Star Admiral
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