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TSL Ambience Mod

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10-26-2008, 4:47 PM
Yet another mod, this time it features very high quality versions of KotOR II's ambient tracks. I was going to include this in my TSL Music Improvement Mod, but I decided against that due to several factors, size being one of them. The overall effect is outstanding, and the ambience really submerses you in the environment. Hope y'all like it. :)

Download Links:
KotOR Files (;95238)
 Zerimar Nyliram
10-28-2008, 5:38 AM
Uh, this sounds like an excellent mod, but I don't see it up on the website yet.

Edit: Nevermind.
10-28-2008, 9:34 AM
I was going to include this in my TSL Music Improvement Mod, but I decided against that due to several factors, size being one of them.

Nope, I think he submitted it up there and is just waiting for the approval of it so that he can make the download link active. Really looking forward to this mod though, the Music Improvement one was outstanding.
10-28-2008, 7:35 PM
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