I got such a kick out of this that I had to get out my digital camera and snap a shot of it for all of you to enjoy.
This is on Imperial Kashyyyk on your Xbox360 version if you're wondering near Princess Leia's prison quarters.
I got a kick out of it as well, I didn't really notice it until my second play through.
I threw the red imperial guard at it, he died and then i looked at it. Really cracked me up! :xp:
there is actually a real version of this at ILM
Just search for Jar Jar Binks Carbonite on the internet
you can find George Lucas as well
Looks like the Empire found a use for him after all!
Lol! I will try to find it now that I am playing through a second time. It might take a while though since I am doing it on the Sith Master Difficulty.
First of; Uber nice outfit and saber, Shem. Realy Jedi-looking :)
Second, I SO hope this is canon. It'll mean there has to be a story in the feature explaining how he got frozen. Instant best-seller. Already. Period.
Second, I SO hope this is canon. It'll mean there has to be a story in the feature explaining how he got frozen. Instant best-seller. Already. Period.
Nah. Just an easter egg I'm pretty sure.
I always wondered what happened to Jar-Jar between RotS and ANH. :xp: This definitely answered my question. I hope that it becomes canon.
I never noticed it, must not be in the Wii version.
But still...lol
Nope not in the Wii/PSP version, only the 360 series. Well unfortunately 1) its just easter egg 2) not the last of jarjar 3) could be another gungan.
But yes, go ahead and stab it a few times with your lightsaber, just in case...
Poor Jar Jar
Kill the n00b. Jar-Jar= spawn of evil o_Q
Is that a dianoga head on the wall next to it?
yep and the little bird moneky thing is jabbas bird money thing
umm, yeh...I think his name is Crumb.