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new moder - level increase if possiable

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09-21-2008, 6:36 PM
so i was thinking about doing some modding and i want to get into it, so i was messing around with the KOTOR tool and i kinda of now what im doing, but anyways is there a way to increase the maximum level past level 20 in KOTOR if so how please
09-21-2008, 6:41 PM
Unfortunately no. It's hard-coded in the engine.

Welcome to the Forums! :waive1:
09-21-2008, 7:41 PM
so i was thinking about doing some modding and i want to get into it, so i was messing around with the KOTOR tool and i kinda of now what im doing, but anyways is there a way to increase the maximum level past level 20 in KOTOR if so how please There are other ways to get more feats and force powers (per level). Are you interested in hearing about that? :D

Welcome to the funny farm! :lol:
09-21-2008, 10:24 PM
ok so the only way to get passed level 20 is to remake the game using the bioware software that was used to make the game in the first which is not going to happen am i right about that

and yes i would like info about more feats/powers and maybe skill pionts per level that would be great
09-21-2008, 10:43 PM
Welcome to the spice mines muchacho! :lol: I suggest you look around KotOR Files for the feats/powers per level. I heard that you could actually get beyond lv. 20 in KotOR, but it requires breaking the End User Licensing Agreement, which you REALLY don't want to do. Ah well...
09-21-2008, 10:46 PM
why is that so bad, they really dont want you to get passed level 20 they

Edit: well what I wanted to do was to make an unofficial expansion, to get to level 30 or 40, redo the party screen so 3 - 6 more party slots or make a command key to switch the pics of party members to make 15 npc filled story line and quest you know a full grown expansion pack but if i cant past level 20 players would bored really quick, i would have to use TSL witch isnt that much of a problem, i just kinda like KOTOR a little better
09-21-2008, 11:02 PM
Ummm... Did you read the rules? Because you aren't supposed to double post. Just use the edit button ;D. Ok, so if I read that right, you want to make you charicter able to reach level 30-40, add party-member slots, and create a script that switches around the portraits? If thats what you wish to do, I am very sorry to tell you that is impossible. Though you can add party-puppets, you can't actually add a new party-member without replacing an old one. :/
09-21-2008, 11:04 PM
oh my bad about the double post, and dang that sucks, im a dreaming and most of the time dreams do not come true all well
09-22-2008, 8:35 AM
well what I wanted to do was to make an unofficial expansion, to get to level 30 or 40, redo the party screen so 3 - 6 more party slots or make a command key to switch the pics of party members to make 15 npc filled story line and quest you know a full grown expansion pack but if i cant past level 20 players would bored really quick, i would have to use TSL witch isnt that much of a problem, i just kinda like KOTOR a little better Good luck with that one. One of the most advanced modders may know how. I have been only able to tinker with simple files. .2das are my speciality. :)

Tutorial: Force powers (

Feats.2da can be altered, so you can receive more points per level. It is really easy. All it takes is some tweaking.

Grab the Kotor tool from here. ( Double click on the feats.2da file in the 2da directory, and just start changing variables. Save the file after your changes, and place it into the override folder in the tsl directory. You may have to make the override folder first. Hopefully you allready made one. :D

Don't try to use this with an old save. Start a fresh game.
09-22-2008, 9:16 AM
ok cool thanks, no i must be missing something, is there a 2da off all the items game, all i found is the energy sheilds 2ds so i must be messing something or cant find the 2da
09-22-2008, 12:24 PM
You can also use the KSE (Kotor Savegame Editor) to get more Force Powers. That's what I always do. :D I found it on Filefront.
09-22-2008, 9:17 PM
Level 20 is actually pretty good level to end the game at because it makes malak a little tough.
09-22-2008, 9:25 PM
ok cool thanks, no i must be missing something, is there a 2da off all the items game, all i found is the energy sheilds 2ds so i must be messing something or cant find the 2da

There is no 2da for items. They are called uti files (iirc, they stand for Universal Template Item), and can be found in the BIFs, under Blueprint, Items.
09-25-2008, 5:55 PM
ok cool thanks, no i must be missing something, is there a 2da off all the items game, all i found is the energy sheilds 2ds so i must be messing something or cant find the 2da

Thanks to those who have kept notes. :)

Tutorials (for K1 and K2): KotOR Tool Walkthrough - Custom Items (

Tutorials: Main .2da Editing Forums (

Tutorials: .2DA Editing Tutorials (
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