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Jpg. Files Needed

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 Mandalore The Shadow
09-15-2008, 8:51 AM
IF anyone has the republic or sith symbols from KotOR that have no backround i would like those so if anyone has them please pm me and i will give you my email adress thanks in advance
09-15-2008, 9:41 AM
IF anyone has the republic or sith symbols from KotOR that have no backround i would like those so if anyone has them please pm me and i will give you my email adress thanks in advance

I know you said pm, but you never know who else out there may be looking for these. All images came from Bioware and I found them on wookieepedia. I don't know if by no backgrounds you mean you want them transparent or you just mean as they are with no "screenshot" backgrounds, but here ya go. The Pre-Revan Old Republic Icon is the standard Republic Icon. After the events of KOTOR I, the symbol of the Bendu Monks was used which was the circle and eight spokes that signified a unified galaxy through the Force. Its seen in KOTOR 2 on the Khoonda flag.

The Jedi Order Symbol

Old Republic Emblem

Pre-Revan Old Republic Icon

Revanchist-Sith Empire Emblem
 Mandalore The Shadow
09-15-2008, 10:08 AM
those are what i want sorry by no backrounds i ment Transparent can somone tell me how to get rid of a part of a pictire in gimp?
 Marius Fett
09-15-2008, 11:51 AM
Open em in Photoshop, delete the background and save as a .png
09-15-2008, 12:50 PM
The original .jpg's aren't the best quality.. they've been compressed more than they should have been so the color ranges are difficult to isolate. Below is the best (quick) I could do without going in and doing manual pathing.

Still, they might suffice for what you had in mind. If not, at least they'll get you closer to do some manual tweakage ;)

Click here to download a .zip file containing original .jpg's and .png's (
 Mandalore The Shadow
09-15-2008, 2:19 PM
thanks alot guys now i can finish the armor
09-15-2008, 4:29 PM
For future reference you may want to remember that jpegs can not handle transparency. If you ask for a jpeg with a transparent background you're going to get a lot of odd looks. :)
09-16-2008, 3:26 AM
For future reference you may want to remember that jpegs can not handle transparency. If you ask for a jpeg with a transparent background you're going to get a lot of odd looks. :)

Agreed :D

Also, since this is for a mod, might want to let others know as well. I would've given you .tga's instead ;)

You should be able to bring the .png's in to your .tga skin (or GIMP master) while still retaining the transparency.. but saving them in .tga format from the start would've given you a 'better' working resolution. In any case, these are so large that you shouldn't run in to any problems.

If the originals are smaller though, in the future definitely let others know what you need them for (I was assuming a webpage.. but well, you know what they say about assuming.. hehehe) :lol:

Good luck on the armor(s) :)
09-16-2008, 3:29 AM
I still have the source .png's so if you need/want them in a specific format, just let me know, happy to hook ya up with whatever it is you're needing to get done what ya want done.

 Mandalore The Shadow
09-16-2008, 8:07 PM
ok good to know i will keep thet in mind
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