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Jedi Academy Lightsabers for K1 and TSL

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08-29-2008, 12:43 AM
Since several people liked the Jedi Academy saber I made, I am going to make (or at least attempt to make) the rest of them. I think it is better to discuss the new ones here than in the TUCE thread.

This one is a deviation of the Consular saber:
08-29-2008, 12:49 AM
Cool... Don't forget the ever-popular firebrand hilt!
08-29-2008, 1:09 AM
Cool... Don't forget the ever-popular firebrand hilt!
Sounds like a great place to start!:D

I will do this one (the Firebrand) and the Defender next:

Note:, the source for the above pic, has great pics of the entire line, if anyone is not familiar with the designs.
 Marius Fett
08-29-2008, 6:44 AM
Hey Varmint, Oldflash included a few JA hilts in his Final Touch Mod.

The two on the far left, and the one on the left of the gold one. :)

Maybe you could "borrow" the ones he made to include in your pack?

Could save you a lot of time. ;)
08-29-2008, 7:12 AM
Hey Varmint, Oldflash included a few JA hilts in his Final Touch Mod.

The two on the far left, and the one on the left of the gold one. :)

Maybe you could "borrow" the ones he made to include in your pack?

Could save you a lot of time. ;)

*stares at pic in awe for several minutes*

Wow, those are incredible! Well, I'm certainly not going to try to make the same models:lol:

I should go download that and study the mapping......and the textures......and....well.....everything......

Thanks, Marius!!!
08-29-2008, 1:41 PM
Be picky about which hilts you choose to do. Looks like oldflash picked some of the better ones, but most of the hilts in Jedi Academy are painfully dry and boring. I guess that's why there are so many custom hilts available for that game. :)

All of Jedi Academy's hilts, without fail, were also scaled too large. Don't make that mistake here.
08-29-2008, 9:13 PM
:eyepop Oldflash did an awesome job on the Defender hilt. :drool1:
08-29-2008, 9:22 PM
Well, if you are gonna do more, I'd love to see the Guardian, ( Sentinel, ( and the Praetor ( sabers done as well.
08-29-2008, 9:25 PM
:eyepop Oldflash did an awesome job on the Defender hilt. :drool1:

Indeed he did! Chainz is awesome also. Maybe after a year or so, I can try to make something on the Oldflash level. I have only been modeling for a short time, but I think I can pull off a few of the other JA hilts.

Well, if you are gonna do more, I'd love to see the Guardian, ( Sentinel, ( and the Praetor ( sabers done as well.

I will give them a try. I'm not sure about the Guardian, the thingie on the end is going to be a real challenge. I bet I can get pretty close, though.
08-30-2008, 1:33 AM
Nice job !
Can't wait for the Firebrand !!!
08-30-2008, 12:08 PM
All of Jedi Academy's hilts, without fail, were also scaled too large. Don't make that mistake here.

I second that advice :)

08-30-2008, 12:14 PM
I will give them a try. I'm not sure about the Guardian, the thingie on the end is going to be a real challenge. I bet I can get pretty close, though.
Once I learn modeling (I've got an exceptional tut.) I could probably (note how I said PROBABLY) get that hilt, especially the end pieces.
08-30-2008, 12:18 PM
I've got an exceptional tut.
May I ask which one you are referring to? :)

Is it one from here?

08-30-2008, 12:20 PM
May I ask which one you are referring to? :)

Is it one from here?

See above.

I will say this: The tut I am using is not for kotor series, but, I'm only using it for the modeling portion. Once I find an easy to follow tut on UV Mapping, I'll be using that.
08-30-2008, 12:41 PM

See above.

I will say this: The tut I am using is not for kotor series, but, I'm only using it for the modeling portion. Once I find an easy to follow tut on UV Mapping, I'll be using that.

Good community spirit :indif:

08-30-2008, 12:50 PM
Good community spirit :indif:


Actually, I'm helping the community. I'm gonna test out this series of tuts (the modeling one I'm using ATM, and the UV Map tut, that, as I am told, is almost done). If I give the community a method that doesn't work, then, I'll be teaching the wrong way to model and UV Map. But, if these tuts do work, then, I will post them (hopefully)
08-30-2008, 1:15 PM
I am making the UVW tut, and TG is going to beta-test if for me. In the interests of everyone getting along, I will drop a little info. This will seem off-topic at first, but it ties into the sabers nicely at the end:xp:

Using the pic below as an example, I divide a model into several parts prior to mapping in gmax:

Each one will get mapped separately. Some will be parallel, some cylindrical. I am endeavoring to make a tutorial for beginners (like me) who do not yet grasp the finer points. It should give the user a good overview of how to get a simple map applied and adjusted.

This is the same procedure I use for the sabers, so they will start off as several parts, get mapped, get imported, then get attached.

Edit: I may decide to leave the blaster as-is and make a Lego Weapons Pak.
08-30-2008, 2:22 PM
Actually, I'm helping the community. I'm gonna test out this series of tuts (the modeling one I'm using ATM, and the UV Map tut, that, as I am told, is almost done). If I give the community a method that doesn't work, then, I'll be teaching the wrong way to model and UV Map. But, if these tuts do work, then, I will post them (hopefully)

If you are talking about tutorials that are just not released to the public yet (perhaps e-varmint wrote the modeling one too) then that's one thing. Otherwise, keeping a released tutorial from the public may be a good idea if it's not good enough, but refusing to tell me if I ask directly is not something in good community spirit. Kay?

Plus, you just told me that you were using a very good tutorial. I believe the term you used was exceptional.

08-30-2008, 2:30 PM
Plus, you just told me that you were using a very good tutorial. I believe the term you used was exceptional.

I believe he may have meant meant tut as in tut-or, ie. me:D

Anyway, there is another thing that I need to point out for general info. If you refer back to the pic, there are several parts of that blaster that can also be used in sabers. The yellow scope, the purple grip, and the blue barrel will all go into my parts library for future use. This saves a lot of time on future models.
08-30-2008, 2:31 PM
If you are talking about tutorials that are just not released to the public yet then that's one thing. Otherwise, keeping a released tutorial from the public may be a good idea if it's not good enough, but refusing to tell me if I ask directly is not something in good community spirit. Kay?
Umm.. Ok?

Plus, you just told me that you were using a very good tutorial. I believe the term you used was exceptional.

Yes, I did. Mainly as a compliment, as I have yet to complete the modeling portion. And, I still have to wait for E-Varmint's UV Map tut, so, I don't truly know the extent of how good or bad this tutorial is. All I know, is, that for me, its extremely frustrating. So, maybe I won't tell people about this tut, and have people use the better modeling tuts.

Now, I believe that this is varmint's WIP thread for his JA sabers, so, we shall stop this meaningless conversation (that I have lost the meaning of) and stay on topic.
08-30-2008, 2:37 PM
I apologize, e-varmint.

So, maybe I won't tell people about this tut, and have people use the better modeling tuts.
And you don't think that I'm able to come to an objective conclusion on my own? At least now I have a chance at finding it, because you gave me the author and game. (Yes, I did see it before you edited it out). ( Your stubbornness is unappreciated. I'm able to take care of myself, so don't tell me you're not telling me the tutorial for my own good. A PM to me would have saved newer users your perceived trouble and would have been well received.

Now, I believe that this is varmint's WIP thread for his JA sabers
Again, I apologize to him.
we shall stop this meaningless conversation
It's not meaningless to me, thank you very much. But it worked out ok, so there's no need to respond.

08-30-2008, 2:45 PM
And no need for anyone to break out the cyan text either:D

We're all fine here.

08-30-2008, 3:12 PM
Oh, Virtue's lightsaber tutorial? It's passable, but in my experience as both a modder and a Jedi Academy mod helper I and others have found it very confusing and hard to follow in certain sections (especially the UV mapping section which, as someone who knows how to UV map already, I can't make head or tails of). There are much better tutorials out there.

Ender, if you want a good tutorial just ask and I'll write you one. <3 <3 <3
08-30-2008, 3:17 PM
Oh, Virtue's lightsaber tutorial? It's passable, but in my experience as both a modder and a Jedi Academy mod helper I and others have found it very confusing and hard to follow in certain sections (especially the UV mapping section which, as someone who knows how to UV map already, I can't make head or tails of). There are much better tutorials out there.

As I said, I'm only using it for the modeling part.
And, I didn't exactly find it, its just a friend of mine refered it to me. And, before you ask, hes released mods with me before. <_<
08-30-2008, 3:41 PM
I feel slighted that nobody is expressing enthusiasm over my Lego Weapons Pak idea:(

Therefore, I shall abandon it and discuss my method of scaling lightsabers. Here is what I will do:

1) Screenie of saber hilt from gmax

2) Screenie goes to autoCad

3) Screenie scaled to actual size.

4) New hilt constructed to said scale prior to export as .3ds.

This way, the JA sabers should be the same width as the KOTOR sabers. If I make any of them longer, it will be to the bottom, rather than the top. This is also an excellent way to match up the emitter position.
08-30-2008, 4:18 PM
And, I didn't exactly find it, its just a friend of mine refered it to me. And, before you ask, hes released mods with me before. <_<Before I ask? Why would I have asked who referred you to Virtue's tutorial? It's not like it's hard to find. I've referred people to it myself.

Still you could do better. His is very... short, and doesn't really teach that much other than how to make a simple cylinder. It's explains why most released hilts for Jedi Academy are so boring.

Therefore, I shall abandon it and discuss my method of scaling lightsabers. Here is what I will do:Much easier to:

1. Import existing saber to gmax.
2. Scale new saber to old saber.

Done. :)
09-01-2008, 7:55 AM
Since I am stuck with having to make my own texture for parts of these, here is something I discovered that will make things a lot easier. I can open a picture, and have my graphics program make a custom color palette based on the colors in said picture:

Now, it is much easier to make a fill pattern that matches the saber colors:

I can adjust the gradient to match the center part of the small circled area, and that tiny bit of it will be done.
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