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Ebon Hawk in a custome cutscene

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08-09-2008, 2:02 AM
Hello all,
I am yet again stumped :( (I am sorry for all of these questions, but how else would I learn? )
How do I create a cutscene with the ebon hawk flying to a planet? Also, is there a .mdl or something for the ebon hawk? because I have been looking but have found nothing :(
Again, thank you to whomever helps me with this,
 Darth Atris
08-09-2008, 3:18 AM
They used cgi for the planet landing and taking off scenes so ebonhawk is cgi
08-09-2008, 2:52 PM
So I have to re-model the Ebon Hawk? If I want it in a cut-scene?
08-09-2008, 5:01 PM
The Ebon Hawk vids are in Bink video format, so you'll need either 3DSMax or another software with rendering capability to do a cutscene. You don't have to re-model the Ebon Hawk to do a cutscene, you can find the Ebon Hawk model in v_ehawk.mdl with the KotOR tool. After you double click or read and write it with MDLOps, you can import it using NWMax and render your video. After that, you have to convert the video format with RAD video tools.
08-09-2008, 5:11 PM
You could make one using Empire at War if you had it for a cutscene, would allow diversity of ship etc
08-09-2008, 7:08 PM
Thanks for all the help everyone :)
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